It's that time of year again (again?)! Where we all go from reasonable human beings to insatiable reprobates running on sugar, fast food and more games than we can get our grubby hands on! Thread is a little earlier than last year so I can make accommodation for any changes which need to be made (still waiting on Dev Sessions- though they should be next week, as well as the games available for the PS4.) and it's one less thing to worry about as I get closer to the time. This would also be the thread for things like working out anything you need such a place to stay because of last minute cancellations.
Location: Earls Court, London
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/2aNXO
Travel: It's London so it's not really an issue but the closest is Earls Court Station (over the road) and West Brompton which is an over ground station should you need it.
Date: 26th to 29th September
Tickets: Little more expensive this year: £10-£15, A couple are left for Thursday afternoon. Things are getting more sparse each year so be sure to buy early!

Update (20/09): FLOOR PLAN!
Update (05/09): Nintys showing below and XBOX ONE with launch titles
Update (13/09): Mario Kart 8, Final Fantasy XIII, The Sims 4 and Dying Light added.
The guys at Eurogamer have managed to one up themselves this year netting the UK premier of the Playstation 4! There were queues of 1hr 30 minutes at 10:01am Friday morning last year for the Wii U so expect queues to be longer! Rezzed has expanded again this year to a record 18 games so far- hopefully it's much bigger so we can get more folks in. Indie Games Arcade & Retro zones are as back as usual with some well hidden gems in there no doubt. Much like last year hiding the Klei big hit Don't Starve.
Games announced so far include:
505 Games:
Payday 2
TBA - Probably CoD, EG Expo Twitter accidentally dropped the title CoD: Ghosts. That and it draws huge crowds each year.
Bethesda Softworks:
Wolfenstein: The New Order
The Elder Scrolls Online
Need for Speed Rivals
Battlefield 4
The Sims 4
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
PES 2014
Xbox One
Forza Motorsport 5
Ryse: Son of Rome
Killer Instinct
Kinect Sports Rivals
Project Spark
Dead Rising 3 (theatre demo- NOT SHOW FLOOR)
Titanfall? Probably.
Namco Bandai:
Dark Souls 2
Nintendo (WiiU):
Mario Kart 8
Bayonetta 2
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
Sonic Lost World
Super Mario 3D World
The Wonderful 101
Nintendo (3DS):
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
Sonic Lost World
It's the fucking Playstation 4. But no news on games yet oddly enough.
Square Enix
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot
The Crew
Might & Magic: Duel of Champions
Warner Bros
Dying Light
Batman: Arkham Origins (Gaffer Phandy works for Splash Dmg who are doing the MP- Show him some love!)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Infinite Crisis
As I'm sure you're aware there are a few big name publishers missing from this list. So more to come no doubt.
Rezzed- Highlights include this year:
Frozen Endzone
Mode 7 Games
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Devolver Digital
Shadow Warrior
Devolver Digital
Sir, You Are Being Hunted
Big Robot
Stronghold: Crusader 2
Firefly Studios
The Chaos Engine
The Room Two
Fireproof Games

Not as good as last year it appears.
Thursday 26th September
12pm - Phil Harrison's exclusive Xbox One presentation
1pm - Forza Motorsport 5 (Dan Greenawalt from Turn 10)
2pm - PS4 Indie: Velocity 2X (FuturLab)
3pm - Killzone: Shadow Fall (Guerrilla Games)
4pm - Guild Wars 2 New Content (ArenaNet)
5pm - The Evil Within (Bethesda Softworks/Tango Gameworks)
Friday 27th September
12pm - Tearaway (Media Molecule)
1pm - Beyond: Two Souls (David Cage from Quantic Dream)
2pm - Dying Light (Techland)
3pm - FIFA 14 Next-Gen (EA Sports)
4pm - DriveClub (Evolution Studios)
5pm - Outside Xbox Live Show
Saturday 28th September
12pm - The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED)
1pm - Watch_Dogs (Ubisoft Montreal)
2pm - Batman: Arkham Origins (WB Montreal)
3pm - PS4 Indie: Resogun (Housemarque)
4pm - LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games)
5pm - Need for Speed: Rivals (EA Ghost Studio)
Sunday 29th September
12pm - Project Godus (Peter Molyneux from 22cans)
1pm - Thief (Eidos Montreal)
2pm - Murdered: Soul Suspect (Airtight Games)
3pm - The future of Ouya (Julie Uhrman)
4pm - PS3 Indie: Wasteland Kings (Rami Ismail from Vlambeer)
5pm - Eurogamer Indie Podcast (developers and writers from Eurogamer.net)

After last years shit show due to my phone dying almost immediately then refusing to get a signal in London I promised the guys I'd put a little more effort in this year. First things first though:
***Wagamamas - Friday Night. 7:30pm. Earls Court Road. The prequel to the UK GAF meet up on Saturday.***
But other than that, like last year I'll leave that to everyones discretion. I know guys/gals are coming with friends, partners and family and might not want to meet up. Rather than attempt to give solid times for days which didn't work out very well, we can use the hash tag system (#GAFEG13 for those with images turned off). It's less traffic heavy than using GAF all the time and you can prompt your phone to alert you on updates.
Edit (05/09): Brit GAF meet up on Sat if you fancy it too!

As a general rule of thumb most of us will be queuing about 9am for the 10am entrance and using Pizza Express on the Thursday for lunch. Beyond that please use the hashtag to keep in contact, ask for help, report anything cool you see (keep the 'GIRL IN BOOTY SHORTS AT BATTLEFIELD 4 BOOTH' down to a minimum please) and general bullshittery.

If you're a first timer and have any questions feel free to ask. As a general rule of thumb: please watch your hygiene. I know most of you are upstanding folk but: Alcohol gel and deodorant are a must. It's not much but we can all do our part and set a good standard for those uncivilized bastards (eg Lirlond/Mike :E). It also helps make sure you don't fall foul to the EG post pox.
As for other tips:
- Bring a bag with water in, you're in a hot room and will become dehydrated. It also gives you a place to put all the lewt you'll be given.
- Prepare for dev sessions. Queues can be long for more popular folks, plan your time accordingly so you don't miss out.
- Don't hog games. We're all exciting to see things and some PR peeps might be too kind to usher you on but please be considerate to your fellow gamer.
- Remember to charge your phone and if you can bring a spare battery.
- Keep valuables close. There was some unsavory folks last year taking anything that isn't bolted down. So if you do have to put your bag down keep it between your legs.
- Enjoy yourself. The queues normally aren't so bad, so take your time to see things and watch out for ickle gamers who might be running about on the weekend.

Here is an link to an album to some of my photos from last year. I'm sure a number of other folks (Tom for certain) have a few they might want to share as well as rekindle a good few memories from last year.