Corran Horn
May the Schwartz be with you
I do weekly power rankings and weekly awards. Once it gets closer to playoffs I'll post what needs to be done to get in the playoffs. Thought about doing videos but too busy right now.To my fellow commissioners, what do you do to make the league better or more fun? I just started putting together weekly power rankings which everyone likes. Yahoo has a record book that I'm considering transferring to a spreadsheet so everything is more permanent, and I also want to make a matchup records sheet.
The power rankings is pretty self-explanatory. The awards I give out is for best player, highest scoring team, best bench, biggest blowout, best pickup, worst decision, lucky team of the week etc. Also I post pics/gifs of funny plays that happen during the week.
Ideally I also want to make a webpage to keep information etc but I need to checkup on that later.