Trucker Sexologist
I imagine it is if you don't ever die. But I think you might die a few times on the highest difficulty setting.Totobeni said:Got the game, I hope it's not as short as people say.
I imagine it is if you don't ever die. But I think you might die a few times on the highest difficulty setting.Totobeni said:Got the game, I hope it's not as short as people say.
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*sigh* .
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Seconded.Totobeni said:I'd say, Avoid it at all costs
The truth is somewhere between the extremes. There's an Onlive demo for people on the fence.Corky said:Feels like a divisive game. Can't wait for it to unlock tomorrow, hopefully I'll be in the "liked it" camp. Hopefully.
SapientWolf said:The truth is somewhere between the extremes. There's an Onlive demo for people on the fence.
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I figure I'm about half way through Interval 3, and woah... You are right on the money. This is a very, very mediocre shooter.Totobeni like this, Not like this..
-Bad weapons, and horrible levels design, pathetic enemy A.I, lack of classic pda to listen to and anything that give you backstory, you are cluless most of the time, the lack of Monolith Productions here was clear as a golden penis under the sun in this soulless ripoff of the franchise.
I'd say, Avoid it at all costs ( or maybe rent it or buy it used for $5 ),One of the worst FPS this year.
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I'm not huge on story to begin with (although I appreciate backstory and attempts at storytelling), but when you ditch the story, and the context, and any character from the level design, enemies, or protagonists, what are you left with? In this case, A COD-ified FEAR with a Killzone cover system and a shitload of enemies.loblaw said:I agree for the most part, though I found the gunfights fairly fun. Multiplayer > Singleplayer in this game, for sure.
The scathing review wasn't necessary, though. It's not like the F.E.A.R. story was anything worth keeping to start with.
NullPointer said:I'm not huge on story to begin with (although I appreciate backstory and attempts at storytelling), but when you ditch the story, and the context, and any character from the level design, enemies, or protagonists, what are you left with? In this case, A COD-ified FEAR with a Killzone cover system and a shitload of enemies.
That's all there is, and if that's all anyone needs, there are a ton of better games out there, including the two previous FEAR games.
But I guess if you want something FEAR-ish that has co-op and multiplayer this is your only avenue.
Thats a fair point.loblaw said:I've always been under the opinion that you can't fault a game for doing what it was meant to do well, and I believe that F.E.A.R. 3 provides a solid arcade shooter experience, just with a coat of F.E.A.R. paint.
This is nothing less than what I originally suspected.Xander51 said:I agree with you as well. The game is well-produced on the technical side, the engine still looks great and the framerate is solid. The story is total nonsense however, and a complete waste of everything that happened before.
legacyzero said:I dunno if this has been mentioned... But does this game feel like a spiritual successor to Condemned 2 to anybody else?? (which isn't a bad thing at all.)
PooBone said:I wanna know how scary this game is. So far all I've seen is action action action. Loved the atmosphere in Fear 1. Less so in Fear 2 but it was still a fun playthrough.
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I'd say, Avoid it at all costs ( or maybe rent it or buy it used for $5 ),One of the worst FPS this year.
Just like Deus Ex: Invisible War and DMC2 ,I refuse to put this shit excuse of a game as canon with Fear 1/2,what a horrible sad end for Fear series.
Serviceable, but not great. And there's some kind of weird frame doubling that kicks in when you move, which causes judder. I wouldn't recommend buying the PC version unless they patch it.Principe Nero said:How's graphic in the pc version?
Considering the steam version for the achievements. : )
Yes, this plus some weird blur. It's really not pretty and gives me a bad headache :-/SapientWolf said:And there's some kind of weird frame doubling that kicks in when you move, which causes judder.
Thanks.GrayFoxPL said:Ok I got the PS3 version. I'm after a long sp session.
Man, it's a disappointment.
First a major fuck up at the start. Get this. The game has option to switch shooting from R2 to R1 right? If you chose main control scheme and switch R2 to R1 the game fucks up the controls: you lose the separate grenade button and it lands on R1. You shoot and throw grenades at the same with R1! How the fuck this game shipped with such a bug?
Other then that the game isn't scary at all. It's not even eerie. It pretends to be scary but it does shit of a job at it. It's obvious that the game is designed as a co-op romp.
Some "rooms" are well designed for a flanking battle, but overall whole levels are bland and dull. Graphics are mediocre.The shooting is done quite nice, but after a 6 or 7th mission I'm just bored shitless. It's such a romp.
