Mibu no ookami
Demoted Member® Pro™
Well, selling less consoles for sure guaranteed less software sales… I think is pretty clear that you’re the myopic here.
By your logic Sony should just be giving PS5s away for free. Obviously Sony has data and metrics they're looking for and also knows the audience they're trying to sell to and what games they play. Most people on PS4 today are playing F2P games. They're not buying new release AAA games.
The are doing fine. I think they can do better with a modest price cut in Japan. How about just keep the current 7,000 yen price cut permanent. Would that be so bad? What if that 7,000 yen price cut could offer you a guaranteed 15K units sales average, instead of 10K?
To what end? You're now selling 15K units a month at 7,000 yen less. That's 105 million in losses or 711K dollars in losses per week or 37 million dollars only to sell an additional 260K units to people who aren't doing anything other than playing genshin impact. What does that 260K players give you exactly? People who likely would have bought the PS5 next year anyways....