The talent trees are kind of a mess, everyone runs out of TP way too quickly and like three of the classes are kind of useless.
Also this fucking room keeps spawning goddamned ants when I'm trying to fight the boss.
1. You probably leveled up the spells a bit too much for your level. It may seem a good idea to go for level 5-10 but if your mana pool can't handle it, then dont do it. You do know you can reset the skills points right? It will cost you 2 levels. Also, what class are useless.
2. You can destroy the eggs before engaging the queen, but you have to do it in certain order or they will overwhelm you before you are done with the eggs. I remember it took me like 4-5 tries to get it right
3. After you destroy the final egg, you can initiate an attack from behind to get a free turn on the queen. The biggest problem here is here earthquake like skill. It lowers your accuracy and it has a chance of blinding. Lowering her evasion, binding her leg or buffing your accuracy would help a lot here
The Fourth Labyrinth Boss in EOIV is giving me a lot of trouble.
He has a AOE attack that destroys my back line, which includes my medic. The advice I see online is to bind his arms, but my Arcanist always misses.
Landsknecht, Survivalist and Troubadour all seem kind of crap.
What's the order? I tried like five times and each time the eggs respawned..
Now, as much as I had fun with the series, there is always a low point on the dungeons: for EOU and EOUII is the 3rd stratum for me. For EOIII it was the 4th. For EOIV it was the 3rd. This super low point is when I'm always about to quit, but it really picks off after that point.
EO2U is a lot better than EOU. A far better grimoire system, still not perfect because of the random chance of gaining them, but at least you can use them throughout the game without relying on the item duplication bug. Classes are a lot more interesting since they were willing to make more changes from how they were in the original game. Dungeons are more interesting, this is moreso because of the original game, the dungeons started to get more puzzle focused as the series went on, leaving the more barebones layouts of the first game feeling more like a test of endurance.
I don't know how you could dislike those cool gate puzzles with FOEs and holes, EOIII's 4th dungeon was so interesting. All of EOIII's dungeons were so good.
Did you destroy all his scales to power him down?
You can some charms to reduce the damage like anti fire if it's a fire attack or anti bash if it is a bash attack.
Also, check if the attack is on a timer (every X turns) so you can defend that turn and heal the next
But but.. That's like 3 of my main party for EOU expert lol. My party was Landsknecht/Ronin/Darh Hunter and Troubador/Survivalist
I think you have to start form the egg on the east, but do it form the inside (the 3x3 grid) so you can catch up to the queen.
Also, Landsknecht = Decent damage dealer with high armor. I used raging edge cause it was a low tp skill that I could spam. Recover is also good, but the skill doenst do what the text says it does. Savage cry is okay if you have a defensive buff or a tank.
For troubador, I just said fuck it and got Holy Gift. Also Warrior and Shelter Song are super good for the party. Healing Lullaby is your healing skill. If you get a Healing grimore from the ants, give it to your troubador.
Sniper is okay, not the best it coudl be. I opened Trickery to get Chain dance (taunt), so it can take some heat from the fron row. Sure Shot can help in this battle too.
The 4th Labyrinth is the onein Cloudy Stronghold--Cradle Guardian
The Fourth Labyrinth Boss in EOIV is giving me a lot of trouble.
He has a AOE attack that destroys my back line, which includes my medic. The advice I see online is to bind his arms, but my Arcanist always misses.
To be honest, the low point comes more form the dungeon look and sound. After the interesting settings early in the game this is like meh.. Also, by this point I was a little bit to burn out so I played much less until I finished it, then I was back on the EO grind. Consider that I played EOIII over 3 times because it is that good (New game + do not count as one extra playthrough to me)
Still, for the whole series (minus og EO and EOII) the lower points were EOU 3rd and EOIV 3rd. EOU 3rd was annoying but thank god it was short. EOIV 3rd is in a cave, with a music that doenst really make me want to go through the dungeon, I really wanted to get over with it, that being said the payoff is super good because EOIV 4th is one of the best with a great bg music and battle theme
I don't hate how the game plays or anything. Third stratum is just kind of ass, and it's making me overly critical I guess. Maybe I'll retire some of my party and see what I can do.
I understand getting burned out, as much as I love this series, there isn't a single game where I didn't take at least one long break from it. That's more because I just feel like playing a different game than anything about the EO game itself though. I feel it's an easy series to jump back into at any time.
Usually it's the first one or two dungeons that I find to be the weakest personally, since there's generally not a lot going on with puzzles. EOU was rough, not really getting interesting until the 4th dungeon, and then the 5th dungeon, despite being visually interesting has surprisingly straightforward and uninteresting floor layouts.
EOIII being the godlike game that it is had interesting dungeons all the way through it.
Hm, I retired my protector and turned her in to a landsknecht.
Level 9 raging edge costs 6 tp. That's pretty cheap. What else is useful?
Done with EO2 now, yay! Beat Ur Child and all the other post game bosses. Didn't quite finish completing the gear registry because I just got tired of farming for materials, but that's fine. I'm ready to move on to EO3.
I do have some questions regarding a post game event in EO2 and class choice in EO3. For EO2,. As for my EO3 question, before I potentially make a terrible and awful mistake, is Princess/Monk in any way a viable healer? Looking over the skills for the classes, that's kind of the direction I want to there really nothing that happens after defeating Ur Child? Considering there was the one event about all the monsters coming down the labyrinth, it seems really odd that there doesn't seem to be a resolution
From what I remember when I beat Ur Child in OG EO2 there was no event or special NPC dialog, just the katana unlock, but it's been several years since I played it... may have noticed that there's no after battle text when you kill Ur-Child. In all the other Etrian Odyssey games, it usually pops up after defeating the true final boss, congratulating you. Well uh, funny story about that. There is actually after battle text in the game. The problem is that the programmers actually forgot to set a trigger for it to pop up.
I beat that fucking ant queen.
... And then I read that you get a conditional drop for beating her with her head bound. :<
Most boss conditional drops are designed to be hard/impossible to get the first time you fight the boss. Even if you get them the equipment they unlock will normally cost upwards of 1 or 2 hundred thousand. Revisit when you're higher level.
I actually managed to beat the ant queen with head bound the first time in my EOU play but it was quite a while before I could afford the item it unlocks.
I have ten thousand cash/dollars/zenny.![]()
Why do you have so much? I normally don't have any after spending all on equipment.
Also, it's ental.
I killed a bunch of FOE's. The bears in the jungle drop a thing that sells for 900 if you bind their arms.
Masteries stack.
Except Sword mastery. I read several places that it doesn't stack properly (supposedly fixed in EOU2).
Formula Mastery is actually a key grimoire for beating the postgame boss quickly for story mode party, or similar setup. You should give it to anyone who uses elemental attacks as a significant damage source, not just your Alchemist
EO is a bugged series. Remember that time in EOIV that a skill that should give you evasion could set your evasion to 0? Fun times.
Since it was brought up, I've been reading a bunch of info that a few people have been digging up from the EO4 files. Apparently, what causes that evasion bug is that the Dancer's version of Speed Boost checks for the wrong skill, and as such, fails to apply any evasion. Even worse, Speed Boost is the first check the game does for evasion, and apparently it just stops at the first ability it finds that's supposed to increase evasion as opposed to checking for all abilities that increase evasion.
Man, mapping out the fourth stratum is annoying. Stupid sand..
The actual boss was super easy. The ant queen was just a pain in the ass.