Enemies, again, pretend to be smart, but only thing that they get right is shit talking. "Fuck! I'm hit!"
That is the problem with this game: it "pretends" to be Fear but it's not. It doesn't even have any of it's atmosphere.
It's not. At all. It's an arcade romp. Oh and I forgot: the game has so fucking loud(even on low volume) music and it's fucking bad.
I want some weird weapons
I want some weird enemies
I want some weird psychic stuff
purple cobra said:Thanks.I was looking for PS3 impressions. Man the game sounds awful. How in the hell do they ship a game with a control bug like that? Crazy. I love to use R1 to shoot but damn grenades are on the same button too? Hope they plan on patching that.
I might give it a go when it's discounted a bunch.
My feelings as well, which likely explains why the level layouts feel so bad in single player.GrayFoxPL said:Other then that the game isn't scary at all. It's not even eerie. It pretends to be scary but it does shit of a job at it. It's obvious that the game is designed as a co-op romp.
Agreed. Day 1 really missed the mark.GrayFoxPL said:That is the problem with this game: it "pretends" to be Fear but it's not. It doesn't even have any of it's atmosphere.
YES - I keep turning down the music volume, but it still overwhelms.GrayFoxPL said:Oh and I forgot: the game has so fucking loud(even on low volume) music and it's fucking bad.
Sad, but basically exactly what I expected. Time to replay the first two and disregard this slagheap. Where art thou Monolith.Totobeni like this, Not like this..
I don't think FEAR 2 is in the same echelon as FEAR 1. Fear 2 and Fear 3 reviewed about the same.luka said:Sad, but basically exactly what I expected. Time to replay the first two and disregard this slagheap. Where art thou Monolith.![]()
I agree! But if nothing else 2 had some decent level design and that glorious mindfuck of an ending.SapientWolf said:I don't think FEAR 2 is in the same echelon as FEAR 1. Fear 2 and Fear 3 reviewed about the same.
luka said:I agree! But if nothing else 2 had some decent level design and that glorious mindfuck of an ending.
Fear 2 was okay to good for me. The DLC they made was good, but short. If you haven't played that, you should give it a go.GrayFoxPL said:Yeah Fear 3 makes me appreciate Fear 2 a hell of lot more. Thinking about reinstalling it.
plagiarize said:Fear 2 was okay to good for me. The DLC they made was good, but short. If you haven't played that, you should give it a go.
Stop and pop doesn't work in most cases because the enemies will flank or toss grenades. They will also shoot right through the cover. So in practice it's a slightly more tactical run and gun shooter.NullPointer said:The last thing FEAR needs is regenerating health, a two weapon limit and a Killzone "attach to cover" system.
You can see such a stark difference between Fear 1 and the later games, especially Fear 3. In Fear 1 scenarios were designed and balanced for that health and armor bar, and didn't even require the slow time ability to progress. But once you throw in regenerating health any sense of *design* to engagements or any sense of balance goes right out the window. You can throw an unlimited swarm of bad guys from any and all directions and just leave it to the player to work out since they can always hide and regenerate. Its lazy, and a crutch, and no its not just a FEAR 3 problem, but it stands out so much more when you play FEAR 3.
That and I honestly don't understand the desire for an attached cover system in a game with time slowing. Cover based combat slows things down as it is and attaching to cover kills your mobility, limits your firing angles, and turns frenetic engagements into stop and pop where you're aiming at extremities peaking out of cover instead of center of mass or headshots. FEAR has always had a very light cover system but it was never necessary.
NullPointer said:The last thing FEAR needs is regenerating health, a two weapon limit and a Killzone "attach to cover" system.
You can see such a stark difference between Fear 1 and the later games, especially Fear 3. In Fear 1 scenarios were designed and balanced for that health and armor bar, and didn't even require the slow time ability to progress.
Couldn't agree more. Been looking and hoping for more of that kind of magic ever since.Zeliard said:This is exactly the thing so many people unfairly target FEAR for. It's seen as one of those "slow-mo" mechanic games when that feature was actually completely unnecessary.
Playing FEAR 1 on Hard difficulty WITHOUT using the slow-mo is the most intense, kinetic experience you can have in shooters. It's unrivaled both in how it looks and how it feels. Battles are very quick and bloody, over in the blink of an eye and completely exhilarating.