The military isn't interested in past fights, or current fights. They want to chase hypothetical boogeymen like China and Russia. You don't need to spend $400 billion on an aircraft to have it be effective at fighting ISIS. The main reason the AF keeps giving for the phasing out of the A10 is that it "wouldn't survive against modern air defenses." Okay, how many conflicts do you realistically see the U.S. getting into against opponents with modern defenses? And of those countries, how many are such a big deal that the other numerous tools in the toolbox (B1, B2, F22, Super Hornet etc...) can't handle it?
The military industrial complex in the US is broken as fuck. At least in the past, it produced great stuff for the absurd amount of money being given. Now, they can't even get most projects out of the concept stage (FCS, as an example). Those that do are horribly over budget and behind schedule.
Why do the Marines even need a VTOL version launched from a pocket carrier? Because the armed forces can't share assets/capabilities and despise each other. Completely dysfunctional.
You gotta keep up with the Russians and their scary new stealth fighter... all 12 of them.