*You* have been pretty vocal about it. I didn't mention your name, did I?Foliorum Viridum said:Lucius and I have both been very vocal about how disappointed we are with the game. We accepted the swag because it was nice of Codies to acknowledge our work, but that doesn't mean we're now money hats. It was very cool of Helios to send that stuff to us, but I've said in this very thread they've also handled this REALLY badly and it's unacceptable the game is in this state.
Lucius has stopped posting in this thread mostly, I assume, because he's not actually playing the game. Either that or he's now played so much Skyrim he's actually had a seizure, the massive loser.
I don't see the need for a title change, honestly. What is that going to achieve? Everyone who is interested in the game has been visiting this thread and knows about the issues. The irony of the current title is quite funny and with a patch incoming the game might actually not be broken any more. If this was a bigger game like Battlefield 3 I can understand changing titles for patch updates etc, but on GAF this is a niche title and as such it seems like a waste of time PMing a mod to change the title. That's why I, personally, always took the suggestion to change the topic title as something that wasn't worth it. It won't make the game unbroken and the content of the thread has been overly negative (rightly so) as it is. It's not like someone can read this thread and think the game is in a playable state.
So yeah, Lucius and I are definitely not restricted just because we got a free copy of the game and a t-shirt, so please don't suggest otherwise.
Lucius86 said:It's kinda telling seeing Lucius disappear from this thread, I think he's caught within two fires and while I know he's a good kid who was just genuinely excited for F1 2011, this, my friends, is why you should never get into close ties with the devs you're posting a vg's OT for before the game releases... especially if you're unwilling to risking pissing 'em off with telling it like it is (ie the game has been a travesty so far).
Don't accept "swag" and the game for free, 'cause it'll hunt you back and limit your freedom in the end.
Bollocks to you - that offends me. Me accepting swag and a free copy of a game for my contribution to an OT has nothing to do with it. Don't reduce me to that level of accepting gifts in return for publicisng the game. I made the ot in a way that showed it was from a fan, not a pr machine driven OT. Look at uncharted 3 OT for that. The reason I do not post is because I lost interest in the game as it was broken - simple as that.
If you think writing a few emails is getting close to a dev, forget it.
I simply don't post on gaf much as I used to thanks to work as a contributing factor.
I have been very vocal on the game, maybe not here as much as others, but if you joined in on our gaming sessions you will know how upset I am online is broken. Silence speaks volumes. My silence shows I don't care enough to post unless my integrity is called into question.
I'm sorry, but your post really irked me. I got excited for the game and got letdown. But don't ever think I was hooked in just for getting a game for free.
Give him a break from what? Getting paid... What the fuck are you smoking?Quote said:Whoa, that's a whole lot of assumptions.
Give Lucius86 a break, he doesn't get paid for this, he was just a co-creator of an awesome thread and a contributed more than a enough.
Kyaw said:I did all the graphics and i didn't even get anything.
I'll play the game when it's fixed but for the moment, i don't have enough time to play Skyrim, BF3 and Dota 2.
I think you put both too much responsibility on Lucius' shoulders and too much weight on topic titles.Dash Kappei said:It did strike me as very odd you went from 95 posts to stopping completely when it was clear something was up.
You say silence speaks volumes, but I don't think you can be like that all the times, sometimes that really isn't enough I'm afraid, especially if you're part of a community and you decide to take the helm of a part of that community making an OT.
I don't think you've been vocal enough and I do think that if you felt the game is the travesty/scum plan that it is then you should have really been promoting and acting to get a title's change.
Why? Answer is just a few posts above, with Smoky Dave buying the game the other day, while we should've given every possible heads up (and more) to fellow gaffers that this game is just a coaster at this point, to at least contribute with possible means that our fellow members don't throw money away.
This thread pops up fairly often.Foliorum Viridum said:I think you put both too much responsibility on Lucius' shoulders and too much weight on topic titles.
To be honest, I hate the sub-titles of OTs as it is. You should read the damn thread rather than rely on a title to tell you everything you need to know. Every single post over the last 10 pages points towards this game being broke, which I think is enough. There's open discussion about all of the issues and anyone with a slight interest in the game have been able to find this thread and read about them.
- Until this last few days the thread has been dead.
- Because of this, no matter what the topic title was, it wouldn't have been seen.
