George Oscar Bluth II
My first and only Eurogamer was 2011 as I couldn't be bothered with last year, wanted to go this year but too late, everything sold out. Is there a way to queue up early Saturday morning and get a ticket?
Show floor plan is up, yeah there are definitely some missing casualties like watch dogs and destiny but it does say Sony games are still TBA.
Sucks that Destiny and WatchDogs are just videos :/ I never really see the point of these.
Playstation Access are doing a competition for fast track wristbands to PS4 and seem to have revealed some of their lineup
Killzone: Shadow Fall, #DRIVECLUB, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Knack and many more!
Here's the competition also
Look like it will be same booth from gamescom.Playstation Access are doing a competition for fast track wristbands to PS4 and seem to have revealed some of their lineup
Killzone: Shadow Fall, #DRIVECLUB, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Knack and many more!
Here's the competition also
Playstation Access are doing a competition for fast track wristbands to PS4 and seem to have revealed some of their lineup
Killzone: Shadow Fall, #DRIVECLUB, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Knack and many more!
Here's the competition also
Look like it will be same booth from gamescom.
So who thinks they will be going to Wagamamas on Friday? We decided we'll defo go so meeting up with any other GAFers would be fun.
Also my twitter is the same as my username, @Stuart444. Assuming I can get a decent connection anywhere (besides outside of the building) then I'll be using that quite a bit.
Looking forward to Eurogamer, getting some hands on time with some next gen consoles and other cool looking games![]()
According to Respawn's twitter yesterday, Titanfall will be there.
Competition to win Prestige copies of Call of Duty Ghosts
Basically isn't anyone without early access screwed for this then?
Yep. Even with early access you're going to have to huff it.
Remember, you guys, there's a big meetup on the Saturday night that's going to be pretty fucking awesome.
Remember, you guys, there's a big meetup on the Saturday night that's going to be pretty fucking awesome.
Pity it's the same night as the Eurogamer Expo after party.
Pity it's the same night as the Eurogamer Expo after party.
Wait, they've got their own after party? Where's the details on this?
Eurogamer folks ain't got nuthin on BritGAF folks![]()
Competition to win Prestige copies of Call of Duty Ghosts
Basically isn't anyone without early access screwed for this then?
I've got a superpass but I don't care about COD.
does anyone know if Resogun will be playable.
First euro gamer as press. Gamescom had a great press area, is there something similar at eg? Got to build those freelance contacts!
Neither do I but if I can make £120 off some moron willing to buy some tat on Ebay, god damn I'll be first there.
I really wanna win this! Prepare to die :-/
Neither do I but if I can make £120 off some moron willing to buy some tat on Ebay, god damn I'll be first there.
Right GTAV is finished, now one sleep till I'm in London.
Remember from Thursday morning please use, if you can, the hash tag (#GAFEG13). Constantly refreshing GAF on your phone will kill your battery much quicker than you'd anticipate.