So did anyone automatically get Timeline on March 30?
From what I can gather it was pages that automatically switched. That probably explains why most the news stories I was reading were more guided towards business profiles rather
And ye,s a number of pages have made good use of it. To name a few: NASA Jet Propolusion, The Economist, Spotiry and Classic FM.
I notice Nintendo has put a bit of effort in too (though it feels like a revised history; so NES came out October 18 October 1985 with the pic of an NES with the orange zapper and SMB/Duck Hunt cart; which is wrong as thats the trial release and it came with Grey Zapper, ROB and games). I think in the case of all of those its the same info you can find on their websites...which is going to be a maintenance annoyance when things are updated/revised.
From observation it seems you can coerce timeline into being 1 column by making wide images.
To sum up how I feel as a user, I'm getting sick of the whole "we're switch you'all to timeline, wait no we're not" as it is getting more annoying than timeline itself and also ingraining those who hate it even more. I have a nice cover image lined up and timeline would get me a bit more involved in the site (making my profile less bare those kind of things) but Facebook has to make the effort here.