It's a map apparently and the only game mode for it is football.Label said:Woah woah woah!
How the hell do you play football? It looks insanely fun :lol
It's a map apparently and the only game mode for it is football.Label said:Woah woah woah!
How the hell do you play football? It looks insanely fun :lol
enewtabie said:I will saythe credits are the best I've seen in a video game in a while.killing![]()
Flick the right stickShadow780 said:Also how do you switch targets with lock-on?
Revolutionary said:Flick the right stick
raziel said:how is the sp?
h4k said:Anyone got tips on how to excel in this game? I just played for an hour and it's fun but I feel like I'm too noob-like.
2 quick questions:
What is the "1" representing to the left of 1040 (the points of the user)?
I noticed on the player list that every "real person" has a white icon except one who has this crown icon. Is that person the "king" or something?
Rlan said:Battlefield 1943 $14.99USD, Fat Princess $14.99USD.
Battlefield 1943 $19.95AUD, Fat Princess $23.95AUD
Fuck you SCEU.
yeah, hopefully there will be much more players later.Raging Spaniard said:Played a game online and was having fun till I realized only 2 other people were actual players ... somehow that made me turn the game off :|
Loving it though, will play more later.
TheExodu5 said:I guess I'm one of the lucky users. No problems connecting to matches, and everything seemed relatively lagless.
30fps is a major letdown though.![]()
Kintaro said:Tried to connect to a match 10 times. No luck. Turned game off in disgust. I've just had terrible luck getting games on PS3 to play well online. =/
| Attempt | Start | End | Success | Wait in Min |
| 1 | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:43> | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:44> | No | 1 |
| 2 | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:45> | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:46> | No | 1 |
| 3 | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:48> | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:49> | No | 1 |
| 4 | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:49> | <2009-07-31 Fri 04:51> | Yes | 2 |
| 5 | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:22> | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:23> | No | 1 |
| 6 | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:27> | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:28> | No | 1 |
| 7 | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:29> | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:30> | No | 1 |
| 8 | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:30> | <2009-07-31 Fri 05:31> | Yes | 1 |
| 9 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:16> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:17> | No | 1 |
| 10 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:19> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:20> | Yes | 1 |
| 11 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:20> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:21> | No | 1 |
| 12 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:22> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:23> | No | 1 |
| 13 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:23> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:24> | No | 1 |
| 14 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:25> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:25> | No | 0 |
| 15 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:26> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:27> | Yes | 1 |
| 16 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:28> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:29> | No | 1 |
| 17 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:30> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:31> | No | 1 |
| 18 | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:33> | <2009-07-31 Fri 06:34> | No | 1 |
| Results | | | 22% | 1.0 |
xero273 said:so i'm new to this gafchat thing. Do some of you use a usb keyboard to type so fast?
Keep an eye on this thread as I will rehost full 32p matches oftenKuro Madoushi said:Tried to connect 5 times...but when I did, I was able to go for about 2hours before the host quit.
Not sure if it's worth the money so far. I like the setting and the art style, but man...the people you play with don't have a mic, are douchebags, and there's no coordination, just mayhem. I was only 1 of 2 workers actually fixing shit. When I got tired of it, I took over the base near the opponent's castle and just started tossing bombs. I had pretty much everyone's attention, but my fucking team still didn't get the hint.
You want that type for sure.Nemesis556 said:Is Type 2 NAT good? I can't ever get it to Type 1, no matter how hard I try. =/
mgviperman said:Good games tonight guys. Diagol is a freaking beast!
Nemesis556 said:Is Type 2 NAT good? I can't ever get it to Type 1, no matter how hard I try. =/