Depends on what your crew is. Hexers aren't the only ailment-capable class in the game, they're just the best ailment-capable class in a game where ailments are incredibly important. Gunner can get you through if you spec for binding shots, for example. And you can enchant weapons to cause ailments on hit (low chance, but lots of chances).I don't have hexer in my crew. Am I screwed?
Well main crew is Landshark, Runemaster, Gunner, and Wanderer. I have a hexer in my second team and their level aren't too far apart, only the weapons are inferior.
Depends on what your crew is. Hexers aren't the only ailment-capable class in the game, they're just the best ailment-capable class in a game where ailments are incredibly important. Gunner can get you through if you spec for binding shots, for example. And you can enchant weapons to cause ailments on hit (low chance, but lots of chances).
One thing of note about ailments is that Paralysis specifically is a very not-useful ailment. The reason I say that is because the AI has a tendency to ignore paralyzed targets. If paralysis sticks, they'll just stop attacking. For this reason I would not invest in anything that causes paralysis.
The way the rescue team works is really frustrating, so much menus and dialogs when I generally have to go down one floor or two and have zero trouble. Let me set a default rescue team (or hell auto select members it barely matters), auto merge my rescue team's items into storage/inventory when I complete it. The way the game handles it is so fussy. I spend as much time in menus as I do rescuing.
Hmm, I never actually used the rescue feature because the game was so easy for me... :v Unless you're really pressing your luck, wiping while exploring is reeeally hard to do. My rule of thumb was if anyone in my party went down I would immediately consider warping out. If I got low on warp wires then I would go back to the earlier dungeons where they are a common find to collect a few.
I only had one wipe and it was at a boss room and I can't really remember why but for some reason I didn't have to send a rescue party. I might have had one of those items with that sends you to town.
Hmm, I never actually used the rescue feature because the game was so easy for me... :v Unless you're really pressing your luck, wiping while exploring is reeeally hard to do. My rule of thumb was if anyone in my party went down I would immediately consider warping out. If I got low on warp wires then I would go back to the earlier dungeons where they are a common find to collect a few.
Head bind them and they can't explode.Uuuuugggghhhhh this snow dungeon. It's filled with enemies that explode in a 3x3 radius and halve your HP and I've killed THREE DOEs and there are still more. Every single one means I run out of TP and have to run away. I can't tell if they're just respawning as fast as I can kill them due to that or if there's just a billion.
Trade the gunner for someone who can heal. Dancer, princess, or medic. Dancer is also a fantastic melee attacker. Your hexer can handle binds and your runemaster can do the elemental damage.My main party doesn't have a proper way to heal (my protector takes 1 damage from 99% of attacks but >100 from these stupid ice bulbs), heal TP (only my protector has infinite if she takes enough hits) or knock away the stupid ice bulbs.
My party is Protector (no shield bash, can't get it soon), Hexer, Runemaster and Gunner (all normal attack focus). Should I be taking along a Wanderer or Protector that can knock away enemies? Should I bring a healer (I guess I could ditch my runemaster pretty easy)? Should I just totally ignore the DOEs and reach the bottom for now?
I wondered the same thing and I'm actually not sure. I did put points in that skill and never really had problems with Evil Eye not working, despite it not having the word "curse" in its title. Be sure to also give your hexer gear with luck stat, as that's the key stat for ailment and bind success.BTW, does the "curse rate up" skill for Hexer effect the Fear/Suicide Word skills? They're not called curse and they're like half of what I use her for so I'm a little iffy on spending points in that yet. I mostly poison/slow DOEs and Fear/Suicide normal enemies with her with Power Word as a single-target skill (that her AI is a little over-eager to cast)
Head bind them and they can't explode.
Trade the gunner for someone who can heal. Dancer, princess, or medic. Dancer is also a fantastic melee attacker. Your hexer can handle binds and your runemaster can do the elemental damage.
I wondered the same thing and I'm actually not sure. I did put points in that skill and never really had problems with Evil Eye not working, despite it not having the word "curse" in its title. Be sure to also give your hexer gear with luck stat, as that's the key stat for ailment and bind success.
Hexer and gunner should be able to handle it.Oh thank god. Any surefire head-binding? I think only my Gunner or Hexer can do it currently, and I'd need to spend some skill points too. I can add it to weapons but Im' not sure how effective it is. Was planning to make a super-status weapon for my gunner eventually, I got a Fear + leg-bind gun and it's very effective when it works but inconsistent.
