Wow, surprised Nobi got knocked down.
There's always the GAF chat room.
How do I get in on that?
Any pros that play Rashid or Alex? Seen zero so far on stream.
Any pros that play Rashid or Alex? Seen zero so far on stream.
LPN played Alex earlier today. There was an interesting Rashid earlier but I forgot his name, I think he was from France?Any pros that play Rashid or Alex? Seen zero so far on stream.
wait whats the deal with f champ?
He actually needs it 😁#BuffLars
Did speedkicks win. I stepped away.
Switched to Lars and dominated the 3rd fight
lmaoDid Zhi just call Woolie a DeeJay cosplayer?
There's this budlight esports thing and he won a vote. So he's got a film crew with him, IIRC.