I think that I've hit the wall, after 55h+ played, where I'm starting to hit the wall with this game. I'm at the point in the main quest where. I'm not sure exactly where on the mapI'm supposed to do the freedom trail quest, to find the Railroad.
Well I beat the main quest of fallout 4.
Yeah that save is a few hours back to me and I'm ok with the choice I made. Time to just explore the rest of the map. I never just picked a direction and went that way to discover stuff in 60 hours. Just quested.I did the same last night and thought the same thing. I had a lot of fun with the game but the ending was 'um, sure.'
I am going to load an older save and replay another ending.
For some reason Im not interested in the brotherhood stuff at all, havent done one thing for them and I must be 60 hours in.
Found an abandoned house in the Boston commons,where two holodeck tapes were in the bottom level, and a Glowing One was in a locked attic. After smiting it, I found a third holodeck tape in the same room as it. The tapes told the story of a girl who was a test subject for a drug, and she became the Glowing One. :'(
I love Bethesda.
So for the past three nights or so I've been attempting to clear outmy Minutemen and Railroad faction quests to get to the point where you have to pick and choose who to side with.
The problem is, I don't seem to be getting anymore faction quests. All I'm getting is Radiant quests. I've been doingfor RR and I just finished the Minutemen quest where youRandolph drop quests. What now? I've already reached the "point of no return" portions for the other factions.build artillery
I'm just about ready to say fuck it and just beat the game going the BoS and Institute paths.
So for the past three nights or so I've been attempting to clear outmy Minutemen and Railroad faction quests to get to the point where you have to pick and choose who to side with.
The problem is, I don't seem to be getting anymore faction quests. All I'm getting is Radiant quests. I've been doingfor RR and I just finished the Minutemen quest where youRandolph drop quests. What now? I've already reached the "point of no return" portions for the other factions.build artillery
I'm just about ready to say fuck it and just beat the game going the BoS and Institute paths.
How much stuff have you done in Diamond City yet? Doing the quests to findquests will progress the main story and get you away from just killing random mobs and bring you up toNick Valentine. I haven't gone pastThe Molecular Levelmyself yet, but I've heard that part of that quests progression is to meet the Railroad.The Molecular Level
If you plan on building with Concrete foundation blocks, this guy has a tip for getting them to stack:
This changes EVERYTHING.
Holy shit. Time to go rebuild a ton of things.If you plan on building with Concrete foundation blocks, this guy has a tip for getting them to stack:
This changes EVERYTHING.
If you plan on building with Concrete foundation blocks, this guy has a tip for getting them to stack:
This changes EVERYTHING.
cutscene:Oh god the ending
Has to be the worst one in the saga, its just a dumb series narration and you have no clue of what happened to the world or your consequences for your actions like the previous games.
So bad geez...for a pretty good game.
Yup, I'm fully expecting a Broken Steel style expansion within the coming months. Hopefully they expand how much influence the factions have and actually add in some decisions that fully impact the Commonwealth.
Maybe have The Enclave show up too.
The max happiness trophy is driving me insane, I have 17 settlers, 15 clinics and 2 on food yet my happiness is stuck at 90, even though it was somehow at 92 when I had less clinics and settlers. Spectacle Island if that makes any difference, any ideas?
lots of defense? Paintings plastered over all walls?
That and don't leave till the trophy pops.
Keep doing institute Missions, until you have to kill Desdemona or spare her and defend the railroad from the BoS, you will have already turned the BoS Hostile in previous institute mission. If you want to go with Minutemen you'll eventually bring down the Prydwen with an Artillery Bombardment. If you go Railroad you'll bring down the Prydwen by sneaking on and destroying it's engines
It's probably too late but here is the path to the Truly good ending that destroys only the institute and has you on good terms with the RR, Minutemen, and BoS
Got over 200 defense, tons of paintings and still going down at 91. Gonna save, scrap everything and and build a in a new area to see if that fixes it.
Re: companions, is maxing out affinity supposed to happen super-fast? I finally ditched Valentine for McCready, and I think I've already finished McCready's companion quest (). I then ditched him forunless killing off the two Gunners who were originally harassing him wasn't it, but he seems pretty neutral to my presence.the Courser
Another thing: when I had Nick as a companion, whatever I made him equipped "stuck" and he would use that weapon all the time. However, I've noticed with the other guys they switch back to their default weapons whenever combat is triggered. Is this a relationship thing, a bug, or are you just not allowed to equipon companions?Limitless Potential
If you give companions a weapon they need ammo too, so maybe that's why they switch back?
McCready, hey likes it when you steal.Has another personal quest after that one
But.Limitless Potential has an infinite clip
K, maybe I'll go back to McCready then. I noticed he likes that - I like it too, so yay!
That doesn't mean what you think it does. Essentially the clip is all the ammo you have of that weapon, so you never have to reload. It does not mean that weapon has infinite ammo.
The max happiness trophy is driving me insane, I have 17 settlers, 15 clinics and 2 on food yet my happiness is stuck at 90, even though it was somehow at 92 when I had less clinics and settlers. Spectacle Island if that makes any difference, any ideas?
I feel like a damn superhero in my Mk.VI X-01 suit with my explosive automatic 10mm.
My game broke somehow.
At one point fairly late in the game, every headshot in VATS turned to a 95% hit chance, with every gun, regardless of distance.
So now even big enemies are super easy to kill with a few shots with the magnum revolver.
Anyway, I completed the game and saw 2 endings (Siding with the Railroad and Institute). Both endings were meh. The story overall was underwhelming, tbh. But I played the game for like 60 hours in my first playthrough so they did something right.
Once I had finished the main story i finally discovered the Silver Shroud questline. Honestly it ended up being my favorite questline in the game. So awesome.my female character speaking dialogue as the silver shroud was hilarious
Guessing you got MacCready's loyalty perk?![]()
ahhh was that what happened??
that's a pretty awesome perk!
It's glitched, though, so you weren't wrong. Think it's supposed to give a 20% boost and it ends up giving 2000% instead.
So I have pretty godawful bandwidth that would take around several days of downloading to finish what I hear is a 20GB download even if you have the retail physical version (the retail disc only has ~5 of 25GB??). I just got my retail copy in the mail today, but I already lent a flash drive to a friend to do a Steam backup of his already downloaded version of so I can use it to do a restore on my system. That should work right? And given that the install would take multiple days to finish, probably best to not start downloading any of it since the restore would just overwrite any of what I do download in the next day?
Ben Rose said he was playing Fallout 4 last Sunday when the driver of a Hyundai Sonata plowed through the wall of his home. You play in a wasteland and then your apartment turns into a wasteland.
I do so love building stuff. Only problem is I've spent so much time building up other settlements that I've neglected Sanctuary on this playthrough. :lol
I wish they'd just let us put elevators though.
Too bad you ain't on pc, bruh. There's a mod for craftable elevators up to six floors high.