No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

Dev credits graphic thanks to Atlus USA
Title: Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Genre: Dungeon RPG
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Players: 1
Release Date: 2015, April 7th
ESRB: E (10 and up)
Price Package: $39.99 USD
FREE DLC for 1 Month: April 7th --- May 5th.

Story Text from Atlus USA Etrian Mystery Dungeon OHP.Behold Aslarga, a beautiful town known for its picturesque scenery, with the Amber Yggdrasil crowning the landscape. The town flourishes thanks to a steady stream of adventurers, all drawn by the mystery dungeons that dot the area.
The mystery dungeons' structure is as twisted and complex as an anthill, and changes each time an adventurer enters, so only the bravest challenge these maddening labyrinths. They receive a great deal of support from Aslarga, from both its citizens and its government. This includes lessons in exploration given by the Guildmaster, as well as laborers who build forts that serve as front-line bases.
Why is Aslarga so active in supporting the adventurers? To hear the town provost tell it, it is "To prepare for the Day of Reckoning..."

- "Roguelike" gameplay done by the masters of the "Mystery Dungeon" genre Chunsoft.
- Dungeons are randomized each time you enter them giving the player a different experience with every new crawl.
- Players will lose all collected items upon a party wipe, so tread carefully while adventuring in the dungeons.
- 10 Classes to choose from spanning from the various main Etrian Odyssey game series, including the new class "Wanderer".
- Find various items, equipment, traps and more in the dungeons.
- Full 3d models of your characters visible when traversing the dungeons. Weapon / Shield "equipment" changes are visible.
- Character color variations available during character creation.
- F.O.E.s have been rebranded as D.O.E.s and are up to their usual no good of getting in the way of our adventurers.
- Fortress & Defense party system, player selected groups with the set purpose of defending the town from being destroyed by monster attacks.

*click on job icon to watch linked video.
*For further details on the classes refer to the official Atlus Etrian Mystery Dungeon - Character Creation page.The current 3 classes locked away from the start of the game are as follows below. These will become unlocked after you complete the 2nd dungeon quest.
- Sovereign
- Ninja
- Wanderer

*Japanese trailers, leaving these up as they contain gameplay footage within them also.
BGM Sample #1 / BGM Sample #2 / BGM Sample #3
Etrian Mystery Dungeon - Full Trailer
Teaser Trailer
Etrian Mystery Dungeon LiveStream #1 / Etrian Mystery Dungeon LiveStream #2
Character Creation
Etrain Mystery Dungeon - 3DS Theme Trailer
Etrian Mystery Dungeon: Going Rogue - IGN Plays

*Thanks to Atlus USA for the DLC info / image.
All of the following DLC below are Free for download from April 7th --- May 5th (This was based off of early information. Exact official DLC info displayed in image above)
Info from Siliconera
- Find the Wanderer, please: This quest will require you to find a Wanderer in the first dungeon. It’ll reward you with the addition of three foods that boost your item and money acquisition rates, along with higher chances of finding special floors.
- Find the Landsknecht!: Similar to the previous quest, you’ll need to find a certain Landsknecht in the second dungeon. This one rewards you with three additional foods that increase your experience points gain and BLAST meter, along with higher chances of finding rare species.
- Defeat the Golden Guardian: There’s a golden guardian wandering around a dungeon, and you’ll need to defeat it. Clearing this quest will give you some money along with a large amount of materials.
- Do You Know The Red Pooka?: You’ll need to defeat the Red Pooka F.O.E wandering around in a dungeon. Defeating the Red Pooka will give you a pair of level-up items.
- Please Find the Sovereign: This fifth DLC quest will have you search for a Sovereign class character in the first dungeon. This quest rewards you with a useful item that lets you keep all your items whenever you fail a dungeon run.

A: Seems like the game will be released in the EU in the fall. Info from GematsuQ: Is this getting an EU localization?
A: Sure! As with all the other games, they have no connection to each other story wise, therefore you can jump in with any of the titles and enjoy the dungeon crawling! Though this title does play quite different from the main-line Etrian Odyssey series. If you are familiar with the overhead view rogue-likes or other Mystery Dungeon games then that is the type of gameplay you can expect.Q: I'm new to the Etrian Odyssey series, would I still enjoy the game?
A: It depends if you are used to rogue-likes or not? If you are unfamiliar with the genre will take a little getting used to, but since its fairly straight forward with the combat being in "turns" things should not be too difficult. Though there is character facing / placement to think about. Also there are strong monsters that wander the dungeons and are not meant to be fought after you level a bit, so initially avoiding them is the best plan as a new player.Q: How hard is this game?
A: It seems like it, though this time around they will be attempting to attack the town and players will have to try to stop them in the dungeon or by setting up defense forts to fight them at with a separate party.Q: Are D.O.E.s the same as the main series F.O.E.s?
A: It seems like the damaged parts of a town will be unusable for a set period of time until it is repaired. (have not had this happen to me yet so am not 100% certain how it exactly works.)Q: What happens when parts of the town are destroyed by D.O.E.s?
A: As with the main series games, there are special classes which are locked either through story progression or certain requirements are met in game. The current 3 locked away classes from the start are as follows below. These will become unlocked after you complete the 2nd dungeon quest.Q: Some of the classes are missing on the character creation screen, what gives?
- Sovereign
- Ninja
- Wanderer
A: Yep here on the NeoGAF forums there is an Etrian Odyssey Community Thread made by omlet, Dandy Crocodile and spiritfox. Feel free to drop by there lots of dedicated fans willing to help out those who are curious about the series!Q: Is there any place I can go to get info on the other titles in the series?

Gaming Age: 100
GamesBeat: 95
US Gamer: 90
Game Revolution: 90
Nintendojo: 91 86
God is a Geek: 85
The Gamers' Temple: 81
Destructoid: 80
Nintendo Life: 80 80
EGM: 75
Gamespot: 70
RPG Fan: 65 50
RPGamer: 50
Taken from the Metacritic page for the game.

New Egg
*Disclaimer: Neither GAF nor myself has any sort of affiliation with the following sites above. These are the sites listed on the official homepage. Mods if you feel this is inappropriate let me know and will remove this section.

Thanks goes out to Atlus Japan and Atlus USA for the resources used to make up the graphics in this OT.
Thanks to Siliconera for the info in the quoted section of the summary.
Thanks to Seda for the US OT title change!
*Have no official affiliation to Atlus Japan, Atlus USA or Siliconera