Boy do I love Lucius for doing to you what he did to me last year at Monza!

It still amazes me to see how cleanly you overtook me on your game and then comparing it to how you rammed me literally over the first corner in my game.
It was great seeing how close you were to me on all those laps. My video didn't capture that because I wasn't looking behind me much.
My vid highlights. I had a pretty exciting race, but gutted because I definitely had a chance to be challenging for the win. C'est la vie! I would have taken 4th before the race with my 1 hour of practice beforehand....
LOL at me telling you and Crumbs to "get the fuck out of the way!"

I wanted to stay with Phleg so badly!
Sorry about making you spin, but I think you'll agree it looked like I had way more space from my perspective. Really sucks because I wanted to keep racing you.
"I fucking hate racing Crumbs because I don't know where the fuck he is" ahahaha god this video has so many weird quotes from me...
You definitely had an exciting race!
My race highlights
A fairly exciting race for me. Very pleased to be second in qualifying with my best lap of the track ever - although I was annoyed Phleg was only marginally quicker and took the top spot!
The first part of the race was pretty chaotic. Traded blows with a lot of people, mostly Phleg and Lucius, with Crumbs getting in the mix every so often.
I had one REALLY scary moment with Rambo which nearly took me out of the race entirely. I was trying to make sure I got around as fast as possible after pitting and when I came to him on the last corner I wasn't even considering the fact he might want to pit. I went to overtake on the left, but he swerved over to the left too so I just went for the overtake on the right instead and cut him off as he went across into the pits. I got squashed between him and the wall and watching this video back we could've both easily wrecked our cars. Absolutely my fault!
Trading blows with Crumbs was pretty tough because lag as an issue and I didn't trust the game to tell me where he really was. Thankfully, once I got ahead of him after he spun on the first corner I managed to maintain the gap, but what this video doesn't show is how he and I were completely equal for about 9 laps, all the while I was going from fuel saving mode to standard because I was constantly dipping into -1 laps of fuel. Eek! As Crumbs said, if he didn't run out of fuel on that last lap it would've been VERY close over the line.
Whereas Melbourne and Suzuka were somewhat tainted wins for me (many disconnects, Phleg/Kyaw being screwed by the game) I feel this was a really deserved win as I kept pushing and had constant battles throughout. Felt really rewarding to go across that line for the win!