Only tried a few laps yesterday evening on the PS3, using the dualshock. Lowest downforce setting.
- don't like the feel when at super high speeds, feels like there is a slight disconnect between the left stick position and the way the car reacts to it. like it's way too sensitive. and there's no steering sensitivity option.
if i'm pulling 20º left it feels like the car is going 25 or 30º left. just weird. can't explain it.
- medium/high speed corners feel quite nice actually, blasting through Ascari is good fun until you realise you're doing it so quickly you're gaining several car lengths over the CPU every lap on that one corner.
- curbs don't feel TOO bouncy, you can still get a bit of purchase on them when you're entering a corner.
- i haven't got the hang of braking but it does feel like if you move the bias forwards during the session it improves it a bit. takes ages to lock up if you just mash the brakes. again, could be a bias thing, and i haven't got used to the general distances needed (didn't play 2011, mostly a GT5er).
- almost impossible to get the car to slide in a nice or fun way. when you do, the car just breaks on you and feels uncontrollable. i'm supposed to tap the brakes? ugh. ridiculous. there's no fun in pushing to the limit like that.
haven't come across any penalties or major bugs but then this is a VERY conservative demo, no pitting, no warmup lap, no damage etc. i'm a little worried and probably not really convinced enough to buy day 1, however it *is* nice having a proper F1 game with DRS/KERS etc.