Here's my highlights of the mini league
Missed out recording Abu Dhabi as I forgot to hit record but I don't remember it being that eventful a race for me anyway.
Here's my highlights of the mini league
Missed out recording Abu Dhabi as I forgot to hit record but I don't remember it being that eventful a race for me anyway.
My highlights of the mini league
Some great stuff in there. Most of it is Rambo going mental and ramming peopleI really love how we all took the wrong part in Korea and got DQ'd too.
It'll be nice to go back to serious racing next weekend, but I think that was a much needed break from the usual league races personally. Top stuff.
Forgot to watch this! As I'm sure you can tell by me spamming the vid page, that was great.
Also, first 2012 details? Last year it wasn't much until a few races in to the real season, if I remember correctly.
Great vid!
F1 2011 improves performance with game patch 1.2
New Nvidia Drivers today with follwing entry in the release notes.
I've done sweet fuck all practice for Malaysia so far. I'll be getting some laps in tonight if you lads want a practice sesh?
Busy time of the year with uni I'm afraid![]()
Looking to get back into this for obvious reasons. I want to play a bit of career mode first because I never got more than a few races in before. Can someone tell me if they fixed 11/11, the issue with ridiculously fast AI in the wet, AI pitting too often, etc...
Also, the game runs great so are there any mods or inspector tweaks I can use to make it look better?
11/11 is fixed, not sure about the rest as I only ever really play online now.
Good news: we have approval so some more #F1 game news will be hitting the web at 4pm today (UK time). Keep 'em peeled
So has anyone installed any mods? I got directed to racedepartment, but there's just so much there I've no idea where to start.
Kinda expected, but still, f-yeah:
Kinda expected, but still, f-yeah:][/QUOTE]
The only good thing in that trailer! The rest was dull as shit. :)
Wait, the race is today ?
What time ?
Haha, 4.30pm GMT iirc.
Yeah, same time as always
It seems like we're going to be a bit short today. No James, Hardan, Kyaw...![]()
Would love to give the PS3 another shot, if people are still interested add your name to the list. I'll give it until next Saturday to see if it's worth a shot or not.
Anyone record today's race?![]()
I did - Youtube is being funny atm though, not uploading anything it seems.
So to wet your appetite, feast on this: