Swan is laughably easy for a boss monster. I tore him apart with a pistol around level 25 or so.
Yea, but did you fought a level 95 swan though???
Swan is laughably easy for a boss monster. I tore him apart with a pistol around level 25 or so.
Yea, but did you fought a level 95 swan though???
If I want Danse's perk, do I need to side with the brotherhood?
I am not that far in the main story and don't want to be spoiled too much, bit I have read you need to do a certain quest to get his perk and I wondered if that quest is only available if I side with the BOS.
Quest name and faction name spoilers only:Do not finish Mankind Redefined for the institute, because the following quest, Mass Fusion will make completing a lot of the BOS quests impossible because Proctor Ingram will only talk about mass fusion, and will not let you proceed with the BOS quests. Mass Fusion forces you to make enemies out of either the institute or the BOS
Honestly not sure if it's a bug or not. Getting tothanks for the information
you make it sound like it's a bug?
do I miss quests that way or do I simply get different quests from other factions?
Why is he Level 95 there? I thought he was around 50
i'm really beginning to hate radiant quests. at first I was like "oh it's a cool excuse to go see places i've not yet explored but:"
a) sometimes it sends you to places you've been (i've cleared fucking hubris comics like four times for various reasons)
b) most of the time there's NOTHING INTERESTING TO SEE
c) the knowledge that you're not progressing anything and it never ends is eating away at my heart
in summary: fuck radiant quests
You could've just ignored it the time they sent you to the same place.
I mean, what made you kept going? The EXP reward at the end of it?
Quick way to get screws?
Somewhat related; I unwittingly blew the chance, as apparently when I became a, the Railroad would no longer offer me missions (not hostile, just brushed me off) I had to even the odds...if on PC by chance, the console command is 'set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1' (sans the quote marks) and you can get the ability.General in the Minutemen
I felt cheated as it was such a big upgrade, so cheating in the console didn't feel so bad.![]()
That's bullshit. I wonder if I have save from before I did that. God damn I'm pissed right now.'
Before I take this guys word, can anyone else confirm this?
I beat Swan yesterday at Lvl. 18 with the Kneecapper Laser and Strong as companion. Swan didn't even leave his Pond.![]()
im level 22
how in fuck's name are you doing that amount of damage holy shit
Is it just me or is the lighting amazing in this game?
Is it just me or is the lighting amazing in this game?
And pip-boy doesn't cast any shadow originally.
Finished Vault 95 forquest and holy shit. I can't wait until we finally confront Vault Tec at the heart. (I haven't finished this game so I don't know if that's a thing) Vault Tec is one of the most evil corporations I've seen in a game.Cait's
Not amazing enough, though.
The character glows are ridiculous.
And pip-boy doesn't cast any shadow originally.
Is there some weird reason why my Sanctuary settlement keeps fluctuating between 21 and 35 people?
Apparently Vault 75 is way worse. Unfortunately I missed it during my play through and ended up spoiling it on the wiki.
the best vault remains to this day the democracy vault in New Vegas.Because every scientist involved predicted that the vault residents would refuse to sacrifice anybody at all and the experiment would fail/succeed immediately, proving the inherent goodness of man.
Instead it kept going for years and years and years
Vault-Tec is way better when it's pure science x the inherent nature of man, instead of the moustache-twirling super SCIENCE!!! malignity it oh so often turns out to be in the hands of lesser writers.
that said I have a soft spot in my heart for the really dumb ones, like "What if everything in this vault was settled via gambling" (result: everything kind of worked out?) and "what happens if we tag everyone with psychotropic drugs after a few days" (result: everyone went bug nuts)
the best vault remains to this day the democracy vault in New Vegas.Because every scientist involved predicted that the vault residents would refuse to sacrifice anybody at all and the experiment would fail/succeed immediately, proving the inherent goodness of man.
Instead it kept going for years and years and years
Vault-Tec is way better when it's pure science x the inherent nature of man, instead of the moustache-twirling super SCIENCE!!! malignity it oh so often turns out to be in the hands of lesser writers.
that said I have a soft spot in my heart for the really dumb ones, like "What if everything in this vault was settled via gambling" (result: everything kind of worked out?) and "what happens if we tag everyone with psychotropic drugs after a few days" (result: everyone went bug nuts)
If it's true, it's probably a really bizarre bug. I am alsobut I did it before I ever ran into the Railroad. They still like me and offer me missions no problem. Maybe this only happens if youthe Minuteman generalafter running into the Railroad, though honestly I don't see how you'd even manage to do this out of order unless you go really far out of your way to do it.become a general
I'm very apprehensive about joining any factions. Can someone in a non-spoilery way tell me whether I get stuck in any of them? I'm playing a lone wanderer type, but want to do some of their quests. Ideally, I'd like to just kill them all, but I'll settle for making enemies of the Brotherhood.
As far as I know there is a point in the main story when you need to associate with a faction to progress, I don't think it is possible to do so on your own. I can't be entirely sure on that because the couple times I got to that point I had associated with at least two of them in some respect and none of my options for that quest were "do your own thing". The game is also very clear when you're about to make permanent enemies with a faction, though I think Minutemen will always be friendly.
Edit: Yeah, I just looked up the quest and it seems the branches for it all require a faction. Though at that point it isn't going to make enemies anywhere.
If I align with one, can I back out later? So if I join the Brotherhood, how locked into them am I? From what you've said I'm assuming I can align with a different one at that point in the story, and get out of the BoS?
You can join all the factions. I can give you a list of mission names not to finish if you like. Finishing any of the missions will end up with you having at least one of the factions becoming hostile with no option to go back.If I align with one, can I back out later? So if I join the Brotherhood, how locked into them am I? From what you've said I'm assuming I can align with a different one at that point in the story, and get out of the BoS?
You can join all the factions. I can give you a list of mission names not to finish if you like. Finishing any of the missions will end up with you having at least one of the factions becoming hostile with no option to go back.
You only get a prompt on screen for one of them. Its pretty obvious for the other times but there isnt always an on screen prompt. Just the one between BoS andBut you get a warning before such deciding missions. I got one when I started doing more and more missions for another faction, but sided with the BoS before (e.g. getting my own power armor from them etc.)..
Just finished the game and pretty happy with the game overall. Thought the ending seemed a little bad though and didn't seem to really reflect my decisions throughout the game as much as past entries. Here is hoping Obsidian gets another chance to tackle the wasteland.
Here's to next time