Caesar III
you can, just activate vsync in the pre-game settings.Teetris said:Thanks! Game plays like a charm now.
Too bad you can't make the screen tearing go away though
you can, just activate vsync in the pre-game settings.Teetris said:Thanks! Game plays like a charm now.
Too bad you can't make the screen tearing go away though
OMG, so that's what that does :lolCaesar III said:you can, just activate vsync in the pre-game settings.
Teetris said:OMG, so that's what that does :lol
Thanks alot! I usually don't mind the tearing in games but in this game it's just atrocious
Teetris said:OMG, so that's what that does :lol
Thanks alot! I usually don't mind the tearing in games but in this game it's just atrocious
Nikorasu said:Well, in actuality, tearing in PC games can differ greatly from person to person. It's entirely due to what framerate it's running at during any given moment (specifically, how close it is to your monitor's refresh rate or a multiple thereof. On a 60 Hz monitor, that is 60/30/15/etc) One person could be averaging close to 60fps and see very little tearing, while another could average 30-40 or well over 60 and see tearing out the wazoo. It's not a game dependent thing like you see on consoles.
Somebody told me that it was to allow the game to fit on a DVD, but I'm pretty sure that was a console-wars related jokeDubloSeven said:Does anyone know why Ubisoft decided to speed up the dialogue in the game? It practically ruins the possibility of enjoying the story at all.
You're right. The PC Version of this game looks better than any of the other two because of better textures and uses only 3gb on the hddWarm Machine said:The disc space thing is obviously BS. Even though the world is huge I doubt it if it even takes up 2 gigs on the DVD. Since everything is instance and heightmap based there is so very few pieces of single use static geometry and there are no lightmaps in the game at all (because of their time of day system)
They simply sped the dialouge up so it took less time to tell you what you had to do or to give you missions.
Oh, I'm almost certain they do because I caught the game cheating at least twice.revolverjgw said:Venomous, bitter rant coming up, sorry. I've never played a game I love and hate so much simultaneously. The atmosphere is intoxicating, the gunplay and physics are a blast, driving feels good, the equipment advancement... the fundamentals are so solid. At its best, stalking around picking people off with my dart gun while wind and rain and lashing the foliage, the game is amazing. At its worst, this game just feels totally broken. I've tried hard to find routes and strategies to get me from place to place with a minimum of tedium and annoyance, but I've fought the same little skirmish with pursuing truckloads of assholes 200 times through the course of this game. I thought Assassin's Creed, another fundamentally superb game, had backbreaking design problems, but Ubisoft Montreal actually topped themselves here. Everytime I hear a truck start up behind me, I want to scream.
Lately, perhaps because I'm about 70% through, there are even trucks seemingly materializing out of nowhere to chase me down while I'm sneaking through the woods at night. Or I'll lose trucks behind in a chase, only for them to find me 5 minutes later while I'm trying to be low key. I'm trying to deal with it because the main missions are so fun, but it's hard to swallow. I almost wish I hadn't played the game yet, and waited for a patch or something to cut down the brain numbing tedium.
Some enemy vehicles (including boats) also come equipped with grenade launchers. Fortunately you can steal them and they're available at safe houses if you've earned enough respect (level 4 I believe).Warm Machine said:It does get much harder in vehicles. Mortars start dropping more, RPG guys are out there more often, and certain vehicles have those slow firing but high damage turrets on them.
Look ten posts above yours:slasher_thrasher21 said:Any word on the save glitch being fixed?
endlessflood said:Look ten posts above yours:
Lonesome_Raod said:Now I have the saved game bug. My save of 62% just locks the console up when trying to load it. It's pretty common looking over on the official forums. I'm rather pissed off.
I've finished the game on 360 without ever getting the save bug.Ledsen said:I actually haven't heard of a single person playing on 360 not getting the bug when they're about 60-70% through.
web01 said:So did anyone see there is new DLC coming for the game?
Couple new vehicles and weapons including get this.. silenced shotgun.
MicVlaD said:I've finished the game on 360 without ever getting the save bug.
So there.
I think I did at least half of them in total. I completed most of the weapon merchant missions, a few assassination missions (the one you trigger by going to one of those cellphone antenna's), some Black Hand missions and a couple of Buddy missions. I stopped doing those in the long run though because they hardly provided any worthwhile variation.Ledsen said:Did you do most or all of the side missions?
