No KoF this year?
KoF13 is a side tournament this year
No KoF this year?
Added.majornws, hit me up sometime. i'm pretty much the worst robin out there lol
KoF13 is a side tournament this year
What's happening in that second smash gif?
What's happening in that second smash gif?
Not part of the main event but there will be a side tournament for it iirc.
Oh, guess there won't be a stream of it then. Thanks.KoF13 is a side tournament this year
What game/character announcements are you guys expecting at EVO?
Oh, guess there won't be a stream of it then. Thanks.
the thing that's so great about this gif is not the up throw up air
it's the fucking perfect dash dancing by fox in and out of peach's range. armada is not a player that just throws out moves for shits. he intends to hit, and he does hit 99% of the time. that's why he's ranked #2 in the world.
but the above gif just shows why mango is ranked #1. god damn perfect movement.
the thing that's so great about this gif is not the up throw up air
it's the fucking perfect dash dancing by fox in and out of peach's range. armada is not a player that just throws out moves for shits. he intends to hit, and he does hit 99% of the time. that's why he's ranked #2 in the world.
but the above gif just shows why mango is ranked #1. god damn perfect movement.
It's not, people who say it's bad are being very hyperbolic. There's no reason to not give it a chance.
There's a few different people who could take Melee but right now Leffen is the favorite going in because he's won the last three American majors of the summer so far and has looked the most consistent. Then there's an uncertain player, PPMD, who hasn't gone to anything since he won Apex at the beginning of the year. Either of those two are the favorite depending on you talk to with Mang0, Armada, Hbox, and others closely behind them. It's a very player-focused competitive game in the sense that if you follow the players and know the stories, the game becomes that much more intense and exciting to watch. It also helps that the gameplay, for the most part, is fast-paced (with some exceptions).
In regards to Smash 4, it's too early to say if it's "more balanced" but balance isn't even the reason people scoff at either game. However, Smash 4 for EVO will have customs on so it's going to be wacky to watch and likely look a bit janky compared to customs off. I would still watch it anyway since it's the largest tournament for it so far that has customs on in a time where people could be withholding custom technology (as in, stuff people aren't aware of that works that could bring about advantages in matches and such) similarly to how Marvel players hid stuff until EVO a few years back.
I'm ready.
Fchamp wins mvc3
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4, only in my dream.
Last I've seen he hasn't played to the heights of his 2013 self. He's still good but I don't think he got this.
Thanks for this. Mango Hitbox etc all local players? A lot of international players are coming to EVO. I wonder if they will surprise people.
I'd tune in to KI for that.Do any of the more popular Killer Instinct fighters main Hisako??
Is it wrong that I hope IFC Yipes gets knocked out before Sunday in Mahvel just so we can get his luxurious commentary for Top 8?
Is there a list of players somewhere?
Get blown up breh
FChamp's competition?
He can lose against Clockwork, Cloud, Flux, RayRay, Full Schedule, Apologyman along with the other two gods.
This EVO is not free for anyone. The gods have an advantage mostly because A) they are the best and most skilled players and B) they have the most experience at this stage. FChamp and JWong have made top 8 4 times at EVO, ChrisG has made it 3 times. That's a huge mental advantage going in. Other than that anyone can lose.
Do any of the more popular Killer Instinct fighters main Hisako??
72 players had signed up as of the end of June.
Confirmed players are Ren (Taiwan), Oogosho (Japan), Reynald, Juicebox etc.
There is a good chance Xiaohai and Tokido will enter. Expecting Misterio, Luis Cha and various SoCal players to show up as well.
Bala said that he will try to make it, his buddy Answer is supposed to be coming and doing commentary with Juicebox.
Should be a very solid tournament overall.
There will also be a big KOF tournament in Japan this weekend with a whole bunch of top players:
Do any of the more popular Killer Instinct fighters main Hisako??
72 players had signed up as of the end of June.
Confirmed players are Ren (Taiwan), Oogosho (Japan), Reynald, Juicebox etc.
There is a good chance Xiaohai and Tokido will enter. Expecting Misterio, Luis Cha and various SoCal players to show up as well.
