Servbot #42
Unconfirmed Member
What's the mission? Is it the one called (mission title spoilers)Betrayal?
Yep, it's funny i was into VAGUE SPOILERS
Maxson's little crusade until that mission, somehow that changed because you know....
What's the mission? Is it the one called (mission title spoilers)Betrayal?
I'm at level 30 and have stuck with the Vaultsuit + leg, armor, chest pieces and helmet. I put points into Armorer perk, allowing me to upgrade the Vaultsuit and each armor piece individually, which is giving me far better defense than a single suit of armor (so far). That's my suggestion (so long as you can craft the various leather/metal pieces into better things as you progress).Considering you cant put armor over it I would ditch it in favor of a full set of piece by piece fully upgraded armor.
Impressive but...what yall combat stats looking like???
Do the Pillars of the Community actually have a quest? I burned my bridges there during the Cabot House quest so now I can't do it.
have you not left the first vault? The XP is given like candy, doing random missions for the factions will level you up quickly there a console command to increase XP gains? Shit is taking way too long.
I just finishedam I at the point of no return?Tradecraft
The game will make it pretty close to obvious when you are at the point of no return.
It will warn you when an action of yours will turn another faction hostile.
Just pay attention and reload if you aren't ready and make multiple saves.
So why is my farm in Sanctuary not producing anything? I sleep for 24 hours and there is nothing to harvest. I'm trying to get materials for vegetable starch. Another question, is there a way to make one settlement my main one so that all settlers go there?
Alright thanks
Those are the new Deathclaws.
So, in the default set up there's a wire coming over to a connector. What do I need to put down to power a light on the ceiling of the other room? When I extend the wire from that connector to the other light, it does not work. And when I extend the wire to another connector on the wall next to the light, then to the light, it does not work. I feel there's something fundamental I'm missing.
(The tutorial linked above was way over my head, sorry. I just want a light bulb to turn on.)
Butcher Pete is probably my favourite song from all the games. Way Back Home is pretty great too, love the silliness of the lyrics.Uraaaaaanium fever....
cant get this song out my damn head... that and "choppin that meat!"
yea, the Fallout games pretty much made me a fan of the big band genreButcher Pete is probably my favourite song from all the games. Way Back Home is pretty great too, love the silliness of the lyrics.
Airship captain hat. Looks like a sea captain hat but black.What hat?
The game will make it pretty close to obvious when you are at the point of no return.
It will warn you when an action of yours will turn another faction hostile.
Just pay attention and reload if you aren't ready and make multiple saves.
Here is a perfect non-spoilerish quest guide on the BEST way to maximize everything in one playthrough before you reach the point of no return with several factions.
Quest Order
[Main Quest] War Never Changes
[Main Quest] Out of Time
[Minutemen Quest] When Freedom Calls
[Minutemen Quest] Sanctuary
[Minutemen Quest] The Sight
[Minutemen Quest] Taking Independence
[Minutemen Quest] Old Guns
This is the last Minutemen quest you need to do for trophies
[Main Quest] Jewel of the Commonwealth
[Main Quest] Unlikely Valentine
[Main Quest] Getting a Clue
[Main Quest] Reunions
[Main Quest] Dangerous Minds
[Main Quest] Shattered
[Main Quest] The Glowing Sea
[Main Quest] Hunter/Hunted
[Main Quest] The Molecular Level
Halfway through this quest you need to go off and meet the Railroad - CHOOSE WHOEVER
[Railroad Quest] Road to Freedom
[Railroad Quest] Tradecraft
[Main Quest] Institutionalized
[Institute Quest] Synth Retention
[Institute Quest] The Battle of Bunker Hill
[Institute Quest] Mankind Redefined
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Reveille
Tune into Military Frequency AF95 and go to the Cambridge Police Station map marker. Alternatively, the BoS's Airship will arrive after completing the
main story quest "Getting a Clue". You can go to the Airport and talk to the BoS there and they'll tell you to go to Cambridge Police Station to assist them.
