You have to progress a good bit into Brotherhood's story to max out Danse's affection as it is tied to a story quest.
Ah I see. Good to know
You have to progress a good bit into Brotherhood's story to max out Danse's affection as it is tied to a story quest.
Spent all god damned night doing that one. Pretty unnecessarily long. I could have blown through and just grabbed the tapes and bounced, but I HAVE TO CONSUME EVERY AREA I WALK IN TO.
Does Strong have a quest? I got his perk, but that's it. He honestly grooves the most with my character, but I've been wanting to unlock more perks and stuff. Valentine is taking fucking forever. He's a cool guy, but man alive he is no Strong. All I wanna do is eat people, man. The fuck out of here with your judge-y eyes.
Ah I see. Good to know
Is there a way to turn stolen power armor into owned?
Same with McCready. I wasted almost half of the game before realizing you need to do their quest. The game kept on saying "McCready likes it," but asking about our relationship didn't improve. This game really needs a companion affinity bar showing progress or lack of.
Definitely. And there should have been a companion section in the pip-boy. There needs to be a way to look up where your companions are right now. I have no idea where Preston is right now. I did the quest capturing the fort and can't find him after that.
He went back to Sanctuary after that for me. He's currently breaking his back farming for me.
It's not weird at all.
You settlers can be abducted and replaced by synths. Just like in any place in the commonwealth.
How do you even know you got a perk? I did 2 quests for McCready but I'm not sure if I got his perk.
When you get a companion perk the game takes over your screen like when you pick up a legendary item and says "Hey, [companion] is your bro, here have this perk."
You will 100% not be able to miss getting a perk.
How do you hack terminals? It is probably something simple but I don't understand what words I should be selecting.
Save and Reload? That sounds like it takes a long time. I always try it until the last try and then just leave the terminal and start again. If I'm not in the mood I just try randomly. This works even better withWhen you select a word, it tells you how many letters are correct in the space. By selecting other words, you can narrow down which letter(s) it is or isn't. So in later guesses, pick words that have the correct letter(s) in the right places. Personally, I just save and reload before trying to hack.
Save and Reload? That sounds like it takes a long time. I always try it until the last try and then just leave the terminal and start again. If I'm not in the mood I just try randomly. This works even better withNick's Perk
How do I build the Bobblehead Stand? I don't think I can build it
You don't need to save / reload with Nick's perk. I do it because I don't have that and it's faster than waiter for the terminal to reset.
How do you hack terminals? It is probably something simple but I don't understand what words I should be selecting.
Is there a way to respec? I feel like I fucked my character up I'm lvl 26 and just got gun nut rank 2 lol. I only have science 1 and I don't even think I have armorer yet or master lock picking smh.
You don't need to save / reload with Nick's perk. I do it because I don't have that and it's faster than waiter for the terminal to reset.
When you select a word, it tells you how many letters are correct in the space. By selecting other words, you can narrow down which letter(s) it is or isn't. So in later guesses, pick words that have the correct letter(s) in the right places. And, I just save and reload before trying to hack.
Beyond what was explained on selecting words, if you selected an enclosed <> [ ] or { } it removes a word or resets your try
You find Strong in the Trinity towers.Where do I find this strong? Let's just say Valentine and Hancock don't approve of my... Lifestyle.
So I just returned to Sanctuary to find all my food gone/destroyed, all my water gone/destroyed, and all my dozens of generators destroyed. I wasn't notified of any attacks.
I'm so sad right now.
Anyone find "Drinking Buddy" yet?
I was gonna say if that bothers you then you really wanna stay out of this thread. He could have spoilered it so it could still be a cool little surprise for some but like you learn this information about what they do and who they are like first thing early early on in the main quest.Found 3 synths standing over a couple of scavenger bodies under a bridge. Ran in terror but was able to kill them. These institute laser pistols look crazy.
I would have liked not to know this. Really have to try and stay out this thread.
The loading screen spoiled the game for me too. I didn't even know there were synths in the game. Imagine if i found them like i did above not knowing they existed? Man.
Nah that Quest is bugged I guess. Hope a patch will fix it otherwise I probably will never be able to finish it.
Really? He's chilling in my settlement. Quest won't finish because I won'tsell him to the hotel, but he is there offering jokes and beer.
Anyone find "Drinking Buddy" yet?
New outfit time!
Gave Hancock an Incindiary Assault Rifle and now he's just destroying everything.
I think that mostly depends on if you want Stimpaks to be useless or not. On Survival they heal extremely slow.I'm starting the game tonight. I have played Fallout 3 before but only hours or so. What difficulty should I start on? I play most games on hard but I don't know where I should go super hard or survival.
Late game quest question
I jsut finished the game yesterday with the brotherhood ending, and it was pretty easy. I re-loaded a save to do the institute ending, and am now on the quest to take over the airport. The game crashed on me during my 3rd attempt, but this seems really hard. There are so many dudes to kill, and I am mostly a pistol guy so the long distance doesn't help. Am I doing the mission wrong? It feels like I should be able to fight less than all of these guys at once.
Hey guys, I'm level 21, about 21 hours into the game and I'm on the main quest mission The G. I figured that I'd take a break from the main quest to do the faction quests.lowing Sea
I looked at a mission list and it seems like the last two for each faction are, so I assume there will be a point in which I can't take any more faction quests without siding with one. I'm planning to play as far as I can through each faction quest before moving back to the main quest. I'll create a save at the dividing point so I can go back and play the endings for each faction. Is this good or does anyone have recommendations?the nuclear option and then the outcome missions
So, I send Dogmeat away while doing some quest and now I have no idea where he went. Is there a way to locate your followers?
So, I send Dogmeat away while doing some quest and now I have no idea where he went. Is there a way to locate your followers?
Should I join one faction, feels kind of silly helping all these factions, no?
Also anyones Cryolator is bugged, mine is all static white in menu and when using.
Hey guys, I'm level 21, about 21 hours into the game and I'm on the main quest mission The G. I figured that I'd take a break from the main quest to do the faction quests.lowing Sea
I looked at a mission list and it seems like the last two for each faction are, so I assume there will be a point in which I can't take any more faction quests without siding with one. I'm planning to play as far as I can through each faction quest before moving back to the main quest. I'll create a save at the dividing point so I can go back and play the endings for each faction. Is this good or does anyone have recommendations?the nuclear option and then the outcome missions
Why does the Brotherhood side quests to clear the commonwealth send me to places that other quests had me clear already? I keep clearing the same places over and over, great quest design.