Won't stop picking the right nation
If the AI had kept the alliance with me, I probably would have given them a few provinces in the subsequent peace deals.
People, lend me your ears!
Is it to late to try getting more people from GAF (or friends) into our current game?
Do you have anyone particular in mind? If we could get more people to join tomorrow's session, that would be great.People, lend me your ears!
Is it to late to try getting more people from GAF (or friends) into our current game?
Do you have anyone particular in mind? If we could get more people to join tomorrow's session, that would be great.
The more the merrier!
Anyways, just mentioning this already, I cant play thursday this weekI feel the change of schedule to two hours earlier actually makes it harder for me to have time to all the sessions unfortunately
The schedule was changed?
He means compared to the last GAF EU4 MP game. We played three times a week for one hour, starting two hours after our current starting times.
When are we playing today, in an hour or so?
Fucking DST messing with my schedules.
Is it too late to join into this? What time will you guys be playing?
The war against Spain took a very strange turn at the end of the session. I originally declared war for Palermo, but fanboi and KingSnake released Sicily as a sovereign nation while I was in the middle of sieging those provinces. Spain no longer owns Palermo, so I'm essentially wracking up huge casualties for nothing. Austria is invading from the Caucasus with 45k soldiers, and I made the mistake of engaging them in the mountains. On the plus side, soon Austria won't have an army.
It's not too late to join as long as you're willing to pick up for an AI nation more than a hundred years into the game (which I don't think should deter anyone; this isn't a super serious thing). At the moment it starts at 4 Eastern/9 Central Europe every Tuesday and Thursday.Is it too late to join into this? What time will you guys be playing?
December 16th, 1564:
The war against Spain took a very strange turn at the end of the session. I originally declared war for Palermo, but fanboi and KingSnake released Sicily as a sovereign nation while I was in the middle of sieging those provinces. Spain no longer owns Palermo, so I'm essentially wracking up huge casualties for nothing. Austria is invading from the Caucasus with 45k soldiers, and I made the mistake of engaging them in the mountains. On the plus side, soon Austria won't have an army.
It's not too late to join as long as you're willing to pick up for an AI nation more than a hundred years into the game (which I don't think should deter anyone; this isn't a super serious thing). At the moment it starts at 4 Eastern/9 Central Europe every Tuesday and Thursday.
Edit: The only problem is that the choice of nations is dwindling, now that Spain is being partitioned. But there's plenty of room for a human to take over in the HRE. Hungary and Poland are also good choices (the latter would probably put you at immediate conflict with Russia though).
RussiaIs there a list of nations being played by humans atm?
But I suppose there's no such nation :/.
I believe in Ming, the glorious Middle Kingdom.
Russia is notorious for coalitions, because you're in the middle of a lot of countries that like to help each other. Remember Kab also got coalitioned very early on. France avoids it because most of its time is spent fighting Burgandy. I avoid it by taking out the Ottomans early on so the HRE doesn't get upset. Chances are, you are taking too many provinces in Peace deals so your AE modifier is skyrocketing without giving it proper time to come I got into a coalition war - when alot of the other players are expanding much more quickly without it happening to them?
Vassal feeding has been nerfed but it still helps out a ton with AE. You should do your best to maximize how many provinces you're getting when annexing vassals such as picking a weak state with a lot of cores that were lost during war and getting them back.Is this really all about feeding to vassals being that much more advantegeous?
I suppose Ming or an Indian major could work. Would be better for the game balance than adding more competition in Europe anyway.
Yeah, I had three coalition wars as Gelre I think before one finally did me in, and I've had another one as Britain. Currently also still have a coalition against me iirc. Definitely not unusual.Russia is notorious for coalitions, because you're in the middle of a lot of countries that like to help each other. Remember Kab also got coalitioned very early on. France avoids it because most of its time is spent fighting Burgandy. I avoid it by taking out the Ottomans early on so the HRE doesn't get upset. Chances are, you are taking too many provinces in Peace deals so your AE modifier is skyrocketing without giving it proper time to decay.
My first choice based on the map was actually Saxony, since I've never played anything farther east than the Timurids. I guess I can do Ming.
