It's been awhile since I could quote Slayers! Anyway thread d00m3d!!! I'm so witty. Err, yeah.
Here are the quality settings explained.
Here are the quality settings explained.
Low Quality mode is basically for 64MB video cards in the value video card segment or older hardware. For people that run this level of video card (assuming it meets the minimum system requirements), you can be assured of a solid gaming experience. In Low Quality mode everything is compressed, including specular, diffuse, and normal maps. Any textures that are larger than 512x512 get downsized. Specular maps are also downsized to 64x64. The Low Quality setting also reduces sound diversity to the level of one sound per sound effect.
Medium Quality is built for those that own mainstream 128MB video cards. Medium Quality still compresses specular, diffuse, and normal maps, but it does not downsample any textures or specular maps. This means you will get the full texture sizes available in DOOM 3, though compressed. Sound diversity is also increased in Medium Quality giving you more sounds per sound effect.
High Quality is for those that have performance video cards with 256MB of local video card memory. High Quality does not compress normal maps at all, so there are no compression artifacts with any of the normal mapped textures. It does, however, compress specular and diffuse lighting. At High Quality, anisotropic filtering is automatically enabled at 8X. So along with the uncompressed normal map textures, you also are adding 8X anisotropic filtering to the performance and image quality equation. Depending on your system, we have found 128MB video cards that can handle High Quality mode very easily.
Ultra Quality is the cream of the crop for DOOM 3. In Ultra Quality nothing is compressed. Normal maps, and specular and diffuse lighting are all displayed at full resolution with no compression. Because of this, there is a tremendous amount of texture data needed on the video card, upwards of 500MB. While it will run on lesser cards, you may experience hitching or pausing due to the graphics card having to swap textures in and out of its memory buffer. That is why this setting is recommended for 512MB video cards. There is nothing stopping you from trying this quality setting if you want to, just keep in mind that the memory load is huge.