Would it be possible for the game to output world events (which are visible globally*) in chronological order, It will be a good read.
More specifically highlighting
- Human vs Human interactions
- Human player interactions against AI
AAR - ??? - Burgundy
Description of the actions during the session:
Glory of a new day!
It all started with securing a few allies and Royal Marriages. As time went on I watched France (and their allies) battle against England, for the costal provinces that is own by England, and how it turned out. As soon as I saw that France was winning, I declared war with casus belli for claim on Calais.
I moved in swiftly to secure a siege on said province, but to make them more "eager" to accept my peace, I also moved on to Picardie and laid siege (like Morfeo did earlier that evening).
After a while, England saw reason and accepted my peace offering, with me gaining both provinces.
Peace lasted (for me), until I gained conquest casus belli against Barrois where I took the opportunity to move in, currently winning the war favorably.
Diplomatic state at the end of the session: WAR
Province Count: Burgundy + 2
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: Bar and Provence
If I were playing Savoy, I'd probably try to vassalize Milan and Genoa to extend your control over Italy (the argument against this is that it might also put you in conflict with the other Italian players). The other major step I'd take is to form an alliance with fanboi to block France's expansion before they extend their greedy tendrils into northern Italy like they always seem to do. In my experience France sometimes receives a subjugation mission against Savoy which might make them particularly aggressive toward you.Can not sleep after this lol, only thinking about what to do going forward. A tricky nation to play, Savoy!
If I were playing Savoy, I'd probably try to vassalize Milan and Genoa (the argument against this is that it might also put you in conflict with the other Italian players). The other major step I'd take is to form an alliance with fanboi to block France's expansion before they extend their greedy tendrils into northern Italy like they always seem to do. In my experience France sometimes receives a subjugation mission against Savoy which might make them particularly aggressive toward you.
If I were playing Savoy, I'd probably try to vassalize Milan and Genoa (the argument against this is that it might also put you in conflict with the other Italian players). The other major step I'd take is to form an alliance with fanboi to block France's expansion before they extend their greedy tendrils into northern Italy like they always seem to do. In my experience France sometimes receives a subjugation mission against Savoy which might make them particularly aggressive toward you.
GL with that.
Don't forget getting Sardinia for Sardinia-Piedmont formation
Yeah, you can't be double allied.
Btw, what does that mean? Double allied? I'm missing something...![]()
Well, you're already allied, can't be allied twice![]()
Oh... that's just a piece of paper.
Overview said:![]()
Naples broke free from Aragon and conquered Messina and Urbino
Venice conquered Ragusa
Novgorord took Tver
Burgundy took Calais, Picardie and was about to take Bar and maybe more from Provence
Savoy got stuck in an endless war with Castille over Liguria - still open how that goes.
Castile is currently winning a war against Aragon (in the absence of the player)
Scotland is fighting a war against England, but open still.
Vijayanagar annexed Malabar, Kochin, Venad, Cylon and vassalized Ahmadnagar
Ming annexed a few provinces in Manchu and Korea.
Poland vassalized the Teutonic Order
Georgia lost a war and is basically dead (Player will pick another nation next time)
Hosokawa annexed 4-5 other japanese provinces.
Wallachia didnt do anything.
can someone still jump in?
Algeria or Morocco would be fine
Soon guys... soon.
Livonian Order and Riga gonna go down hard.
Lets say we have a... surprise for you later.
Be merciful! Has someone allied with either of them? Is it a Muscowy-shaped surprise? I hate Muscowy shaped surprises! Also, what time zone is 11:00 CET in BST? I only just arrived back in the UK and my knowledge of what time it is where is all out of whack. I think that's midnight, right?
Will we be joined by another Muslim nation tonight?
Hope so, would be interesting.
We could tag-team the Mamluks and be BFF!
Is it still GAFEUMP?
It's the opposite. 10:00 PM BST.
AAR - 08/09/2013 Wallachia
I was attacking Serbia (attacked previously by the Ottomans) when I was attacked by Hungary. That war went for most part of the game and ended in a white peace. It took some time to recover from it, but now it seems that I have the perfect opportunity to get my revenge on Hungary that it is busy fighting both Austria and Venice (and quite losing both).
Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: 2
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: None
Your Wallachia game is so hardcore, lol. How many armies are you fielding?
Edited: I read it wrongly.
I consumed 10 regiments in the war against Hungary. I am rebuilding now (3 + 2 in the making). I have a little over 10k man power.
You have 2 provinces and can field 10 regiments? Or are you like 5 regiments over the max?