- If you want to seek out GAF's opinion on a game, you should read the OT first and not rely on a topic title. I'd like to ask Dave if he did this, because his post read like he impulse bought it without even looking for Gaffer's opinions. If this was the case, again, no title in the world would've warned him. (Not crticising Dave for that)
- Again, on GAF, F1 is a niche title. The 2010 thread, like this one, was a bubble in which the same people visited the thread. If this was a Battlefield 3 type game with thousands of views per page I could agree with you, but it basically seems like a waste of time for the small F1 group on GAF. Plus, the irony of the title is pretty great.
I know you say I'm not the OT but Lucius and I did this together, so it's as much my responsibility mine as it is his. Just because he has the first post doesn't mean it's all on him, so don't act like it is.
How about this: we wait until the patch drops and see how the game is then. If it's still broke, we'll do a title change. If the game is okay, we'll leave it as it is. I think everyone will agree it's pointless changing a title when we're so close to a patch.
Well said. The trend of trolling OTs and thread titles being changed on a whim is something I'd rather avoid here.Lucius86 said:I honestly don't get some peoples mentality...
The game is BROKEN for online. A 2 min look at the thread shows this. I am not going off to pm a mod to change the name of the thread due to my own personal opinion. Some people still love it. Its not my style to bad mouth a game to the level you are asking. The thread title is an f1 joke.
We all have lives. I can dedicate only as much time as I can to the things I enjoy. F1 2011 is not one.
I am Commander Lucius and I am now done with this squabble.
Good news all, the #F12011 patch has been approved and is now slated for release on all platforms on Monday 21st November.
Patch 2
Hi all,
I'm pleased to inform you all that the patch has now been approved by both Sony and Microsoft and is slated for release on all platforms on Monday 21st November.
As a result I've now updated the below patch notes with the finalised list of fixes.
Please note that there are technical restrictions on what we can and cant patch, due to things such as size limits on patches, knock-on effects to other areas of the game and issues that were non-reproducible in our test environment, etc. Issues which currently fall into this category are updated DRS Zones and updated drivers.
Game Improvements:
o A connectivity rating display has now been implemented for each player in an online session lobby. This appears as coloured bars (red, amber, green) to indicate the expected online performance of the player in the game session.
o More network bandwidth is now reserved for game-critical systems in online sessions. This may result in low-bandwidth users having their voice chat restricted to fewer players, but should result in a smoother online experience.
Strategy & Setup:
o Fixed 11/11 car setup bug.
o Fixed issue where your race strategy uses the same tyre compound three times in a row & the final set are worn.
o Fixed issue where wear-based punctures would occur too often.
o Fixed various issues with the race engineer speech logic.
o Fixed an issue where the AI run on Intermediates for too long.
o Fixed issue where AI cars would be too fast in the wet.
o Fixed an issue where AI vehicles pitted too often during dry, online races .
o The AI has been tuned on several circuits to provide smoother and faster driving.
o Fixed issue where the AIs sector 1 times in Malaysia were too slow
Co op Championship:
o Fixed an issue with the save becoming corrupt / not able to invite the other player when playing long race weekends.
o Fixed an issue where AI difficulty was reset to Amateur level when resuming a Coop game.
o Fixed an issue with tyre wear in Practice/Qualifying not being carried over to Race.
o Fixed an issue with the penalties accrued in Practice/Qualifying not being applied to the Race.
o Fixed an issue with the Race Results where lapped AI are causing player to drop positions.
o Vote to Skip in Qualifying now requires 100% vote.
o Various Penalty system improvements have been made.
o Quick Race countdown timer is now set to 60 Seconds and no longer resets when a player joins the session.
o Fixed issue where host and client machines would report different qualification results during online games
Graphics & Performance:
o PS3 Improved frame rate & performance.
o Xbox360 & PC - Numerous performance improvements have been made to increase frame rate and reduce stuttering.
o All Platforms Numerous graphical improvements have been made.
o All Platforms Fixed various issues to improve general game stability.
o Fixed several functionality issues experienced when using DX11 cards.
o Fixed issue where users could hack specific files to increase car grip.
o Fixed a very infrequent issue where some sessions would be skipped over when progressing to the next session during a Long Race Weekend.
o Korea tyre compounds have been changed to those used in the 2011 race.
o Fixed an issue where in career where the "on the bounce" achievement was awarded after 11 race wins instead of 9.
o Fixed an issue where all users would be awarded the fastest lap XP and stat during some online races.
o Fixed an issue where driver's hands & head popped in a few frames late when switching cameras.
o Fixed issue where players were able to post extremely quick Time Trial times
To coincide with the release of the 2nd patch and the fixing of the 'setup bug', we are also going to be wiping the online leaderboards for both the time trial and time attack online game modes. These leaderboard wipes are currently scheduled for next week, and once we have a firm date for these we'll let you know straight away.
