In for SFV and Revelator.
Doesn't matter, USA will get bopped regardless. At most only 1 will make to top 8.
It's gonna happen. I believe.LET'S GO DAIGO!!!
Poongko is tearing it up with Akuma in Tekken
Won't be surprised if he makes it to top 8
Better hope PR Rog doesn't play out of his mind. I've seen some of his stuff on CFN and his Balrog is legit scary. He's going to get far in this tournament.
In preparation for this year's EVO, let's take a look back at quite possibly the most intense set of Street Fighter ever.
Gamerbee vs Infiltration, Loser's Finals.
Better hope PR Rog doesn't play out of his mind. I've seen some of his stuff on CFN and his Balrog is legit scary. He's going to get far in this tournament.
Smash 4 got screwed over again. How will it ever get the same viewing numbers as Melee, if most of the games are placed on friday morning until afternoon. A working day. Smash 4 postion at EVO is a self-fullfilling prophecy at this point.
possibly the most intense set of Street Fighter ever.
So you have to get tickets for the Sunday's finals. So does that mean Friday/Saturday is just walk-in?
In preparation for this year's EVO, let's take a look back at quite possibly the most intense set of Street Fighter ever.
Gamerbee vs Infiltration, Loser's Finals at EVO 2015.
I want to see Rashids. Is Gachikun going to Evo?
not seeing him in any list
I would love to see Daigo do well but his recent form doesn't fill me with much hope.
I'm really looking forward to Killer Instinct, I enjoyed it immensely last year. Let's go Rico!
In preparation for this year's EVO, let's take a look back at quite possibly the most intense set of Street Fighter ever.
Gamerbee vs Infiltration, Loser's Finals at EVO 2015.
In preparation for this year's EVO, let's take a look back at quite possibly the most intense set of Street Fighter ever.
Gamerbee vs Infiltration, Loser's Finals at EVO 2015.