5 Dancers is an overpowered party tactic, you know. You should be ashamed for allowing your friend to cheese through the game~
I haven't said anything worthwhile in this thread lololol
Standby for an Etrian Odyssey anime series, heh. The CEO did say that Atlus looks forward to more cross-media projects with their own IP after their success with the Persona stuff.I'm slow to this, but I just now realized how 2014 was practically to Etrian Odyssey as 2013 was to Persona.
- The sequel to a spin-off of the series was announced.
- A live stream dedicated to the series took place on November 24th.
- A new spin-off of the series was announced, as a collaboration project between two developers.
- The fifth mainline entry in the series was announced via a short teaser trailer at the very end of the live stream.
That's pretty good.
Cross-posting this here because it's actually fracturing my mind a bit:
Standby for an Etrian Odyssey anime series, heh. The CEO did say that Atlus looks forward to more cross-media projects with their own IP after their success with the Persona stuff.
Hey, folks. Untold Girl is super cheap ($14.99) on the eStore right now. Should I pick it up? I just started the 2nd dungeon in EO4 and am enjoying it.
(I really want Persona Q but it's still way too expensive...)
Been a fan of dungeon crawlers for a long time but somehow never played any of the EO games. Persona Q finally gave me the kick in the pants I needed I guess, so I bought Untold and IV. I started both of them just to play long enough to open up the streetpass features. Now to decide which to play through first.
If you started both and aren't feeling a strong preference either way I'd say carry on with Untold (classic mode, I hope!) first since EO1/Untold kind of set the stage for the whole seriesand play on expert difficulty if you are not new to the genre
I can't say I'm thrilled with Fire Bulbs in EO4. The assholes just explode and then I die. In fact, most of the monsters in the Misty Ravine are jerks.
Head bind them. Misty Ravine's all about them binds,
If you can hold out until about the midway pointSee, I don't really have a party that does a lot of binding.Landsknecht/Dancer/Fortress/Medic/Runemaster.
If you can hold out until about the midway pointThat usually makes life a lot easier.you'll get an Arcanist guest character with circles who can bind all of them in one go.
Oh, hell yeah. I've already mapped out the entirety of the first floor so it shouldn't be too long now...
I got it when it was on sale, but for not as much as now, and it was worth it then. So yes, pick it up. Just make sure you have enough room on your SD card... (I need a bigger SD card myself, actually...)Hey, folks. Untold Girl is super cheap ($14.99) on the eStore right now. Should I pick it up? I just started the 2nd dungeon in EO4 and am enjoying it.
Another option is to quickly kill these bulbs before they can explode. They're weak to Ice IIRC.
I got it when it was on sale, but for not as much as now, and it was worth it then. So yes, pick it up. Just make sure you have enough room on your SD card... (I need a bigger SD card myself, actually...)
pretty hyped for all 3 Atlus titles next year :3
At least y'all are sure to get Etrian Mystery Dungeon.
I'm getting it first day but won't be able to play ;_;
Atelier Shallie comes out on the same day and I need to sate my desire for moar Atelier ;_;
Codename Steam comes out 3 days later too ;_;
It'll be announced eventually, of course. The question is when. I don't think EOU2 will be releasing before/in April in North America.
Lately their NA releases have been about 6 months after the Japanese release, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case for EO:U 2. Perhaps Atlus is simply putting all their promotional effort into EO: Mystery Dungeon first so that Untold 2 doesn't steal its thunder.
I rather like it ¯\_( ̄ω ̄ )_/¯
Especially in the second picture.
second pic makes it hard to tell she's got a toothpick waist so she looks better there
or if you want to be romantic, it's because she's under the blanket of a starry sky.