F Fritz Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,906 No WAY! Good on ya Swedes! Euro 2012 |OT| of Swede tears of victory?
S Smeghead Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,912 Hahahaha fuck me, where the fuck did England go? By the beard of Mellberg.
M Mr Cola Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris Jun 15, 2012 #17,922 thank god, send us home before we embarass ourselves further, what a complete shambles of a team
K Kabouter Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,934 Okay, just got back (was watching the game obviously). Thread title suggestions?
S slaughterking Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,937 You can't not make goals when your beard is that awesome.
S Subliminal Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,938 TAKE ME MELLBERG. I AM YOURS. (I'm also happy to be an englishman supporting sweden tonight.)
B Broder Salsa Banned Jun 15, 2012 #17,939 Oh Marcus Allbäck. I get soft in my knees everytime they film that swedish bench.
K kharma45 Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,940 So conflicted, want England to lose but if they do I lose my accumulator. Gah.
U UnblessedSoul Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,941 Nobody was marking him how was that possible, England defenders are so bad
Joel Was Right Member Jun 15, 2012 #17,942 England to go out at the group stages? What was it that Hansen was saying at HT about the Swedish? lol
England to go out at the group stages? What was it that Hansen was saying at HT about the Swedish? lol
J jamesinclair Banned Jun 15, 2012 #17,944 Why does England even bother qualifying for these tournaments?
F Frank the Great Banned Jun 15, 2012 #17,945 forza sweden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111 lol mellberg x2, who would have guessed
U Ushojax Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much Jun 15, 2012 #17,946 Shocking defending. Mark your man for fucks sake.