My day in Africa:
First of all: Stealth does work! Using the Dart Gun at night, I did maybe 3 missions and cleared out 5+ safe houses and guard posts without beeing seen once, except for those rare times when I decided to go in with my Paratrooper for the last kill

So great sneaking around for more than an hour without having to use a single syrette, I felt like some kind of African super-ninja man.
Also, right after all this sneaking awesomeness, I decided to take on another convoy mission. So I went to the place, noticed that the convoy circled using this long road that took them 2-3 minutes to get around, with a couple of guard posts along the road. First I thought "Okay, I'll ambush them from the side of the road, maybe take out the front driver with a dart." Then I took out my binoculars, checked the nearby guard post and decided to be at least a little more creative. While looking at my map to make sure the convoy was a couple of minutes away, I started sniping out the post. This went without a hitch, and I entered thinking "I wonder if the convoy guys will like my surprise". So I parked two jeeps at the entrance to the base, blocking the whole road. Then I sat down in the tall gras and waited. Seconds later the convoy appeared, and I almost started giggling as they were forced to stop and the two men in the front jeep walked out to check things out. They were only 4-5 meters away. I stood up. "Catch this, boys!". I chucked my entire supply of Molotovs and grenades at the convoy starting with the front guys who started screaming the second I had stood. The whole place went up in flames and 5 vehicles (the convoy and the ones I'd parked) exploded with huge bangs as I ran away to avoid getting hit by falling jeeps. I jumped up on a nearby rocky hill to admire my handiwork. Bodies everywhere, scrap metal, crackling flames engulfing the savannah. FUCK YEAH!
Scotch said:
I keep thinking that I just need to get some more diamonds to get some new weapons and then the game will suddenly be great, but then I do a mission and the piece of shit wants me to go the other side of the map, and of course the bus stops are all in the middle of the fucking desert. And so begins another journey past dozens of military checkpoints and patrol jeeps, getting out, shooting guys in the face, fixing engine, again and again.
You do know that there's a bus stop in the middle of the map, in Pala, right?