Bog said:So I take it this isn't worth getting for someone who has an unopened copy of F-Zero GX in the other room that he still hasn't played?
F-Zero GX is the best the genre has to offerBog said:So I take it this isn't worth getting for someone who has an unopened copy of F-Zero GX in the other room that he still hasn't played?
Celine said:.with F-Zero X
Everything except the Gamecube controller.uchihasasuke said:which controllers are compatible with the game?
Probably has to do with your county. Don't know why they need that. You can find what county (not country) you live in on their site. Just google "Wii Shop Channel county"Tansut said:I'd be playing this right now if Nintendo would let me buy Wii points off of them. Everytime I try to do it I get some stupid error saying that they "can not verify credit card at this time."
I've never had an issue before so I'm a little baffled, and disappointed.![]()
There was meant to be both 'You're 10 seconds behind' and 'You're 20 seconds behind,' but I don't know if they were recorded in the end.OnPoint said:Also, I've only ever heard them say I'm either 5 or 2 seconds ahead... did they even record audio for the other numbers?
OnPoint said:Alright, so I spent about 40 or so minutes with this, and I can say that I don't think I really like it for one simple reason: the phasing mechanic is not balanced properly.
I like the idea of switching your color for boost pads. I also like the idea that when they're on the ceiling you need to match your color and flip upside-down. I do NOT like the idea that you can't switch at will if you don't have a power-up to do so.
Granted, it's the only power-up in the game, and you can store several at a time. But if you boost along a straight away and drain your meter (they use the same one, boosting just takes more energy, like four instead of one), you can really screw yourself if you're heading straight toward a wall and need to switch for a jump pad.
Should you need to learn the tracks? Yeah, this will help prevent you from draining your meter completely when critical spots are coming up. But there doesn't seem to be a free-play mode in single player to do so. And if you drop from first to fifth in FAST, there's next to no chance you're coming back to win against the computer because there's next to no variance in how they race -- they're like perfect, pre-recorded ghost laps and boost at what seem to be the perfect points. I found that if I boost into first place right away and race cleanly, the computer can't touch me either and I'll spend the entire match two to five seconds ahead. The game is missing some sort of variable to balance that out.
It's a shame too, because the makings of a truly great racer are here, but these two details are killing it for me so far.
SneakyStephan said:Are you seriously complaining about the absence of rubber banding and the fact that you need to manage your powerups and can't just mindlessly splurge them away?
This is how fast this game can be:heringer said:Judging from the videos it looks a little slow with uninspired tracks. Will wait for some reviews and impressions.
Celine said:This is how fast this game can be:
Yeah, saw that video yesterday. That's fast enough for me!Celine said:This is how fast this game can be:
NintendoLife reviewed it, they gave it a 9heringer said:Yeah, saw that video yesterday. That's fast enough for me!
Waiting for more impressions though. Still no reviews?
heringer said:Yeah, saw that video yesterday. That's fast enough for me!
Waiting for more impressions though. Still no reviews?
Don't the boosting power up stuff make short work of such distances when activated? How is the seconds ahead time calculated in such a game anyway, that the next dude in line reached the last checkpoint 5 seconds after you? Doesn't seem very accurate. Sucks there's no single race mode, but maybe it will make the single player last longer? Sometimes restrictions that may seem dumb work to the gameplay's favor, like the no quit without saving modes of Mount&Blade that you'd hate in a different title.heringer said:The AI definitely cheats. Sometimes I hear that I'm 5 seconds ahead and one second later, without any mistake of my own, a racer passes flying through me.
Even though the boosting can take care of the difference, it's ALWAYS on the third lap. It's a pretty shameless rubberband. Game is still fun though, and I just learned that you can't do a few cheap shortcuts. Hey, if the game can cheat me I'm definitely going to cheat back!Alextended said:Don't the boosting power up stuff make short work of such distances when activated? How is the seconds ahead time calculated in such a game anyway, that the next dude in line reached the last checkpoint 5 seconds after you? Doesn't seem very accurate. Sucks there's no single race mode, but maybe it will make the single player last longer? Sometimes restrictions that may seem dumb work to the gameplay's favor, like the no quit without saving modes of Mount&Blade that you'd hate in a different title.
heringer said:Ugh, now I'm frustrated.
The AI definitely cheats. Sometimes I hear that I'm 5 seconds ahead and one second later, without any mistake of my own, a racer passes flying through me.
Also, this game has a huge flaw: you can't replay races or free play any course. So, if you want to learn the last course of a cup you have to play all the three races first. It's dumb.
Shame, because the core gameplay is really tight.
I stand corrected then. Good to know.Manmedaz said:Well, that is only partially true. You do have to beaten the leagues in the first level of difficulty in a row, but once you did beat it, you can use the time attack mode to train. This is especially useful since the game becomes harder on higher difficulties and your mistakes cost a lot more then.
Manmedaz said:Well, that is only partially true. You do have to beaten the leagues in the first level of difficulty in a row, but once you did beat it, you can use the time attack mode to train. This is especially useful since the game becomes harder on higher difficulties and your mistakes cost a lot more then.
Well, he is using the fastest ship to pull these off at later classes, so perhaps not all of these are possible most of the time.VariantX said:Damn rainbow road 64 don't have anything on these shortcuts one of em literally bypasses the entire track
Hmm just tried out the demo. Though it's just 1 track, the concept and the whole package did impress me more than I would have thought.
I'm a HUUUUUGE F-Zero fan and I could defintely see some resemblance here and there.
I'm still on the fence wether or not make a full purchase (it's pretty cheap, but I'm pretty low on money as I'm currently without a job).
But if it offers as much fun and replay value as a full game my wallet would probably want me to get this
Any strong recommendations/criticism?