Just get Guilty Gear Xrd or Dragon Quest Heroes this game needs a couple more months in the oven.Thinking of getting this game on PC or PS4. My inclination is PC... just wondering if there are any game breaking bugs.
Just get Guilty Gear Xrd or Dragon Quest Heroes this game needs a couple more months in the oven.Thinking of getting this game on PC or PS4. My inclination is PC... just wondering if there are any game breaking bugs.
Is this sarcasm?The miracle of Bethesda games: the ability to kill almost everyone.
Just get Guilty Gear Xrd or Dragon Quest Heroes this game needs a couple more months in the oven.
How do you get your AI companions out of power armor? One of mine decided to just hop in to one I found on the road (which was weird since it wasn't letting me in it).
Hmm, when I choose talk, it just goes into random conversation.Talk to him and tell him to exit power armor did the trick.
Nope, it's Deacon.Is this Preston Garvey? If so, then yeah, he's screwed up.
Is this sarcasm?
It's pretty weird that they fail to tell you this. I didn't realize until like 30 full hours later that I had theYou can check the status tab on your pip-boy. There may be a good chance you have mole rat disease. The game is really shitty about informing you about it. If you do have mole rat disease, and you gave the cure to the kid, you are stuck with it for the rest of the game.
Holy fucking shit:
Someone tweaked the camera in FO4 to look like FO1/FO2.
(ignore if old)
Holy fucking shit:
Someone tweaked the camera in FO4 to look like FO1/FO2.
(ignore if old)
Nope. Npc annoying you? Sandman that bitch.
If you sneak you might be able to pickpocket the fusion core. Just be careful getting caughy, they probably won't react well.How do you get your AI companions out of power armor? One of mine decided to just hop in to one I found on the road (which was weird since it wasn't letting me in it).
None, really. They do pretty much nothing for you and aren't required for anything.Damm. how many settlements I need to save.
Well, if their ideology speaks to you it's the only place to go to see that fulfilled.Is there any reason to give a fuck about the BOS? That's a mighty fine coat you got there, Maxson.
Oh God...guys how can I find a missing companion? I was in sanctuary and sent Curie to to red rocket, now I want her to join me again and she is gone.
I'm playing on the PS4. Already build a bell (on both settlements), waited for hours and slept and she still won't show up...
I can't reload a save/quicksave...
Should I go to Vault 81 and pray she is there?
Huh thanks, thats sad, I never side with them.There is a mission there if you side with theBrotherhood
Thinking of getting this game on PC or PS4. My inclination is PC... just wondering if there are any game breaking bugs.
If you're already wearing it then you can do it to everything it can be done to.
So after thinking my Dogmeat was glitched and disappeared from the game, I finally found it.
After deciding to finally to come back to the (early to mid-game main quest spoiler?) rquest where I left off at enteringeunionDogmeat was standing right at the entrance lol. Completed the mission and he's back in Sanctuary.Fort Hagen
MacReady is okay. You know who I can't stand? Marcy FUCKING Long.
"Don't talk to me. I don't have the time!" (I'm not talking to her. I was modding my weapon on the bench)
"You better not tell anyone about this place!" (It's not her fucking decision)
Even her praise is half-assed: "I have to hand it to you. This place could be a lot better but it's not a dump".
F U B*tch! Who let you here in the first place?!!!
Dude you are missing the best area in the game.Level 40, more than 80 hours in....and still haven't been to the Glowing Sea. I'll never finish this game
Level 40, more than 80 hours in....and still haven't been to the Glowing Sea. I'll never finish this game
You are in the same place as me, side quests, bobbleheads and settlmeent building are far too distracting.
Level 40, more than 80 hours in....and still haven't been to the Glowing Sea. I'll never finish this game
I just hit 104 hours, level 57 and haven't touched the Glowing Sea either.
Nah...they werent bad but...just When they were becoming interesting there is nothing left to explore.
Both the Long's are annoying:
Marcy Long: moans etc 24/7
Jun Long: Is depressing as fuck.
I locked them in boxes.*opens console
clicks on the Long's
types 'disable'
dances the night away*
Both the Long's are annoying:
Marcy Long: moans etc 24/7
Jun Long: Is depressing as fuck.
Nah...they werent bad but...just When they were becoming interesting there is nothing left to explore.
Everyone in Sanctuary pretty much sucks. Mama Murphy with her "I'm not as useful in combat as I used to be." Blah blah, shut up, shoot up some Jet and sit in your chair, you old hag.
I did a couple of missions where he liked my choice and he idolized me really quickly.Man why don't I get Hancock's perk. I've been running around with him forever. It went so quick with the other companions. And I'm always doing stuff he likes (love me some chems)
Everyone in Sanctuary pretty much sucks. Mama Murphy with her "I'm not as useful in combat as I used to be." Blah blah, shut up, shoot up some Jet and sit in your chair, you old hag.
Pretty much. Even if you stopped mama murphy from ahooting up, she goes on and on about the good old days where she stopped a deathclaw with one bullet left.
I moved on, switch over to Nordhagen Beach. The view is awesome and you get to live near the beach albeit near radiated and dirty water you are still near the beach.
Also, fuck the failed defending missions. I have nearly 200-300 defenses for all my settlements and when I travel to said settlements all my turrets are down and my resources destroyed..... Why even have the defense stat if my settlements gets destroyed? Am I supposed to build a giant dome around my resources so that nothing gets inside and destroys them or will the enemies magically spawn inside the dome and destroy my crops?
Frustrated at the game now lol. I legit wonder how long do I have to wait for legit good a.i. for games that have a difficulty slider. I'm getting sick of my games just having their enemies have ridiculous amounts of health, crazy damage, way too cheap range detection (you should not be able to see me shooting you from miles away with my silenced gauss rifle and have pinpoint accuracy, urgh! When I come closer and loot you and you don't even have a scope attached.....). But that's a whole different topic.
I've got massively more water than defense at THE Castle, yet I haven't been attacked yet. Not that anyone could get inside now that I've patched up the walls with those foundation cement blocks.Pretty much. Even if you stopped mama murphy from ahooting up, she goes on and on about the good old days where she stopped a deathclaw with one bullet left.
I moved on, switch over to Nordhagen Beach. The view is awesome and you get to live near the beach albeit near radiated and dirty water you are still near the beach.
Also, fuck the failed defending missions. I have nearly 200-300 defenses for all my settlements and when I travel to said settlements all my turrets are down and my resources destroyed..... Why even have the defense stat if my settlements gets destroyed? Am I supposed to build a giant dome around my resources so that nothing gets inside and destroys them or will the enemies magically spawn inside the dome and destroy my crops?
Frustrated at the game now lol. I legit wonder how long do I have to wait for legit good a.i. for games that have a difficulty slider. I'm getting sick of my games just having their enemies have ridiculous amounts of health, crazy damage, way too cheap range detection (you should not be able to see me shooting you from miles away with my silenced gauss rifle and have pinpoint accuracy, urgh! When I come closer and loot you and you don't even have a scope attached.....). But that's a whole different topic.
No, it was discussed way earlier in the thread but when settlements get attacked, walls and domes don't matter, enemies are spawned in the camp sometimes out of it but they attempt to power through to get into the settlement if they aren't distracted by the turrets.