Bala said that he will try to make it, his buddy Answer is supposed to be coming and doing commentary with Juicebox.
Should be a very solid tournament overall.
There will also be a big KOF tournament in Japan this weekend with a whole bunch of top players:
72 players had signed up as of the end of June.
Confirmed players are Ren (Taiwan), Oogosho (Japan), Reynald, Juicebox etc.
There is a good chance Xiaohai and Tokido will enter. Expecting Misterio, Luis Cha and various SoCal players to show up as well.
Bala said that he will try to make it, his buddy Answer is supposed to be coming and doing commentary with Juicebox.
Should be a very solid tournament overall.
There will also be a big KOF tournament in Japan this weekend with a whole bunch of top players:
That's the spirit!UK here and yeah, get some mates over, buy a case of red bull..
You obviously have missed some Marvel this year. Zero players have become far more consistent now and they have taken some majors. All those Zero players can definitely win over FChamp. Apologyman is basically playing a Zero type team, if he gets the hit he will just snowball over you and win. Last year's Apologyman vs FChamp match was 3-2 went down to time out with pixels level of health differentiating the two.I'm going to pretend you're joking on the Ray Ray one.
Flux, Cloud good, but I still think they are too inconsistent or any Zero for that matter (yea yea I know Flocker won)....Apologyman I see the same problem inconsistent. And Cl0ckw0rk... our hero... I mean the 9th place god. He's the 9th place god for a reason. I don't know I find Marvel boring this year.
You obviously have missed some Marvel this year. Zero players have become far more consistent now and they have taken some majors. All those Zero players can definitely win over FChamp. Apologyman is basically playing a Zero type team, if he gets the hit he will just snowball over you and win. Last year's Apologyman vs FChamp match was 3-2 went down to time out with pixels level of health differentiating the two.
RayRay has gotten a lot better as well and was going toe to toe against FChamp just recently.
I am not saying they WILL win.. I am saying they COULD win over FChamp. The chance of them winning this year over FChamp is greater than it was last year or the year before that. Those 2nd tier players have gotten a lot better now.
FChamp's main disadvantage going into this year's EVO is that he hasn't attending many tournaments this year. Like he did well in the tournaments that he did enter but I am getting the feeling that he might be missing tournament form. Sure he's godlike at his home sitting in FGTV talking smack against CJ Showstopper but quite a few players have been grinding it out in heavy competition all year long that could put down FChamp.
FChamp's competition?
He can lose against Clockwork, Cloud, Flux, RayRay, Full Schedule, Apologyman along with the other two gods.
I don't know what results you are seeing, if anything the Eventhubs (and SRK) supports what I am saying. FChamp has been less prevalent in top 8s than someone like Flux or even Cloud. If you look at points data as well then you will see that players like RayRay/Clockwork/Flux/Cloud have closed the gap more so.I really have but still look at the eventhubs results (and shock by how well Flux has been doing, but still #FluxSuck).
Last I've seen he hasn't played to the heights of his 2013 self. He's still good but I don't think he got this.
Here's a question: What players claim to be bringing secret new tech to Evo? FChamp and Full Schedule are the two I can think of offhand. And I guess Justin still supposedly has some secret Wolverine mixup he hasn't used.
Most players already showed their "secret" stuff already.Here's a question: What players claim to be bringing secret new tech to Evo? FChamp and Full Schedule are the two I can think of offhand. And I guess Justin still supposedly has some secret Wolverine mixup he hasn't used.
Full Schedule is a bit iffy because from what I can tell, his buttons are technically legal at EVO but I doubt he would be using them all that much for EVO. I also think that Full Schedule has showcased most of his tech already especially at CEO.
Paul B uses Wulf and Hisako. He uses her for the Glacius matchup, since Wulf struggles with that.
やさしいかんがい| ほんぞ ゴンゾ ‏@honzogonzo 1h1 hour ago
Oh wow looks like kusoru is confirmed for coming? Talking to a jp cat I know and he said he entered under a troll name :0