Awesome. I wonder if the PC map editor has higher limits than the console versions.saelz8 said:
Awesome. I wonder if the PC map editor has higher limits than the console versions.saelz8 said:
What stream?Tr4nce said:I keep wanting to tune in on that JustinTv live stream, but I don't want to spoil the game too much for myself. This game looks so great, so much fun. Can't wait until I shove this sucker into my PS3. I'm gonna do alot of exploring first I think
Edit: check out this cool physics movie on YouTube:
Is there truth to that?When you first start playing Far Cry 2, youll be forgiven for thinking that it absolutely bloody hates you. Gunfire flies from nowhere, peppering you to pieces before youve even seen your attacker. Your fragile health bar drops to almost nothing within seconds. There are seemingly-random, one-hit deaths aplenty, and even when you do get a warning, the slow and cumbersome health recovery system means that you often wont get the time to heal yourself before the final bullet sends you staggering to the ground in a pathetic heap.
thewesker said:To those that have played Far Cry 2, GamesRadar posted this in their review:
Is there truth to that?
Can you just go around them?Tomcat said:The first time you are getting rescued by your buddy. The second load from last save
I am getting frustrated with the crossroad/roadblocks AI spawing. Its like i am playing cod4 all over again
BobFromPikeCreek said:Can you just go around them?
Somnia said:Yes you could
edit: Regarding the buddy save. It doesn't just happen once...its like once every 24 hours in game or something like that. I don't remember exactly, but it's pretty nice when your buddy saves you and it has this awesome black and white scene with them pulling you out of danger with your eye sight coming in and out and you see them getting shots off while pulling you to safety. You get put in a safer area near where you were.
I'm so fucking sold now.cameltoe said:
Zeliard said:How often are you actually fighting alongside a buddy, though?
chespace said:Those physics videos are AMAZING. How do the consoles pull this off without massive slowdown? Wow.
Reminds me a lot of those physics experiments people were doing with CryEngine 2 and ArmA.
Y2Kev said:You guys have me hyped up a bit now :lol
The only problem is, even hyped up, there are so many games coming out this week...
hahahah, used that same strategy in Crysis countless times but the way all the explosives were chained together is pretty awesome.cameltoe said:
Dizzan said:About to play far cry one before i jump into 2.
Any good?
:O :Ocameltoe said:
Y2Kev said:You guys have me hyped up a bit now :lol
The only problem is, even hyped up, there are so many games coming out this week...
Whoa.cameltoe said:
AgentOtaku said:It still holds up today...particularly the visuals.
Are you comfortable with the Sci-Fi twist halfway through? ...If so, you should be fine
Chiggs said:Heads-up to ATI owners. That hotfix driver can introduce higher temps and flashing textures in various games. Might want to hold off. Just tried them out on a fresh Vista install and I'm not too thrilled.
Zeliard said:Does Steam still let you pre-load games (download/install them before they release, so you can play them the second they unlock)? Or do they only do that with Valve releases? Because it wasn't that way with Crysis Warhead, but I clearly remember pre-loading games through Steam in the past. It was a great feature.
Tomcat said:The first time you are getting rescued by your buddy. The second load from last save
I am getting frustrated with the crossroad/roadblocks AI spawing. Its like i am playing cod4 all over again
Dizzan said:Thanks.
I wasn't aware of the twist. The uncharted twist, while annoying, was tolerable so I guess this will be ok.
Freedom = $1.05 said:The game becomes next to impossible at the very end. Get ready to hate it at that point. The games is terrific besides that.
cameltoe said:
Zeliard said:The only thing that would've made that cooler is if chunks of the building started crumbling.
hmm... horrible slowdown tbh. I am finding the game to look very bland.cameltoe said:
I think you're computer is broke, since there's very little slowdown in that vid.godhandiscen said:hmm... horrible slowdown tbh. I am finding the game to look very bland.
GalacticAE said:Does anyone know if the PS3 version supports mouse + keyboard. I'll be getting this for PS3 since I don't have a PC that will run it. I just don't like the feel of the DS3 for shooters. If not, I'll live with it and I'll play with the controller anyway.
Maybe you can try this...GalacticAE said:Does anyone know if the PS3 version supports mouse + keyboard. I'll be getting this for PS3 since I don't have a PC that will run it. I just don't like the feel of the DS3 for shooters. If not, I'll live with it and I'll play with the controller anyway.
Chiggs said:Heads-up to ATI owners. That hotfix driver can introduce higher temps and flashing textures in various games. Might want to hold off. Just tried them out on a fresh Vista install and I'm not too thrilled.
fps fanatic said:Maybe you can try this...
I've never used it, but I've read reviews were people used to playing on a PC seemed to adapt to this controller well...