How to change the game fov.
Unlike how you may have changed the fov in Skyrim, Fallout 4 requires a little more work. Not it requies changes to three files, there are two files called Fallout4Prefs.ini in two different locations and one called Fallout4.ini, all three need to be changed as below.
Firstly go to your Fallout4.ini (loacted at C:Users[name]DocumentsMy GamesFallout4) and under [Display] put the below:
* where XX is you desired fov. I feel 90 is what will probably be best for most, but tweak away.

* where YY is the desired fov for you character model (your hands on screen and gun). Make this smaller to decrease how much you see, and larger to increase it.
Next go to the Fallout4Prefs.ini and do the same directory as above (C:Users[name]DocumentsMy GamesFallout4), under [Display] put:
* where XX is you desired fov. I feel 90 is what will probably be best for most, but tweak away.

* where YY is the desired fov for you character model (your hands on screen and gun). Make this smaller to decrease how much you see, and larger to increase it.
Next go to where you installed steam then open steamappscommonFallout 4Fallout4 (a folder called Fallout 4 is in another folder called Fallout4, how many levels deep does this go

). Next open the Fallout4Prefs.ini here and once again under [Display] add the below:
* where XX is you desired fov. I feel 90 is what will probably be best for most, but tweak away.

* where YY is the desired fov for you character model (your hands on screen and gun). Make this smaller to decrease how much you see, and larger to increase it.
Note, the fov options under [Interface] in Fallout4.ini do not need to be changed for this to work.
Your FOV should now be changed.
If you find your pipboy to be to small, press ~, the type fov XX, where XX is a smallish number. This will take same trial and error, and whilst this fov will not stick for your general game, this will change the fov when pulling out your pipboy. (A thankyou to InvalidFace for noticing and posting this tweak for the pipboy in the comments below). If you're tild key (~) isn't working it is reported you need to change your keyboard layout to us.
Default game fov (80):
Game fov when set to 110: