I've never played an Etrian game, but I enjoy Dungeon crawlers like Persona Q and Demon Gaze. And right now, EO IV is on sale for $15 on the eShop...
Kinda want to jump on it. I don't need to play any of the other games to understand it, right?
I've never played an Etrian game, but I enjoy dungeon crawlers like Persona Q and Demon Gaze. And right now, EO IV is on sale for $15 on the eShop...
Kinda want to jump on it. I don't need to play any of the other games to understand it, right?
Suffer is a powerful word; I enjoyed them. What makes them so bad in comparison to EO?if you suffered through Demon Gaze and Persona Q, yeah of course you should buy EOIV. how to put it? a fine dessert after a terrible dinner?
It begins.
I've never played an Etrian game, but I enjoy dungeon crawlers like Persona Q and Demon Gaze. And right now, EO IV is on sale for $15 on the eShop...
Kinda want to jump on it. I don't need to play any of the other games to understand it, right?
Ideally, everyone should start with EO1/EOU Classic Mode.
Suffer is a powerful word; I enjoyed them. What makes them so bad in comparison to EO?
It begins.
Suffer is a powerful word; I enjoyed them. What makes them so bad in comparison to EO?
It begins.
you're always going to say that and I will always say EO4 lol.
Words about PQ and DG
Will do. I'm not even level 10 yet, so I'm nowhere near a 'good' level of progress.Make sure to sometimes post your progress here~
Ha, that's my exact party currently....I ran with P/DH/R | H/M...
Yeah, I wanted to know if there was a quicker/less tedious method. It seems like B6 is the best harvesting spot? Unfortunately, I'm talking about the original EO.For money, like Zweizer said, in OG EO1 (and 2), Survivalists party with harvesting skills...yeah it's a little tedious but it's the best way. In EOU1 I had way more money than I could ever spend without even trying hard to make money.
It took around 3 turns for me to defeat the final boss. :SBoss battles were only hard at the beginning, then everything was a snore until the last boss, who is only hard because he uses stupid mechanics that are random and you have limited means to defend against (kidnapping).
Overall Demon Gaze wasn't *bad* IMO but it has some major problems that soured what could have been a better experience. Your time is much better spent on EO if you like dungeon crawlers.
It took around 3 turns for me to defeat the final boss. :S
My team consists of a Landsknecht (lv 27), Fortress (lv30), Sniper (lv 30), Runemaster (lv26) and Arcanist (lv 30). I don't grind, but I don't run from fights either I have done 22 side quests at the bar.
Any advice?
Not if you're quick enough to not let him get a chance summon. I loaded up my Fighter with crazy Samurai skills and watched the HP bar drop by about 1/3 every round. "Is that really it?" was my reaction.How is this even possible? You have to fight through all the previously beaten bosses, don't you?
Yeah, I wanted to know if there was a quicker/less tedious method. It seems like B6 is the best harvesting spot? Unfortunately, I'm talking about the original EO.
My team consists of a Landsknecht (lv 27), Fortress (lv30), Sniper (lv 30), Runemaster (lv26) and Arcanist (lv 30). I don't grind, but I don't run from fights either I have done 22 side quests at the bar.
Any advice?
That feeling when you're deep in a dungeon and realize you didn't buy Ariadne Thread.
Finally picked up EOU a couple weeks back and just finished the first story stratum. This is my second EO game after IV (Which became an all time favorite RPG for me) and I'm really liking it. I actually like the way the story is forcing me to use different class setups than I would choose myself. I wouldn't for a second want that in a main EO game, but for a side remake thing, it's cool. It also has made the game surprisingly difficult playing on Hard. I really miss having an Arcanist for debuffs and nightseeker to do massive burst DPS, but on the other hand I'm learning how to effectively use ranged Gunners for binds and dedicated healers (Something I never picked up on in IV). The lack of a subclass system is clearly going to make this game a much, much worse game for me than EOIV, but it's still quite fun.
I hope they don't bring the floor jump system into future EO titles, though. Being able to warp to any entrance or exit you've cleared kills the risk/reward for me in a lot of ways. Really hate what it does to the design.
