Foliorum Viridum
That's EXACTLY what I said haha
Hey, Foliorum Viridum just PM'd me! I'll take a look on the rules to see if I'll be able to be part of it.![]()
That's EXACTLY what I said haha
We have an Aussie who races with us, so I doubt you could be any worse![]()
My friend, I live in Brazil too (São Paulo) AND I'll be joining the league. Come on!Brazil.
Hey, Foliorum Viridum just PM'd me! I'll take a look on the rules to see if I'll be able to be part of it.![]()
My friend, I live in Brazil too (São Paulo) AND I'll be joining the league. Come on!
Cool! Most of the guys are from the UK, right?
I was reading the league thread on the Fastest Sector forum. Watching the videos, and people seem to play kind of rough, hahaha! I'm the clean race type, but I don't own a wheel, so I don't know if that might be an issue. It seems that all spots are already taken, but I'll keep an eye on it and if by any chance you guys don't gather 16 people together, maybe I'll try to join.![]()
Most of the rough racing is in non league races. As soon as the league starts everyone tries to stick to the rules.
Cool, but how does it work? I may be able to race without the ABS and TCS, but I'm really not used to play with manual gearboxes. Can anyone play the way as they please or are there's specific rules about that kind of stuff?
Auto gearboxes are allowed!
As long as you're not a complete bugger and you stick to normal racing etiquette, you'll be fine![]()
Occasional accidents are part of the fun too.Yeah. There are always accidents and most people don't mind as long as you don't go out of your way to hit people!
Pre purchased on steam, so it unlocks tonight? Thought its out on Friday.
Gonna be using a controller for now, what wheel do you guys use? Need to buy one that has the least issues with this game.
Wait... you are, or you don't know?
There's still a LOT of stuff that wouldn't appear in a single session that is beyond shit. Like that shitty bollard and corner-cutting, for instance. Let's not forget how the corner cutting was written off by Codies as being attributable to the difficulty level.
IMO, not getting off that easily. Surprised some of you are caving so readily.
From the sounds of it, I think I might jump in on this... is it on PC as well or just console? And that was a Slightly Mad title, yes? (don't worry, I'm looking it up nowI'm as disappointed as you are. Not caving in and probably won't. Ferrari Racing Legends for me.
PS. I think I'm as equally disappointed in FV saying he's getting it as much as the game itself. It may have been a good stream but an hour or two of play isn't going to show up the things that may seem inconsequential but will gradually grate as time goes on...
From the sounds of it, I think I might jump in on this... is it on PC as well or just console? And that was a Slightly Mad title, yes? (don't worry, I'm looking it up now)
PS. I think I'm as equally disappointed in FV saying he's getting it as much as the game itself. It may have been a good stream but an hour or two of play isn't going to show up the things that may seem inconsequential but will gradually grate as time goes on...
I haven't heard a lot of good things about SMS's Ferrari title.
You're rewarding bad behaviour :/It assured me I can have fun with it. That's all that matters.
It assured me I can have fun with it. That's all that matters.
I've had my free copy since before this thread was made. This thread is sponsored by Codies.
How about Kickstarter: Grand Prix Legends 2 (PS3/Xbox360/PC)?
I mean look at this:
The game decided for me by having shitty performance and not running in DX11 on my PC without serious configuration changes. On top of the bugs that existed.
It was possible, but it wasn't a matter of just "disabling Crossfire" in something like RadeonPro. Had to go into CCC, actively turn CFX off, reset my OC settings, play game, re-enable CFX, reset OC settings. I found a way around it, but shouldn't have had to. And the fact that it was never, ever addressed by Codemasters (not even acknowledged) basically cemented their position in my head as second-rate coders who never listen to their audience.Wasn't your main issue that the game didn't like your triple GPU setup? Or was it a crossfire error too? Could it have been possible to run with a single GPU? (no idea what card you run)
Edit: Wait, the original OT was replaced AGAIN? Proof that some people can be bought!
Two positives that I've noticed while playing that haven't really been mentioned:
The game runs MUCH better than 2011 on my PC. I'm able to play with higher settings and still get a better frame rate than I did with 2011. (GTX 460, Dual Core, 4GB of RAM). Also, the graphics look great. The textures for things like driver suits and gloves are much more detailed than 2011.
The sense of speed/movement in the cockpit view seems to be improved quite a bit. Hitting 200 MPH looks really makes you feel like you're on the edge of your seat. Also, the head sway while steering the car seems to be increased, but not to the point where the driver looks into corners.
I'm over being bitter and frustrated about it, I'm just not going to get it until either things have been patched to be fixed or it's dropped to a sufficient, justifiable discounted price. Right now, that's about $15."Maybe they will fix it in a patch" has been their MO since 2010. I say fuck that now. Three years in, you shouldn't be able to do it like that.
Steve Hood responds to tyre wearing issues, loss of qualifying sessions etc:
Well said, sir.MrMorpheus said:Firstly, Steve, thanks for telling us your reasoning behind all your unneeded changes.
I'll add a few of my thoughts to it all too if I may. I'll just go point by point as I read it.
"[..] without waiting five minutes for an explanation [..]"
It took you far longer than 5 minutes. I know it wasn't meant literally but that's not the point. I remember reading your tweets two days ago saying you would explain everything the next day but you didn't, you let this rage grow and didn't say a single word. As you should have imagined it only made things worse. You probably think that forums are not important enough to post replies right away but I think you're wrong. True, maybe not many people post here but many definitely read, and they tweet about what they read and tell their friends who then form an opinion based on something you didn't influence.
