A buddy just linked this to me, which lets you rank your favorite Etrian character designs. It takes a while, though, and I mainly did it because I was bored during the blizzard that just happened in the US. But I was also curious to know what everyone else's favorite portraits were.The only big mystery about Zweizer is the order of the number 1 and 2 spots.
Also, the US version of EO2U got a lot of the DLC for free if you downloaded it around launch. If EU gets the same treatment, it'll be worth getting the game sooner rather than later - even if you don't get around to it right away.You're all terrible people, making me want something I want. Guess I'll try and find the cheapest place to get it.
I'll play it for a few days and suddenly SFV becomes a life style
A buddy just linked this to me, which lets you rank your favorite Etrian character designs. It takes a while, though, and I mainly did it because I was bored during the blizzard that just happened in the US. But I was also curious to know what everyone else's favorite portraits were.The only big mystery about Zweizer is the order of the number 1 and 2 spots.
Leveling up a survivalist for some reason. Is there a fast way to do this yet?![]()
Come to think of it, though, I wonder why IV didn't do anything with space, considering Tharsis is a big plateau on Mars.
Also, the US version of EO2U got a lot of the DLC for free if you downloaded it around launch. If EU gets the same treatment, it'll be worth getting the game sooner rather than later - even if you don't get around to it right away.
Of course they'd be tied.No surprises here.
Yeah, I noticed that it mostly works by pitting large groups against each other, then subdividing those groups to face against each other again, so if one portrait manages to tag along the winning group, it's guaranteed to be decently high up. I don't know how tying would affect things, though, as I never pressed that button.Sorting method seemed a little weird in some places. For example I'd honstly put twintail monk much lower on the list (or at least under all the ones that got "10" rank on my list) but it only asked me about that one like one time I think.
I'm curious to see the art for V more than anything else. Himukai's really evolved since IV, so I'd really like to see generic portraits in the style of the Untold characters. I don't think Nagasawa's art has changed all that much, but I'm sure I'll still like the new monster designs, too.As for my favorite designs, I don't feel like going through all of them in that link, but the some that stand out to me are the mask Ninja, the redhead female Arbalist, the Jack Frost Gunner, the older female Fortress, the mascot Protector, and the redhead male Sniper. Personally, I feel the designs improved quite a bit around EOIII, there's more detail, the faces are sharper, and the proportions are better. It's funny seeing the modern style interact with the older style in the Untold games.
The monster designs have always been fantastic.
Of course they'd be tied.
You are still playing on Normal right?Because if you were on expert those mantis would put the fear of God into you.
Any case, head bind or stun grenades make the bears manageable.
Yeah I figured. They're not so hard to avoid so I didn't really try. Relying on binds seems like a bad way to play. My dark hunter gets a bind so rarely I don't know why I bring her along anymore.
She gets so few binds though..
Not surprised.
No Gunner in top 29. Shame on you. Though, that top 3 is strong.I do love the dark skinned glad.
Bind skills maxed? Any LUK equipment? I'm not sure if you have Moss Brooch accessory unlocked yet but your DH should use that.
Not sure what else to say. I beat everything in EOU Expert mode with a DH in my party (except the postgame boss who is too resistant and has too much HP for a DH to be useful against), and Candis was always busy landing binds the entire game, though often not on the first try.
Also when you're up against FOEs or bosses with a DH, force boost will help increase the bind chance for when it's important to land a specific bind to block a specific attack.
Edit: And in EOU2 there is a monster grimoire line-hitting attack skill you can get that reduces the bind/ailment resistance of anyone it hits. I had Faffy running that skill for most of the game on Expert mode to aid Chloe and Flavio with bind and ailment success.
Not surprised.
And all the Beasts and Old Dudes are at the bottom.
So I'm getting pretty close to the normal ending boss in EO3, and I wanted to ask, outside of doing another playthrough in order to get the last class unlocked, is there any good reason to play through the game enough times for all the endings? I figure if I just take my normal team, then getting to the end on subsequent playthroughs should be quick enough, but do all the endings have items that are worth getting? Or am I better off just going straight for the true ending on my second playthrough?
Ricky counts. Probably.![]()
I saw credits though. That means I beat it.
Floor 26 creeps me right the fuck out.
Dang everything here is super difficult!
I haven't had much luck with grimoire stones.
The medusa tree variant on b26 killed my party in one turn with poison. :<
My dudes are all 69/70.
I think I have played and enjoyed all the EO demos without actually buying a game. Maybe EOU2 will be the one.