It's better to dismantle your enemy first, in my opinion. Take as little AE as possible in the short term. Force them to release nations which you can diplo-vassalize. Return cores to the vassals you already have (Ukraine is practically the model for this strategy). By the time they join the coalition against you, they'll be too weak to do anything about it. This mostly applies to European nations, though. Nomadic nations can usually be conquered and/or force vassalized without much fear of the consequences.So being serious here for a while (that is not my peaceful muscovite self), how come I got into a coalition war - when alot of the other players are expanding much more quickly without it happening to them? Is this really all about feeding to vassals being that much more advantegeous? If so, its kind of a game changer for me that hordes now can be vassalized->annexed again, when did that happend, annoying that they keep changing stuff like this all the time.
It's better to dismantle your enemy first, in my opinion. Take as little AE as possible in the short term. Force them to release nations which you can diplo-vassalize. Return cores to the vassals you already have (Ukraine is practically the model for this strategy). By the time they join the coalition against you, they'll be too weak to do anything about it. This mostly applies to European nations, though. Nomadic nations can usually be conquered and/or force vassalized without much fear of the consequences.
I think one more player in Europe would be ideal; there's still more than enough room to expand in central Europe before players have to start competing with each other for territory and resources. The problem with starting as a nation in the Indian and Chinese tech groups this late in the game is that the player would already be hopelessly far behind. In order to derive some enjoyment from a low tech nation, you really have to start expanding and preparing to westernize early. So I think Saxony is the best choice. However, if EMT0 wants to start out in Asia, then I think India would work much better than Ming. The Indian nations don't have the weird mechanics, obviously, and it's also a much better position from which to interact with the other players. Ming would essentially be single player until the Europeans arrive.
It doesn't take much to trigger a Civil War: basically, low legitimacy and an average time to fire of 60 years (which could change depending upon your stability, prestige, overextension, etc). I assume it's already over by now though; it should last about three years.
Yeah, I managed to finish the Civil War, which was unfortunately only the icing on the cake last time. They definitely need to implement some mechanics to let you invest in higher legitimacy. As I said in the chat, I have played most of the game with les than 30 legitimicay, and while it is no in the 50s, my hair once again has weak claim, making a new round of civil war and revolts likely when he takes over.
You could try making your heir unit leader so he will die quicker and hope a new heir has a better claim.
I think one more player in Europe would be ideal; there's still more than enough room to expand in central Europe before players have to start competing with each other for territory and resources. The problem with starting as a nation in the Indian and Chinese tech groups this late in the game is that the player would already be hopelessly far behind. In order to derive some enjoyment from a low tech nation, you really have to start expanding and preparing to westernize early. So I think Saxony is the best choice. However, if EMT0 wants to start out in Asia, then I think India would work much better than Ming. The Indian nations don't have the weird mechanics, obviously, and it's also a much better position from which to interact with the other players. Ming would essentially be single player until the Europeans arrive.
It's better to dismantle your enemy first, in my opinion. Take as little AE as possible in the short term. Force them to release nations which you can diplo-vassalize. Return cores to the vassals you already have (Ukraine is practically the model for this strategy). By the time they join the coalition against you, they'll be too weak to do anything about it. This mostly applies to European nations, though. Nomadic nations can usually be conquered and/or force vassalized without much fear of the consequences.
I already border Saxony via vassals, and Sweden can only expand into the HRE now. There is not nearly as much room as you think. And I don't really understand why one more player in Europe be ideal. I don't see any issues with the balance of power in Europe, there's no real gaps or whatever. Given the number of players we have, the real gaps are in the East. Without anyone there, there is literally nothing stopping you from expansion there, whilst everyone else is at least limited by what other players are doing. Can't really imagine a game without competition is very fun for you either. What fun is there in playing nearly 400 years if you are invincible 100 years in?
Very productive session for everyone I think (not surprising given the length). Russia in particular, goddamn.
1h 30mHow long did ya guys play after I left? Did Scandinavia form?![]()
1h 30mand i don't think it did
How long did ya guys play after I left? Did Scandinavia form?![]()
Yeah, it hasn't yet. You should be able to though, Denmark is annexed, you have all the required provinces afaik. Not actually sure why the AI hasn't. AI settings don't seem to work very well by the way, your AI broke the alliance with Russia I think.
Hahahaha, morfeo's tag, holy shit!