Have we confirmed that the 1.02 patch fixed the infinite building / materials duping glitches?
I need to know this. I stopped and deleted the patch before it could fully downloading. I didn't want to be deprived of my precious adhesive.
You need to leave the Silver Shroud card and without it, sometimes it won't work. Also, for the last mission you need to travel back to Goodneighbor
What are you trying to upgrade and is it in your inventory? Options are very limited without mods.Anyone else have an issue with ballistic weave not showing up?
I talked to Tinker Tom about it and he started selling armored clothes, but when I go to a workbench I don't get the option to add ballistic weave to anything.
What are you trying to upgrade and is it in your inventory? Options are very limited without mods.
Yep vault suits don't work with ballistic weave, but if you're on pc you can use this to open up what you can upgrade.
There's a mod for that at least. I know it's not helpful for console people now, but maybe some day.
I decided to risk it and update FO4 on the PS4 and I can confirm that the infinite buildspace glitch and resource duplication glitch both still work.
And saves are backwards compatible. So if you ever need to you can just delete the gamedata and start from 1.0.Oooh nice. I already duplicated adhesive to be on the safe side and I haven't updated to the latest patch but this is good to know.
Yes every glitch except dogmeat was patched
Oooh nice. I already duplicated adhesive to be on the safe side and I haven't updated to the latest patch but this is good to know.
I pretty much gave up on base building after they fixed the infinite cap glitch...
Whats a good way to get tons of caps?. I just want to buy material shipments but they are so famn expensive.
yea, the reason it wasnt working for me earlier was because i was trying to do it on shipment of steel which doesnt seem to work. but everything else does (adhesive, wood, etc)
The one where you sell your ammo back to the vendors.Which one did they fix?
I found that if you take a shipment order and put it in a container (not the workbench), then take it out and try to do duping with it later, it doesn't work, for some reason.
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
When they drop that bomb
Crawl out through the fallout
With the greatest of aplomb
When your white count's getting higher
Hurry, don't delay
I'll hold you close and kiss those
Radiation burns away
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
To my loving arms
Through the rain of Strontium 90
Think about your hero
When you're at Ground Zero
And crawl out through the fallout back to me
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
You know what I mean
Crawl out through the fallout
'Cause they said this bomb was clean
If you cannot find the way
Just listen for my song
I'll love you all your life
Although that may not be too long
Crawl out through the fallout, baby
To my loving arms
While those ICBM's keep us free
When you hear me call out
Baby, kick the wall out
And crawl out through the fallout back to me
'Cause you'll be the only girl in the world
Why don't you crawl out through the fallout back to me
Why don't you crawl out through the fallout back to me
The one where you sell your ammo back to the vendors.
OK, so I just got to Sanctuary after the opening stuff. I gotta say...Settlement stuff is not nearly as fun as I was expecting. It feels very tedious and somewhat annoying. Do I have to actually build up anything, or just do what the quests require?
Also, how do I get food for my settlement?
Not sure. Havnt tried it yet. Will try it later when im on.Can you still dupe expensive items?
Can trinity tower be officially cleared? I spent an hour on lifts making sure I got everyone, and it still doesn't say it.
Is University Point supposed to be a settlement?
Is University Point supposed to be a settlement?
It really feels like one, but no, I never managed to find a workshop in the area.
Is this post patch? Because I did last night (without patch) and worked for me. Aargh, I'm still not sure if I want this patch at all. :/
While we're at it, do you think "Crawl Out Through The Fallout" sounds like Christmas song?
EDIT: If you play "Fallout Shelter", they have now add Christmas Theme to it. I hope Bethesda does this to the full-game too. Add some snow, I mean.
Is University Point supposed to be a settlement?
Just to let everyone know for the max happiness thing, unless the patch fixed it, it can easily be done at Red Rocket Gas Station with 6 settlers, 6 mutfruit plants and 5 tier 3 clinics and a looooot of wooden boxes.
The crafted settlement shops look like Peppermint Pattie's therapy booth from the Peanuts.
Modders should get on this![]()
So I have just done themission, and I am getting a little worried. I have so far not really aligned with any particular faction, and outside of a few run ins with different groups, I also haven't done many faction missions. However, after the mission I just mentioned, I ended upbattle for bunker hill, will I be locked out of their future quests, or will the game make it super obvious when I have align with someone.killing shit loads of railroad members
Also, approximately how far through the main campaign am I?
Does anyone know this?
I'm on PS4, but thanks.
Shame, since I wanted to have all my companions decked out in fully upgraded vault gear. The restriction seems odd, it seems they only let you upgrade ugly apparel. I need to be fashionable in the wasteland.![]()
I could probably look this up, but how do your power lights? I have a lightbulb in my 'house', power generator doesn't connect up to it.
Use a power conduit. Connect the generator to the conduit and put lightbulbs near the conduit (it has a certain reach). You don't have to connect lightbulbs to the conduit. You can tell what needs to be connected with a wire or what can be placed around a conduit if it has a lightning bolt with a number (needs to be wired to something) or if it's just a lighting bolt (place near conduit)
So I tried to cheat the game tonight. During one of the main missionsIt turns out that the game blocks doors that allows story progression :/finding Kellog, I tried to get into Fort Hagen before interacting with Dogmeat......
I was disappointed.
I can't get the Max Happiness using Red Rocket. I think i'm gouing to use the Boston Airport and then justand see if that works.send Shaun there on his own
Managed to the the benevolent leader/100% happiness trophy tonight by pure luck I didn't even get it at my main base the one I was actually working on, I got it from my settlement at Nordhagen Beach... With 1 settler!? he must be happy as hell living on his own my the sea.
I kept seeing everyone complaining about this thing and it just popped randomly I feel bad for how hard people are working for this one
So I tried to cheat the game tonight. During one of the main missionsIt turns out that the game blocks doors that allows story progression :/finding Kellog, I tried to get into Fort Hagen before interacting with Dogmeat......
I was disappointed.