Was already working on that with one of them. I said B6 because of the thin shells. I could buy Gold Chimes and try B18, but...I'm guessing your Survivalist party is too low-leveled to go harvest in deeper floors? I'd suggest you put some points into Stalker and check the radar while moving around.
Was already working on that with one of them. I said B6 because of the thin shells. I could buy Gold Chimes and try B18, but...
I hope they don't bring the floor jump system into future EO titles, though. Being able to warp to any entrance or exit you've cleared kills the risk/reward for me in a lot of ways. Really hate what it does to the design.
That's sort of what I was thinking. Just make it so that you unlock warping in after mapping most of a floor, but you basically need to complete the stratum to unlock warping out. I really like floor jump for helping you get back in the action as quickly as possible, but it is pretty silly that it diminishes the value of threads. Plus, it's really easy in Untold to warp straight to the floor with the healing spring in the second stratum, which makes the inn and the springs in the later stratums not nearly as useful.I don't see an issue since it's optional, although maybe it could be unlocked if you've reached the lowest floor of the dungeon section instead of as you clear floors like in EOU1 so it doesn't feel as cheap.
Muckdile country.https://www.google.com/maps/@26.535...!1e1!3m2!1su2433Hy2oPl3Eo6xDpMRQA!2e0!6m1!1e1
Somewhat OT, but instantly thought of the Etrian Odyssey series when I saw that when driving home earlier this week.
Somewhat OT, but instantly thought of the Etrian Odyssey series when I saw that when driving home earlier this week.
I barely managed to stay alive in the red baboon boss fight, so I'm trying to grind a bit. Aside from leveling and buying the best equips possible, I'm not sure how else to get stronger. On a side note, I'm never, EVER going into a dungeon without Ariadne Thread EVER again.
Monsters like the stupid scorpions can easily kill my party even now if I don't off them first. i don't even want to think about taking out an FOE. And I would like to hang around in dungeons longer, but someone (usually my Nightseeker) runs out of TP and then I have to hoof it back to town.As for getting stronger, well... generally the EO games are designed with the encounter rate such that as long as you are fully exploring every map, going back to town when your bag fills up (I usually take about 15-20 items with me on a trip), not running from many encounters, not swapping your party around (or resting/retiring early), and killing FOEs as soon as you're able to you'll generally be at the appropriate level for the entire main game and won't have to "grind" or anything.
Then past the level 70 cap in postgame is when you might need to do some leveling just for the sake of leveling. Or sooner, if you're not doing one or more of the things I listed.
I don't see an issue since it's optional, although maybe it could be unlocked if you've reached the lowest floor of the dungeon section instead of as you clear floors like in EOU1 so it doesn't feel as cheap.
Somewhat OT, but instantly thought of the Etrian Odyssey series when I saw that when driving home earlier this week.
Monsters like the stupid scorpions can easily kill my party even now if I don't off them first. i don't even want to think about taking out an FOE. And I would like to hang around in dungeons longer, but someone (usually my Nightseeker) runs out of TP and then I have to hoof it back to town.
So, I finally defeated Iwaopeln yesterday after much preparation...before it instantly respawned and a guide tells me I have to defeat every FOE first. fml
Monsters like the stupid scorpions can easily kill my party even now if I don't off them first. i don't even want to think about taking out an FOE. And I would like to hang around in dungeons longer, but someone (usually my Nightseeker) runs out of TP and then I have to hoof it back to town.
And yes, I always buy 2 threads now.
and then that next floor... *goes off to YouTube for the music*
That feeling when you're deep in a dungeon and realize you didn't buy Ariadne Thread.
EO1's fifth stratum is my least favorite fifth stratum.
It looks cool, but is really boring to explore. There's no interesting puzzles sadly.
The music is nice, but too upbeat for the area imo, making it my least favorite fifth stratum song.
I don't care much for EO1's dungeons all around actually. At least the sixth one is cool.
Edit: Forgot about how disappointingly short EO4's fifth dungeon was. Well, at least it has better music going for it...
EO5 has my favorite 5th Stratum, but the one from EO1 is probably the most memorable one.
You holding out on us?
Footage of what happened the last time someone spilled. Nice knowing you, Mauricio.Altus police will be arriving shortly. Please do not resist.
I fear noth-