TheBlackQueen said:I can see what you're saying, but it just isn't the case. Halford makes it perfectly clear that Alma wants to absorb you and is drawn to you because of the psychic fortitude you have. While it can be argued that she wanted to "save" you to impregnate her, this is just an alternate mechanization of her plan. In truth though, the exact motivations of the replicas are sort of mushy. They are reanimated BY Alma after Paxtons death and are drawn to your telesthetic signature. But are we to believe that Alma couldn't have wiped out everyone in Becket's way if she wanted to kill him?
I felt that Halford's warnings were sort of a red herring, setting up the player's expectation that Alma was just some straight-up evil killing machine that needed to be stopped - there's no way he could have known that Alma had other motivations beyond survival or revenge. I figure they wanted Alma's real plan to be a bit of a twist. I think her intentions for Beckett were always to conceive new children - she could have easily destroyed him the way she did the other members of his team at any time. She also seemed to specifically change her dessicated corpse-like form to appear more attractive to try to clumsily seduce him mid-way through the game. But dammit, endings like that have to stop in games - it's fine for TV when the next episode comes in a week, but not for games with 3-4 year gaps (when sequels get made at all).
I also really wish we'd seen something addressing the fate of the FEAR team (the series is named after them, after all). I assume they were written out early due to the initial series name change and it was too late to put them back in when they got the title back. I'm hoping both Point Man and Beckett are featured prominently in a sequel - they're both going to have some family issues to work out over beers.