I'm using that .gif in a class project I have to make, if you don't mind. :lol
So a friend of mine is saying that it took him 22 hours to complete everything in this game, all the collectibles and shit. I'm finding conflicting evidence in this thread.
Am I to assume that he is simply on drugs or something ? I can't fanthom it taking this long when everyone is saying they beat the game in an average of 4 to 5 hours.
Looks to me like you didnt get a rocket guy
Looks to me like you didnt get a rocket guy
I'm using that .gif in a class project I have to make, if you don't mind. :lol
400G on this game now. I suggest that you get a lot of money near the start because I have all garrisons turned and all missions done and needed like 8000 monies for the weapon attachments achievement. It took longer than expected because I had to look for random battles and chests to pilfer.
Enjoyed my time on it so far, and I'll be going for hard this weekend.
Wait, why does my gun shoot regular bullets instead of lasers now... get thet shit out of there.
Erm can I get help with the weapon wheel?
Like, I have the smg and pistol equipped. I wanna change the pistol for the sniper. So I equip my pistol, open the wheel, point to the sniper, it highlights the sniper instead of the pistol, I pull out my sniper... But then when I switch weapons for some reason the pistol has now replaced my smg so I have sniper / pistol now instead of smg / sniper. Wth? I know I'm being stupid but Ive tried a lot of different stuff, I don't get weapon wheels a lot of the time for some reason.
(on ps3 btw)
Think you manage wheel position at the bases. As you you select a weapon you want to equip to the wheel, when the wheel appears you select the one you want to replace.
For example up = pistol, right = machine, down = sniper, left = shotgun.
Then if you went to a base you could see your list of weapons...
Pistol - equipped
Machine - equipped
Sniper - equipped
Shotgun - equipped
For the sake of example you want to use your Bow now. So from the base select the bow and your wheel will appear, then just hover over the weapon you want to replace then select (e.g. hover up then select to replace pistol with the bow). Voila.
Bugs like these are quite funny![]()
Sounds like you might be confusing the different switching weapon functions.Lol thanks, I was also wondering how to do this, but unfortunately my problem is even simpler :/
I mean like in the field, if I'm in the middle of a fight and try to switch my secondary from a sniper (that i used to approach an enemy) to my pistol (which I want now that I'm close up), it always seems to also switch my primary in an unpredictable fashion. So I'll have my pistol as my secondary now, but when I try to switch back to my primary suddenly it's not my smg anymore, it's either the sniper or shotgun. It just makes it impossible to reliably switch to the gun combo that I want on the fly.
Like I said, I seem to be missing something really fundamental (or the weapon wheel select system is not to my liking at all lol)
If I'm doing a bad job explaining this don't worry about it, you already helped me with something else I was wondering (durr where's mah bow?) so thanks either way.
Sounds like you might be confusing the different switching weapon functions.
There's no primary/secondary preset afaik.
Just the weapon wheel and the last weapon used function. The last weapon you used is always the last weapon you held before the one you hold now, not a locked preset.
So, if you use the wheel to change from pistol to sniper to bow, then press the last weapon used button, it will change to sniper. If you then press it again, it will change to bow.
If you want to always switch from sniper to pistol then you have to use the pistol, then switch to the sniper, then not switch again with anything but the last weapon used button and it should work.
Just guessing here how it might be with a controller, since I play on PC and switch with the number keys to the exact weapon I want, the mouse wheel to the next/previous weapon in the cycle when needed, the last weapon used key whenever I know the weapon I want is the last one I was holding, etc, I never really use the wheel outside changing loadout, but I imagine that is how it works when you don't have number keys/mouse wheel.
Maybe they have changed how it works on a controller/console and the above is all wrong or you're getting a bug that makes the last weapon used not work properly.
Pm sentI've got a key for the UPlay version of this to give away if anyone's interested, send me a PM.
I reviewed this but I'm not sure what the rule is for posting your own reviews.
Aww, the Blood Dragon Kotaku thread got locked. I'm just watching the credits now. Amazing game, but I seriously wanted to put the controller down after the gay joke. It was a really bad gay joke. I literally fucking cringed when I heard it. I do like the post 80's interpretations of it and how people think this was somehow the zeitgeist of manliness or something in the 80's and how just relax dude. Here's some real talk. In the 80's you wouldn't hear a gay joke in a popular action film. In the 80's we were taught to look at gay people as plague carriers. Of course I didn't believe that shit, but that's what we were taught. I know I'm going to get flamed. Everything in here was spot on 80s and I loved it, except the stupid gay joke. I'm straight and white. I just wonder what people would think if they made a black joke or jewish joke at the start of the game. Don't give me that my best friends are gay and shit. It's just fucking wrong. It's hard enough trying to explain to 12-year-olds on Xbox Live why it's not cool to call people faggots. It's harder still when our past homophobia is enshrined in content meant to mirror the 80s. As cool as the 80s were. we were still really racist, homophobic people back then.
lol riding the shark
Indeed.I'm not gonna dilute this thread with another discussion on the matter, but allow me to say that I think this whole "homophobia" thing has been blown way out of proportion.
Lol what do you mean maybe you'll buy it soon? That's an awkwardly ambiguous thing to end your post with. Did you play at a friend's house? Rent? Pirate? Just curious. Seems like you're fishing for this question so I'll bite