Once again our thanks for your patience whilst we worked on the 2nd patch and also for your valuable feedback.
I hope the DX11 bug fix is the one where it hardly ever fucking works despite saying DX11 in the config menu. That, and I hope it doesn't run like shit due to PCs running quad cores or dual GPUs or whatever.Foliorum Viridum said:If all those fixes do as they state it should make the game great.
We'll have to test it next week, but if all is good I'll rush through plans for a smaller league. I doubt we'll get 16 people now so a quali session probably isn't needed, which make things easier.
If all those fixes do as they state it should make the game great.
We'll have to test it next week, but if all is good I'll rush through plans for a smaller league. I doubt we'll get 16 people now so a quali session probably isn't needed, which make things easier.
Gold man. Pure gold.
I'll be waiting for impressions. Hopefully be able to join the PS3 league, unless work and connection is good across the globe.
I do hope they support the game further with patches, if the second one has bugs unintentional or new ones crawl out.
Don't hold your breath.
Wouldn't we need a patch to fix the DRS zones?
I doubt Codemasters would pay Microsoft for a third patch just to fix the zones.
Surely it's not that expensive!
I don't think inaccurate DRS zones really matters at all.
Get the game playable. All that matters. I understand them not having completely accurate DRS zones due to time constraints and launching before they were decided etc.
Not worth another patch.
I get the feeling they had actual more pressing matters to attend to rather than thinking about smart implementation of key features... like planning to test the game and stuff like that, you know![]()
Improved framerate for PS3? Hope it manages to stay at 30 most of the time. I'm kinda used to the drops now but it is a bit annoying.
This. Also, I'm excited for our GAF League. Let's hope the patch fixes everything that was broken as stated by Helios. I'm even a little hyped!I don't think inaccurate DRS zones really matters at all.
Get the game playable. All that matters. I understand them not having completely accurate DRS zones due to time constraints and launching before they were decided etc.
Not worth another patch.
Maybe "not worth another patch" was too strong, but it's not something I care too much about this time around. If I can play with people without bugs etc I'll be happy after the state of the game before.
I caught Lucius without double DRS last year and I shall do so again this year!
You sort of address it, but the thing they don't get is that it WILL affect sales. Going on the assumption that all future Codies games will be excessively buggy yet will only get patched twice, I will not buy another of their games. However, if they pony up *this* time then it shows a tremendous amount of goodwill toward the end user and also shows that they would be willing to go the extra mile in the future in regards to our experience with their games.Has Codemaster's ever released a third patch for a GFWL title?
It doesn't matter if it's not a lot of money (which also requires the added expense of man hours creating the patch). The fact is it's going to make zero difference in sales.
Did anyone else see that F1 2011 is getting released for Vita... next year? Can't look good when a game with a year in the title is out of date by the time it comes out :lol
sadler said:Ok can others please confirm this is the same for them..
Short race weekend, Lotus, Career mode, Practice in Melbourne.
You are limited to 4 sets of each compound (as its a short weekend the Friday sets are unavailable) everything ok so far...
Select first set of Primes available (set 3) and do a run...no problem
Try for a second run selecting the same set of Primes, set 3 (about 96% now)
Return to garage, second set of Primes (set 4) now has a wear rate even though i never used that set....
Try for a third run (again selecting the original set i intend to use, set 3), return to garage and third set (set 5)now has wear on them...
Go for a fourth run again selecting original set (set 3), return and set 6 now has wear on them!!!!
So ive managed 4 runs in Practice on Primes, all 4 sets have wear on them even though i only ever selected one set (set 3)!!! My Qualifying and Race is now compromised!!!
Will try a 5th run on Primes and see which set it decided to add wear to!! Then try a couple of runs on Options and see if the same happens!!
Then go to Qualifying and see the extent of this bug!!!
How can this not be noticed, it was obvious after 20 minutes of playing!!
Are others seeing the same (and in Long weekend mode?!)