Hah please keep going with the Irish guys, I'm having so much fun with Google Translate on my iPad.
I don't think I know any more pigeon Irish. something something GAA Beo.
Hah please keep going with the Irish guys, I'm having so much fun with Google Translate on my iPad.
Torres sucks right gaf
where them anti-torres gaf at? awwww....yeahhh...torres with a brace.
As of Tuesday, I never have to speak it again, I'm just doing this now for the craic.I don't think I know any more pigeon Irish. something something GAA Beo.
Got a bet on 3-0 at 7/1. Don't fuck this up, guys
Hah please keep going with the Irish guys, I'm having so much fun with Google Translate on my iPad.
how much did you put on?
Torres sucks right gaf
James McClean's photo on ESPN is not a very flattering one. :lol
McClean!!!! Buiochas le Día!!
As of Tuesday, I never have to speak it again, I'm just doing this now for the craic.
You may be saying this sarcastically but Torres has genuinely been shit for 3 years.
I'm not going to proclaim his return to greatness after 1 decent game against a poor team.
On Tuesday night in Warsaw, I saw Polish and Russian fans beating on each other in a tense atmosphere reflecting centuries of bad blood. But 24 hours later in Gdansk, we spent a great evening with thousands of fun-loving Irish fans, who danced with Spanish supporters and proved why nobody beats the Irish when it comes to good times at big soccer tournaments. One Irish guy even climbed a lamp post and danced before dropping his pants to a roar from the crowd. Let's hear it for Ireland, which produces fun drunks instead of violent ones.
Got a bet on 3-0 at 7/1. Don't fuck this up, guys
Irish fans are the best
I read this in an article:
and be a family man.go home ireland.