No, because the princess doesn't get TP back 100% of the time.Speaking of buffs, does a Princess with maxed TP recovery end up with basically infinite TP just by buffing herself? Was thinking of replacing Runemaster with Princess for buffs + heal (are her heals useful? They seem really limited/situational).
Scrlls aren't worth hauling around to sell so yeah just use them.I had good luck this last time with Confuse scrolls though so I think I'll be taking those with me for DOE hunting, gives my Runemaster something to do if I want to save her MP.
I believe it was in this thread that I warned about that. It's why you shouldn't use paralyze or skills that proc it, like that one runemaster skill.Also, since I got the chain-paralyze skill I'm super annoyed by the AI not targeting paralyzing enemies. There's nothing like paralyzing a whole swath of foes at once...then watching as my entire party stops attacking.
Hexer and gunner should be able to handle it.
No, because the princess doesn't get TP back 100% of the time.
Scrlls aren't worth hauling around to sell so yeah just use them.
I believe it was in this thread that I warned about that. It's why you shouldn't use paralyze or skills that proc it, like that one runemaster skill.
Oh, I guess that is an option, huh. Didn't think of that because I beat the whole main game and half the postgame (before The Incident) without ever using those special blast meter skills a single time...I still find the single-paralyze very useful (it's the only skill I have my runemaster AI use) but I hadn't realized how big of a deal it would be to paralyze a whole room. I think I'll get the max fireball skill instead, even though I'm sticking to shock lvl1. Stunlocking bosses is too good and it works on DOEs sometimes with not much extra TP cost (I use Command All for DOEs anyway)
There are, but they're very rare. I think I saw little side rooms full of 4 or 5 items maybe twice ever, so really not much point in going out expecting to find those.I assume this game doesn't have any neat secrets you can find with the dig/water walk skills? Chocobo's Dungeon would occasionally hide treasure rooms or other secret stuff if you had Dig claws. But without those the Wanderer's skillset doesn't seem appealing enough. If only they could learn all 3 harvesting skills instead of 2/3.
I can't imagine fighting the DOE without the blast meter, though it's pretty useless otherwise--but it's a nice full heal every 2 meter. I once bumbled into a DOE at a doorway instead of mid-room and had to use half of my Command All just to get my band of idiots to let it into the room, I probably would have wiped or had to escape the dungeon without it.Oh, I guess that is an option, huh. Didn't think of that because I beat the whole main game and half the postgame (before The Incident) without ever using those special blast meter skills a single time...
There are, but they're very rare. I think I saw little side rooms full of 4 or 5 items maybe twice ever, so really not much point in going out expecting to find those.
I can't imagine fighting the DOE without the blast meter, though it's pretty useless otherwise--but it's a nice full heal every 2 meter. I once bumbled into a DOE at a doorway instead of mid-room and had to use half of my Command All just to get my band of idiots to let it into the room, I probably would have wiped or had to escape the dungeon without it.
Yeah, not too worth it then. It was cool in Chocobo's Dungeon because you could easily carry around a pair of Dig Claws at the expense of one whole item slot and dig in. And as long as you didn't break them they were easy to repair and thus not-quite-infinite. When it costs a whole party member and a bunch of TP, no thanks.
Man I miss weapons in Chocobo's Dungeon. Lots of great stuff like AOE normal attacks, dig through walls, cool saddles and rings too. They made the most out of every equipment slot.
The other forts buff your party's power when fighting in them, so yes, they are useful if you can afford them. I built a lot of elemental forts and they boost your party's attack with that element (at least they seemed to), so they're actually a super good idea. There's no need for a strategy guide, just build forts that play to your party's strengths. The DOEs that appear are randomized, anyway, so there is no wrong answer when building elemental forts.Is there ever a reason to use anything other than a Search fort? Never had a DOE hit a fort (except when I'm actively in the dungeon) and elemental forts seem like a super stupid idea. I hate when elemental design in games seems to expect you to sit there with a strategy guide open to know when elements are relevant because they aren't 95% of the time.
No, provoke makes enemies attack you. The draw skill literally sucks all the enemies in the room in as close to the protector as possible. It's for those pesky ranged attack enemies and/or if you use melee characters.What's this "draw enemies in room to you" skill on Protector? Isn't that what Provoke does? I can't easily reach it to try it out yet. I feel like I'm leveling really slowly after level 20.
