Actually yes.
Simply put, at this point in time there's no real viable alternative. The F-22 is a nice jet, but with a cost per flight hour of $68k, it's simply not economically viable to field them in large numbers. Besides, it's still a largely unfinished plane, as it is sorely lacking a HMD and IRST, which is nuts considering it's an air superiority fighter.
The Super Hornet is not going to remain viable 20 years out once S-300 and S-400 batteries start seeing widespread adoption, unless they are escorted by growlers. Thing is with that, a fully kitted growler costs north of $200,000, much more than the price of $124,000 for an F-35A right now (keep in mind the price is only going to keep on dropping once the plane enters full rate production)
The Eurofighter, while a good jet has balls for range on internal fuel and is stupidly expensive for what it actually brings to the table. For god's sake a Tranche 3 costs $123 million and it doesn't even have an AESA radar yet.
Until we see a viable alternative, I don't really see any other choice.