Why is everyone saying Sneak is broken? I keep getting spotted, even with 3 points invested in the perk. It's killing my urge to continue playing my melee character.
I think it is but from time to time, it gets its uses. The problem I have is that the a.i. is extremely range sensitive. No matter where you are shooting from they will always know where you are shooting from. Do not fire another shot after your initial shot from long range because they will know where you and they will shoot you with accuracy, especially if they have explosives (which they will spam like crazy until they run out of explosives). They also apparently can hear very, very well hearing you coming from a mile away. In that sense, it is broken all the time lol.
You also have to realize that max damage capability favor sneaking essentially forcing you into a sneaking character.
10x melee sneaking damage
Instant death sandman kills
3.5x the damage of your ranged attacks
Silenced weapons do 50% more sneaking damage
You also can't forget that weapons can also come with the legendary Instigating name, doubling the damage of any weapon when your opponent is at full health. Yeah, do the math lol.
Find a halfway decent melee weapon that can deal close to 100 damage and you can find yourself dealing well over 1k damage or close to it on any enemy that doesn't see you.
If you can fully mod a Gauss rifle, you are nearly unstoppable since that gun can deal over 1k worth of damage suppressed and while sneaking. 350ish damage, multiplier of 4.5 with both sneaking skills maxed, and you can deal 1.6k worth of damage. I can almost one-hit a legendary mythic deathclaw on survival. Holy crap, imagine a Instigating Suppressed Gauss Rilfe!! That would destroy almost everything in one hit lol9
It's crazy how much damage you receive from the sneaking skills. Fallout 4 is essentially allowing us to be an OP sneaking god/goddess since they didn't put in any level cap :/ ->