Damn the first DOEwas tough. It wrecked my Fort party (they ran out of TP), and when my main party encountered it it took half an hour of a battle of attrition to finally kill it. Protector + Dancer at the entrance of a room are practically invulnerable. The loot was pretty disappointing for all that effort ( ; _Furyhorn![]()
So far the game seems to be pretty easy. I wonder if I should switch out my Runemaster for a Wanderer for increased utility.
I went WAT at first with my fight till I found out you needed to put on negative stats to even damage it lol. Thank god had someone in my PT at the time who could do that and we were in the fort with the backup party so that helped a lot. Granted on occasion the AI controlled characters got in the way of mine so that kinda messed things up. But better them taking damage than me lol
The wanderer while it wastes TP is hilarious useful in the sense of being an early warning system with the rock throwing at enemies from afar. Man when you have 2 of them in the party without having turned off the rock throwing skill you almost feel sorry for the enemies as they must be wondering where the hell did that come from. lol
Later on being able to break through walls and stuff can be useful on occasions.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to be unkillable at first. My Fort part had a Hexer, but I found out the trick a bit too late, lol
Still, it'd be nice if we could see its HP. The thing felt like it had practically one hundred times more HP than the other critters. Geez.
Yeah its kinda crazy. Honestly did not like that system at all. Not sure why they decided to go that route. As a lot of times the DOEs felt a lot more dangerous than the stupid floor bosses that were just punching bags lol.
Yeah, I feel the need for inflicting ailments kind of hurts party creation.
Well, at least they managed to translate the intimidation factor of the FOEs well, that's for sure.
Huh, I went back and killed the remaining DOEs of the Haunted Woods, and either that first DOE was massively stronger than the rest, or going at 8 against 1 made things much easier. Still, advancing time sucks lol. -50 FP is one hell of a toll.
I must say, this game really makes you feel strapped for cash, mainly because you gotta equip your entire guild.
Haha, I just did that one the other day for the first time, by chance I used a Sealing attack on it and then I realised I could hurt it. Managed to kill it, teleported out and came back with a Hexer and I'm doing much better now. Also Hexer has Poison up to max so if the DOE tries to summon anything I just use that and end up taking out pretty much everything in a few turns XD.Damn the first DOEwas tough. It wrecked my Fort party (they ran out of TP), and when my main party encountered it it took half an hour of a battle of attrition to finally kill it. Protector + Dancer at the entrance of a room are practically invulnerable. The loot was pretty disappointing for all that effort ( ; _Furyhorn![]()
My copy is finally on the way, can't wait to get stuck into this!
The Hexer seems essential for dealing with bosses- do players recommend having one in your main exploration team, or leaving them in a fort and rotating them in to help deal with bosses?
Basically any character that can perform status ailment effects will work on the DOEs, but in general yeah a hexer is good to have.
If you are planning on fighting DOEs then yeah its better if you control the hexer yourself rather than leaving it to the AI stationed in forts. At least thats how I see it.
I'm finding a gunner is good if you focus alot on their status binds, they have the bonus of being able to do alot of damage once the binds are on.
That said Hexer with the Mass Poison is great when DOE's summon all the monsters on the floor to the same room as you.
Yup, gunner is pretty much always good to have and leave the AI to manage it, just turn off using skills and it will slowly pick off stuff while you manage The Protector up front handling agro or whichever Spellcaster you have with you.Yeah a gunner is really useful too for single targets and such. Plus the AI is useful for shooting stuff far away on occasions when it works correctly lol.
Yup, gunner is pretty much always good to have and leave the AI to manage it, just turn off using skills and it will slowly pick off stuff while you manage The Protector up front handling agro or whichever Spellcaster you have with you.
Only time I will control my Gunner is if I need to Bind something.
I can't wait to get stuck into it, it sounds like you feel more like running a wider guild than just an adventuring party with a few substitute gatherers.
I just started this. At the moment it feels like the enemies are either really easy or one-shot my party members.I think I'm missing something.
My copy is finally on the way, can't wait to get stuck into this!
The Hexer seems essential for dealing with bosses- do players recommend having one in your main exploration team, or leaving them in a fort and rotating them in to help deal with bosses?
So, the materials picking skills. Are they group-wide, or do I have to change to a specific character with the specific skill for it to trigger?
The early game is always pretty rough. I suggest you get a Protector to Provoke and take hits.