I never encountered the bug. Finished the story; finished all weapon, cell tower, and underground missions; unlocked every safe house and scouted every guard post; subverted all main faction missions. My game completion progress was well over 70% when I finished the game. All on a single save file.Ledsen said:I actually haven't heard of a single person playing on 360 not getting the bug when they're about 60-70% through.
Yes, a winner is you. You have defeated the evil forces of Ubisoft QA. Rest easy now hero.Exarchos said:I never encountered the bug. Finished the story; finished all weapon, cell tower, and underground missions; unlocked every safe house and scouted every guard post; subverted all main faction missions. My game completion progress was well over 70% when I finished the game. All on a single save file.
Do I win?
MicVlaD said:I think I did at least half of them in total. I completed most of the weapon merchant missions, a few assassination missions (the one you trigger by going to one of those cellphone antenna's), some Black Hand missions and a couple of Buddy missions. I stopped doing those in the long run though because they hardly provided any worthwhile variation.
I did switch between two save files (and ONLY those two) every time the game allowed me to save (be it automatic like after a bus ride or manual), but I'm not sure if that would make any difference.
Exarchos said:I never encountered the bug. Finished the story; finished all weapon, cell tower, and underground missions; unlocked every safe house and scouted every guard post; subverted all main faction missions. My game completion progress was well over 70% when I finished the game. All on a single save file.
Do I win?
Ledsen said:I actually haven't heard of a single person playing on 360 not getting the bug when they're about 60-70% through.
Yes, the game has trophy support. This is actually the first game that I've ever gotten trophies for. I think that 22mb patch has something to do with multiplayer. I'm not too sure. The more recent patch (1.02) took care of some issues with the game, like a gold gun not appearing, etc... But this patch most importantly, took care of a save glitch I was experiencing with the game. I'm about 65% progress in the game so far and I'm still digging the game. Like John Davison said on 1up yours, this fps is kinda refreshing in the way you tackle missions, traveling the open world looking for jobs to do... I like the game.LiquidMetal14 said:Just impulse bought this based on 3 friends buying the PS3 version. Does this have trophy support? And how long has the PS3 patch been out because it asked me to patch a 22MB file when I first booted it.
:O!EazyB said:Also posted this in the Halo thread, but I recorded some clips of my Halo 3 Valhalla remake that I made using the 360 version of Far Cry's map editor. Beware, the video quality is shit but I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless.
Really impressed with Far Cry's map editor. Spent around 12-15 hours making the map as it was my first (and only) experience with the editor. More time than I've spent with the actual game.![]()
It's a shame more people don't play online but I had a blast making it anyways.
I imagine they'd get in trouble for adding those poaching missions, but I kept thinking throughout the entire campaign how Far Cry 2 would've been if it had more wildlife. Especially the aggressive kind, like lions and such, whose A.I. you could manipulate in certain ways if you had the proper tools.Warm Machine said:I never had the bug.
As for DLC for this game I think thematically if they did a poacher set of missions where dudes were killing off the wildlife on the map and you had to stop them it would be pretty cool. Add some elephants in there for the ivory trade, put some lions in there as predatory element and then use locations like the slaughterhouse that you have to wipeout completely.
Have a dynamically color coded change to the map that shows wildlife density in various areas and completion of that SP campaign with highest animal survival rate would result in the player grading.
There is so much in that pre established environment that they could do.
MicVlaD said:I imagine they'd get in trouble for adding those poaching missions,
The map should be uploaded. One version is named exactly Valhalla and is closer to the Halo 3 setup of the map (no tall grass and boring lighting). The other one is named Valhalcry and feels a little more Far Cry-y.fernoca said::O!
Did you upload it already? If so..what's the name? Vahalcry too?
Shake Appeal said:The save bug is so easy to avoid, though.
Why oh why are you not saving in multiple slots? Has years of gaming taught you nothing?
Minotauro said:Has there been any word on a patch or a mod for the PC version to remove/fix some of the tedious aspects of the game? I really, really wanna play it but I know the random battles, malaria, and weapon degradation will irritate me to no end.