No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I just got it preordered, today.
Hype levels, rising...
Are Pallys good for end-game?
I was hoping that Wanderers would be good, because they looked baller.
Wanderers are pretty useful. Esp the skill that allows them to dig holes in the dungeon lol. Though if you leave their stone throw skill on automatic good lord do they spam the hell out of that on anything and everything wasting TP. D: Still useful though as they can hit stuff from pretty far away with it.
Its nice to have a well leveled / equipped paladin just in case...

Pre-ordered mine Friday, looks like a pretty fun game! Still not sure what classes I'm going to roll with for my main party >.>
Just keep in mind when you start the game you will have to use a Landshark. But you will be able to change that once you gain access to the town and can fill out the rest of your party.
Do suggest not taking up all the slots early on as once you finish the 2nd dungeon mission you will have access to the other 3 classes mentioned in the class & faq section of the OT.