This has always been a crazy story to me, not sure if there has been any discussion on gaf on the matter in recent years. "A long time ago," this indie developer made an 8bit SMB fangame which brought characters/mechanics from other NES games (Castlevania, Contra, Metroid, etc) in and it went viral way back when, used the attention to try to fund a "real" game of the same manner but with new art/ his own IP etc. The Kickstarter funded but it became one of those situations where the scope was completely out of whack and they really had no idea how to fix things (kept going from bad to worse, comically). Apparently (and understandably) guilt-ridden, he tried for years to right the ship/deliver "something" but meanwhile it kept negatively impacting his life.
For whatever reason it always stuck with me, and every so often I'd check his twitter or website and see what tomfoolery was afoot lately. A friend randomly msg'd me an ancient "Super Mario Crossover" video the other day, so I took the bait and found this new life update that the dev posted. As mentioned in this thread title, the current project is on ice but if you are like me and interested to see what the hell is going on with this guy, I will just say that the video is a bit of a trip.
Anyway, I do have a lot of respect for the dev, he is one of those guys who I can just sit and listen to talk about whatever. It doesn't sound like the project will ever re-emerge, but no matter what I think I will always have to check in and see what he is up to. I do suspect I am not the only one around here who feels this way..

Super Mario Crossover

Super Retro Squad (failed Kickstarter)