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Fire Support
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Call to Arms
You will join the Brotherhood of Steel after returning to Paladin Dance at the end of this quest.
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Semper Invicta
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Shadow of Steel
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Tour of Duty
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Show No Mercy
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] From Within
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Outside the Wire
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Liberty Reprimed
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Blind Betrayal
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Tactical Thinking
Talking to Lancer-Captain Kells will cause the Railroad to turn hostile. This is ok, as we made Save #2 earlier.
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Spoils of War
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest] Ad Victoriam
[Brotherhood of Steel Quest][Ending #2] The Nuclear Option (Brotherhood of Steel)
[Institute Quest]Mass Fusion
Relaying to Mass Fusion will make you a permanent enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel.
[Institute Quest][IMPORTANT] Pinned
Minutemen will be here during this quest if you have been following this roadmap. Do NOT kill any of the Institute, or help the Minutemen with their assault.
You can either:
A) Go into the building you are supposed to go in. Just sit and wait for the Institute to kill all the Minutemen.
B) Persuade the Minutemen to stand down.
[Railroad Quest] Underground Undercover - Part 1
Complete up until the part "Continue Working with Father"
[Institute Quest] Powering Up
A Synth will come up to you after the meeting and allow you to continue "Underground Undercover". Make sure to speak to the Synth when he comes
up to you.
[Institute Quest]End of the Line
You will have to kill Railroad members during this quest.
[Institute Quest] Airship Down
[Institute Quest][Ending #1] Nuclear Family
[Railroad Quest]Underground Undercover - Part 2
[Railroad Quest]Operation Ticonderoga
[Railroad Quest]Precipice of War
[Railroad Quest]Rockets' Red Glare
FYI, it doesn't have to be done in this exact order. I did many of the brotherhood quests VERY early in the game. Same for Minutemen and Railroad. Its just that all factions will be unable to progress further until you are at the quest where you are forced to build a device. That quest is called The Molecular Level, that is where the game starts to diverse, but you can pretty much do anything you want prior to that.
ha HA!
I've literally rolled the same armor from level 13 to the look of it so just fully upgraded it with deep pockets so it's still totally viable (2x+2 Luck Leather arms, +1Str+1End Leather leg, +1Agl+1Per Leather leg +1Per Military cap and +1Per Welding Goggles).I'm in desperate need of decent armor. The best I've run into so far is using the Minutemen outfit with some random helmet.
I've literally rolled the same armor from level 13 to the look of it so just fully upgraded it with deep pockets so it's still totally viable (2x+2 Luck Leather arms, +1Str+1End Leather leg, +1Agl+1Per Leather leg +1Per Military cap and +1Per Welding Goggles).
Topped off with a few changing under garments over the levels, but me and Piper both are rocking the BoS uniform now, suits our weird vibe. Both in same looking armor, I call us the Wasteland SpecOps.
Still, the Perk that allows you to shoot through walls also allows you to shoot the fusion cores of Sentry Bots and Power Armour from the front.
Anyone else think the 200 years after the war setting doesn't make sense?Everything looks like it would be 50-60 years after the war at most. Logically nothing like the terminals and machinery would be in working condition after all that time without any maintenance. This is kind of the problem I have with FO3/NV/FO4, civilization doesn't seem to have developed past living in the wrecked buildings. NV was better because at least they rebuilt a bunch of stuff, but apparently people in the wasteland are OK with living in houses with trash everywhere on the floor
Most ghouls are from pre war.It's always confusing me as well. I feel like nothing makes sense if you think of it as 200 years later. I swear when fighting the 50s mobster faction I overheard them talking about what they used to do before the bombs dropped as well. No one but you was frozen right? Makes no sense. Can someone explain the setting to me? I feel like they added the 200 years later thing late in development and didn't go back and make it make sense.
As in you bought it? Go to the workshop and transfer it from your do I redeem shipments at settlements? like my shipment of copper?
As in you bought it? Go to the workshop and transfer it from your inventory.
I bought it, yep. Ok, thanks that's simple enough. That doesn't feel like it would do anything, IMO. So much of this isn't clearly laid out.