Formula 1 Game ‏@Formula1game
We're expecting the #F12012 demo to be out on Steam very shortly. We'll let you know as soon as it's available.
My old 5850 couldn't max the game out in DX11. My 6950/2500k can though.
Is that the actual price? (console)If you buy this at launch you might be flushing twenty quid down the toilet. You have been warned.
Hum... I guess some of the DX11 features tax the cards. Well, even if you turn those down... It's not much of a difference is it? They're nice on Dirt 2 and 3 but from what I always saw they don't really make F1 games look that much better. Correct me if I'm wrong!
Is that the actual price? (console)
Bow big is x360 demo?
My old 5850 couldn't max the game out in DX11. My 6950/2500k can though.
I'm just hoping they haven't nerfed the game on purpose like they have done with Showdown:
That isn't just fan service for the AMD blog, hardware reviews also pit the GTX 6xx pitifully low against mid-range 7xxx cards.
Some Codemasters games are part of "AMD - Future is Fusion" initiative, and are better optimized for Radeons.
That's pretty shitty. Then again, as someone with an AMD card, it's kinda nice to have the advantage in just one seriesNvidia usually have moneyhatted everyone!
Isn't it a bit weird that the PC version is not on steam, gamestop or amazon websites less than a week before release?
It is. I wanna buy it, damn it! lolIsn't it a bit weird that the PC version is not on steam, gamestop or amazon websites less than a week before release?
I don't think you'll be getting the game for free this year FV...
My old 5850 couldn't max the game out in DX11. My 6950/2500k can though.
You've cut too many corners. That's why.I feel like I'm being punished for something.
Jesus, still nothing.
5 mins ago:
Formula 1 Game @Formula1game
We're expecting the demo to arrive on Steam within the next 2-3 hours. We're really sorry about the delay and thank you for your patience.
The understeer on slow corners while playing with the DFGT is unbelievable. And from what I'm seeing on their forums most people on wheels are complaining about the same thing.
F1 2010 and 2011 with a wheel felt great "out of the box". After 1 hour with the demo I can't be consistent unless I'm extra careful (driving on dry like it was wet) and brake very early because even if I brake where I should the car will understeer no matter what. It doesn't feel like the game has any physics, it feels like the game decides if "Entering speed on corner > X then Understeer"
With the PS3 controller the game controls better but it still has the same problem of losing control on straights if you touch on the analog stick to turn.
So their 'improved' physics has ruined the game for wheel users?
I just want to check, you are not trying to steer while your foot is on the brake, right?
Fuckkk I hope you just have warped hands or something...
Fuckkk I hope you just have warped hands or something...
Gobo Games
August 31
Today is our last day working on the game-that-we-can't-announce-that-we-have-been-working-on-for-the-last-year.
You'll be able to buy the game in all reputable game stores on 21st September on Xbox360, PS3 and PC.
And Codemasters are publishing it.
Can you guess what it is?
Mmmmmmm. F1 2012 - Champions Mode. I wonder which developer worked on that new feature?