Ubisoft. Just. Rules.
Though the Xbox version will have the same storyline as its PC counterpart, playing through the story won't be exactly the same, as the maps will be tweaked as well as given some new additions. Throw in sixteen player multiplayer on Xbox Live and a powerful map creator, and Far Cry: Instincts is primed to follow its PC brother in its success.
Far Cry: Instincts has a couple features that the PC game didn't get. There will be several brand new locations to explore, such as abandoned mines, aquatic labs, and others. A jet ski has also been added, which comes in handy to quickly zip around the water (you are on a tropical island, after all). Live play will also be supported with over eight unique modes. Deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag are obvious, but so far Ubisoft is keeping mum on the other modes.
http://www.gamedaily.com/xbox/preview/?id=193&game_id=2882Probably the coolest feature for Instincts is a full-blown map editor giving players to create their own maps for split screen play and to upload to Live. This is a powerful addition that is traditionally a PC feature and will add loads of longevity as gamers test their creativity. The editor has been specially designed for the Xbox controller to ensure easy map creation, and you can even switch from editing and playing with the push of a trigger. That's right, from the editing mode, you can immediately hop into the map, take a look around to see how things are working, then jump back to editing mode and continue tweaking.