Started this 2 days ago I'm at the 4th dungeon like it so far .
I like the fact you can have a lot of character and they can still get exp and lvl up .
How long is this game ?
Unfortunately the game doesn't have a clock. I figure I spent about 25 hours getting to the credits and about 20 past that, but the error bars on that are probably wide.
The game is coming to EU this fall with the help of NISA, of course.Better late than never
Started this 2 days ago I'm at the 4th dungeon like it so far .
I like the fact you can have a lot of character and they can still get exp and lvl up .
How long is this game ?
I got my copy on Monday and have made it to the 3rd dungeon . Haven't had much time to really dig into the game yet but I'm enjoying it so far.
It took me a while to figure out how to change direction without actually moving lol... that frustrated me at first but now all is well. The AI is not really bothering me. I switch leaders constantly in battle and have been doing alright. Had a few "bail out!" moments so far but haven't been wiped out yet.
Is there a way to make your followers actually follow you? Like a full teather. Example is: I enter a room. It is filled with monsters at the other end. I want to run out so I leave the way I came. My partners either stay right where they are, or go and attack. Death follows.
Medic, where are you going? Medic? Medic?! MEDIC!!!!
<) )╯ RE-
/ \
( (> CALL
/ \
<) )> SCROLL
/ \
And all was right in the world.
Got the game yesterday, what should I expect?
I play a lot of roguelikes and when does the difficulty pick up? I'm at the 4th dungeon, I've done every quest, and I haven't had to do a single rescue yet. I've only had 1 or 2 deaths. Then again... No DOEs yet.
Still a great game though.
Is there a way to make your followers actually follow you? Like a full teather. Example is: I enter a room. It is filled with monsters at the other end. I want to run out so I leave the way I came. My partners either stay right where they are, or go and attack. Death follows.
I play a lot of roguelikes and when does the difficulty pick up? I'm at the 4th dungeon, I've done every quest, and I haven't had to do a single rescue yet. I've only had 1 or 2 deaths. Then again... No DOEs yet.
Still a great game though.
To get wrecked by normal enemies for a little while lol
One thing folks might not be used to who are unfamiliar with the mystery dungeon genre is the whole stamina (hunger) and things like treasure boxes vanish after X amount of actions.
Treasure boxes will be a blinking blue dot on your minimap so look out for that when you get into a room. Rats can pick these up and throw it at you making the contents / chest worthless when it hits you. There are items which can teleport you to where it is thrown but you need to find those in the dungeon.
Outside of that just read the tips in the OT
1 hour to the game and I almost got wiped mbecause the enemy somehow try to surprise me on a new floor lol
Thank god for Ariadne Thread
Also, why does my Gunner so underlevel while Runemaster seems to level up pretty quick? How EXP work in this game?
Level reqs are different for the classes it seems. No idea why that is, but apparently its how the game is designed.
Another question, all class is usable right?
no, especially the first one lolYou're going to need to be more specific.
The class called All is usable? No.
All classes from previous EO games usable in EMD? No.
All classes in EMD usable from the start of the game? No.
All classes in EMD usable in your party at the same time? No.
Room in your guild to make at least one of every class in the game? Yes.
I think he means if there any classes he should avoid cause it sucks or is bugged. And the answer is no, all classes are viable.
From my experience so far, not really.What I mean, is there any useless class or no?
From my experience so far, not really.
I'm running Paladin / Dancer / Gunner / Hexer (haven't changed my party since making it).
Some are better than others for certain things. For example, Hexer is amazing for packs of enemies, just like in mainline EO games. And just like in mainline EO games, they can't really do much consistent damage to bosses.
Is this game fun? Love EO series but I've never played any of the Pokemon Mystery Dungron games, so I don't really know what to expect.
Is this game fun? Love EO series but I've never played any of the Pokemon Mystery Dungron games, so I don't really know what to expect.
I wish Sovereign buffs always worked on the Sovereign themselves. My Princess could totally tank if I could guarantee Protect and Guard Order would hit her. For now my Wanderer has become my tank since she is the only one who can take a hit and always be buffed.
Its kind of surprising that they did not catch that in the QA process since there is no real explanation why it occurs outside of it being a "bug".
So that is a bug? I thought Sovereign being unavlble to buff themselves occasionally is intentional....
I don't think there's anything to fix or address with regards to the exp. Something this obvious is clearly intentional and is probably there as some kind of balance for certain classes.
Or at least those who may've been intimidated in the past or don't mind something more leisurely but with some twists and additions to keep it interesting. But yeah, this definitely is easier than the original Shiren aside from a freak incident taking my fresh new team to revisit the first dungeon that resulted in a total party wipe.Folks who have not played a mystery dungeon game before seem to be having fun. Plus its not so hardcore as to scare away new players.
Don't forget to make use of suspend states!So I've been enjoying this game, but the DS battery life is crap. I just opened my DS to find it dead, costing me 10,000 gold.
Exploring through the 4th new dungeon up to the last floor before the boss in the first try is intense as hell
My Runemaster burn through 4 Yggdrasil Leaf in one encounter, wtf
Oh my goodness I just beat the 4th dungeon boss (first try but it was a close call!) and the event after is just too perfect lol.Where you find the EO1 deer FOE encased in amber and they call it an ancient species and suddenly "DOE" becomes even more hilarious.
The battle was hilarious for meTook forever though as the cursemaker was fairly worthless in that fight which I had with me due to fighting through all the other stuff before the boss it just consisted of the princess constantly putting up the 1 time protection against status effects while the boss constantly tried to keep casting them over and over lol.
I got off to a bad start and burned a few Ygg Leaf but once I repositioned my party (Paladin/Dancer/Hexer/Gunner)) I whittled him down and avoid his AOE spam (leaving only my Paladin in melee range, dancer behind her to heal/refresh
My hexer was MVP on damage in that fight, just spammed Power Word lol... my gunner was missing 50% of her shots orz.
I had an alt party intercept at the tower around halfway down the dungeon so I never engaged with my main party. (They won, too, and it was a party I had never actually fielded so I wasn't sure how they'd do lol.)
Btw did you ever trying hanging out on a single floor for a long period of time? I could be imagining things, but I heard a weird noise and with how some other games like either an unkillable or super hard monster appears figured that was some sort of trigger so I skipped to the next floor instead of hanging around to see what happens.