Also, I wouldn't call it some "internet-rage" as you did. Yes, there are lots of young kids here that will write anything they have on their mind (and which you will find offensive; deal with it) but there are even more grown up people who most of the time express their concerns constructively and I think it's only fair to say that everyone's allowed to have expectations from the product you are developing as, like it or not, we do pay your salaries after all.
You quite often like to position yourself as a manager involved with the community, listening to what we want, implementing long requested features but in reality I have never seen a single post from you asking us what we actually want or think about your ideas. A question like "Guys, what would you say if we removed tire scaling?" would have been nice, don't you think? What happened instead is people received their preorders and started playing only to find out that something as important as tyre wear scaling has been removed. Surprise! To me it smells like trying to con us, kind of like "We won't tell as long as possible so that as many people as possible buy the game! What happens afterwards doesn't matter as long as we have the sales because people tend to forget things. They forgot all the issues we had with 2010 and 2011 and they will gladly forget all the current issues too". That is an attitude that I don't like. Working only to feed your Indian owners.
"Historically I’ve gone out of my way to interact via my personal Twitter account and the forum simply because I think it creates a better relationship between those that make key decisions and those that buy the game."
You said it right there - you make decisions, we buy the game. Speaking about your personal twitter account - you shouldnt've have publicised it in the first place if you didn't want people to mention it. Lastly, you wouldn't have to "go out of your way" if you actually wanted to communicate with us. If I am wrong and you actually want to, then don't offend us by saying "look at what sacrifices I am making just to keep you lot happy" because that's what it sounds like.
"[..] the loss of two of the three Free Practice sessions [..]"
I see why you did it. I kind of agree and I don't at the same time but it's something I could live with. However, it is the same thing I mentioned before - you just removed it. Never said a single word to us. Three of you probably sat down and decided "Nah, public doesn't want it. Remove.". How long does it take to Alt+Tab to your browser, click on the forum bookmark and create a new topic saying "Practice 2 and 3 are gone. Deal with it"? A minute probably? Two? I think you are not THAT busy that you didn't have time to do it.
Now tyre wear scaling...
"It’s been removed so that there is no true variation in pure wear rates across sessions and race distances"
No, that isn't the reason, that is the outcome. It was removed because yet again some manager decided for all of us that it wasn't needed. Again, was it so hard to ask what the community had to say about an idea like that? No, but it was for you. Surely you didn't come up with this genious plan last week, did you? You had a few months to see what people would say, but, I know, it doesn't matter what some raging kiddies on these forums got to say, 'cause they're stupid. And rude.
Last year many of you could jump into a race, become accustomed to the tyre wear and how far you could push it, then jump into a different race distance only to realise you had no idea how long you could run the tyres.
For some weird reason after 2 years of playing your games it never bothered me. I never saw a single post or tweet saying that tyre wear sucks and it should be removed. And neither have you I suspect.
One thing, which stands out for me from all this is that you are making a game for two categories of people - those that only race 100% races and those that don't care about rubbish like tyre wear or 3 practice sessions. There is no middle way for you. It's my way or highway.
You wanna know how many times I raced a full 100% race in these two years? Exactly once. Why? Because I work and I can't afford to spend two hours on one race and even if I could I wouldn't because I don't get paid £10m for that. Instead I had an option to play 3 laps, 10%, 20%, which were perfect for me. In your new "imporoved" 2012 however I don't even have this basic choice! Really? Someone again decided for me that I didn't need the choice. Fine, you know better.
"[..] throwing more and more into the pot isn’t going to deliver a decent game [..]"
You removed existing features, we didn't ask you to add the scaled tyre wear or 2 more practice sessions. And we didn't ask you to add a new game mode called Grand Prix where we could create our own season either.
"[..] let me run you through a 25% race I had before writing this [..]"
What was that wall of text all about? Seriously, we didn't ask you to tell us how your race with your mates went yesterday. Your turn-by-turn explanation was longer than your main post and didn't prove or explain anything. It all just sounds like AI is instantly faster on tyres, which are fresher than yours by only a couple laps.
By the way, 17 laps is far too much for a quick race. That's half an hour of racing FYI, which is a lot for some people.
"I’d argue there will be a fair bit more tyre strategy going on in this year’s game."
I'd argue that there won't. Just because.
"I look forward to reading your feedback once you get stuck into the full game"
Guess what! I cancelled my preorder, so no sale for me. I know you'll say I'm stupid because I jumped the gun, listened to the crying kiddies on the forum. All I can say is thank you very much but I'll keep my hard earned £40 to myself. There are better ways to spend them rather than pay for a product, which was developed with no communication with the community and that has core features blatantly removed because John Doe thought it was a good idea. Oh boy, you could learn a lot from Slighly Mad Studios and the way they develop Project Cars. You can only dream about communication like that.
Anyway, hope that's polite, fair and constructive enough for you. At least I didn't call you a c**t like someone else did.
I love how suddenly everyone's so calm and "oh, ok, if Steve decided to remove it, then that's fine". Just goes to show that the general public don't really care about all this stuff, they just keep chewing anything that gets put into their mouths. That's why gaming companies keep making profits. People always forget the bad things. Everyone's forgotten all the raging on 2010 forums, then on 2011, now 2012. Next August everyone will be hyped up yet again just to shell out for the same recycled product as they played a year before.