I'm in sanctuary, do I need to do it there as well?Have you already placed a radio beacon thingy, given it power, and turned it on?
I'm in sanctuary, do I need to do it there as well?Have you already placed a radio beacon thingy, given it power, and turned it on?
Just finished the game. I also got the Benevolent Leader achievement completely by accident! I think it's a glitch, but if it isn't, it's a hilariously easy way to get the achievement.
I'm in sanctuary, do I need to do it there as well?
MMmm There is an update on the PS4, it fixed the glitch to get all the items on vendors? cuz I dont want to update.
Patch doesn't seem to have made any difference for me. They need to patch so you can remove weapon mods without having to replace them
Man I'm getting my ass kicked in Hard difficulty. Is there a lot of difference between Normal and Hard? I'm kinda not having fun anymore lol
Lol what level are you? What platform?
I'm level 45 ish now and I'm am like the terminator in this motherfucka. So normal was too EZ.
I went straight survival with a sick nasty sweet survival mod on PC. I'm having more fun now.
Level 13, PS4. I was doing a quest yesterday that I had to kill a couple of ghouls in a base. When I left the building, there was a legendary sentry enemy that is almost impossible for me to kill. I barely do any damage to it. Even Strong got his ass kicked.
Assaultrons can also insta kill you if you're not careful
If you're talking Sentrybot then they are in fact hard as fuck, their health and damage is extremely high and you'd be best to avoid at all costs until you have weaponry that can do a lot of damage or you have good AP and perks for crits. Assaultrons can also insta kill you if you're not careful
Between normal and hard there are definitely health/damage changes
A sentry bot once attacked me because I set off the laser trip wire at the BoS base. Fuck, that was a hard fight and I was in power armor (which okay, I 'took' from the warehouse but no one was around so I thought it's okay to take). I had to climb up this platform which he couldn't get to and shot him from that distance.
what does Nick Valentine like? I would really like to do his quest. Also, he saw me kill a certain person and the prompt said that "Nick hated that." is that something I can overcome?
Do you guys use mines in this game? Every time I set them down, it seems like enemies just go around them.
Does anyone else constantly jam the Q key (or L1/LB on consoles) to "check" for enemies with V.A.T.S.?
Sometimes it feels like cheating, but man it's a tough habit to break.
Do you need themolecular relay anymore or can all the stuff be scraped and do other things?
interesting that so many people are not updating because of the vendor glitch.
Game seems fine without the glitch. are people that desperate for resources?
Wish I could do that I'm forever setting the fuckers off.
Not just mines.At the third level of the sneak perk you stop triggering mines, I've been through so many minefields without even realising.
It's not hard to get resources, it's just tedious. After 90 odd levels I started using the console for my concrete needs, for example. Who can be bothered to spend even more time farming just to build cool shit?
Well? You can't just say that and not tell us this easy way. :/
So I just did/found the"treasure' of the Jamaica plains holy hell you have to disable like fifty laser tripwires and get a crappy world series bat
HahahahhaFrom reddit
From reddit
From reddit