Sorry - didn't realize this thread existed when I made mine. Here's my contribution:
I still remember the first time I saw the system - it was 1987, and some (comparitively) wealthy friends of the family had the system. I played Duck Hunt, some game where you would shoot cardboard cutouts of thugs (avoiding innocent bystanders), but no Super Mario Bros. Regardless, I was hooked!
Notable Stories (in a nutshell):
1. Christmas present burnt to ashes - I torn open a little of the christmas wrapping on box because I just wanted to see what the system looked like. My parents had always told me if I open the presents before Christmas, it would turn to ashes. They noticed the tear, and overnight the burned / charred some of the wrapping and the box. I didn't go near it again.
2. TLoZ is boring and dumb - My friend had TLoZ - I played it for 10 minutes, was lost, didn't know what to do, and quit. Never went back to that game (though ALttP is one of my fav games of all time - I was too young for TLoZ)
3. The popular kid on the block - Later, I was the only kid in my apartment complex with Super Mario Bros 3 (my godparents got it for me) - 10-12 kids would come over every weekend to take turns playing. It was nuts.
4. Mom picks out a good game - More than anything one Christmas I wanted TMNT1 for the NES. I had also played the arcade game and loved it. I had no idea that it was ported over to the NES. Christmas morning, my mom told me she couldn't get me TMNT1 and that she hoped this other game would be okay. Sadly, I opened the present and found TMNT: The Arcade Game staring at me. I couldn't believe it! It was my version of the "N64 Kid" moment.
5. Lies suck - There was a period early on where my parents told me we couldn't hook up the NES because they couldn't get it to work (really they just wanted their TV watching back). A year later on a whim I took it out of the closet, hooked it up, and viola! It worked. They were falsely surprised that I got it to work. hahaha This is why it took me 1.5 years to bear Super Mario Bros.
6. The joy of victory - Beating Super Mario Bros. was a cause for celebration the likes of which I don't experience with games these days. Ahh, the joys of being 9 yrs old.