Iker is solid
You saying he's a doper?
He's just gotten back from having a stroke a few months ago. Pretty amazing that he's as good as he is.
Just arrived. Is the game interesting?
Italy needs to continue to do things to win. If they stop, they will lose.
That Green football.Spanish attacks are so slow. Dat energy conservation
Just arrived. Is the game interesting?
Come on Italy, you can't let him have all the time of the world at the edge of the box.
Not if you're rooting for Italy.
I totally forget that, reserves strikers must be really bad then
Super Mario can´t do shit against the Spanish defense.
Jesus Christ, Italy can't even successfully pass.
Neither do Italy, shall I pass?? Nah I'll just shoot.Its cool It's Spain, they don't know what to do when they reach the box.
Not if you're rooting for Italy.
If Italy had made a goal, and Spain hadn´t, it would have been 1-0 for Italy right now. Mind = blown.If Spain start letting the ball to go into the back of their own net, Italy will score.
Lol at that little beef with Casilas and Balotteli
Italy needs to continue to do things to win. If they stop, they will lose.